Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

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Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Any of you guys wanting a cheaper insurance please give me a phone call at the shop or an email

I have a connection for insurance that I beleive is what we have been looking for...

Hopefully Alberta guys from the other V8 site will get this message as I am not going to post there...will get chastisied for something or other..

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

Just got your message Barry..... fire away. Either on here, PM, or cell phone.... should I call you?

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Ric...give me a call at work tommorrow sometime...10 to 4...we won't know for sure if this is the real thing as they are quoting until I actually have someone get a da man... and all fingers could be ve4ry very good!!

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

Just got back from Hobbema Reserve... major job... so mind is still like peanut butter... any thoughts you might give ME a shout tomorrow? I know you're busy, but I'm a forgetful lame-ass....

I know this potential project benefiet's me... but still... a little prodding my way might prove to be the answer we Canuck BH riders need!

(780- 808-3561) My cell. At YOUR convenience!!!!

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Ric wrote:Just got back from Hobbema Reserve... major job... so mind is still like peanut butter... any thoughts you might give ME a shout tomorrow? I know you're busy, but I'm a forgetful lame-ass....

I know this potential project benefiet's me... but still... a little prodding my way might prove to be the answer we Canuck Boss Hoss riders need!

(780- 808-3561) My cell. At YOUR convenience!!!!
For fuck sake Ric...get off your ass and give me a call that is going to save YOU money!! nothing in it for me as I have dealer insurance...totally different.

Sounds a bit harsh?..I was only kidding so don't rag on me..HAHAHAA..just wanted to get your attention....but I will try and call you tommorrow on the number you gave and give you the info that I am hoping leads to a substantial saving to you and all the other Boss Hoss bikes in Alberta.

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

Harsh? Naaaaah.... don't forget, I lived with a woman from Northern Quebec for six years. And I was a Drill Sergeant for 8 years. 'Wimp.'

Of course, any efforts you put forth for us Customers is wildly appreciated. I'm working on the Saskatchewan side of Lloyd. out of town, and shitty cell coverage. I try calling out and it Roams... phone goes dead. I'm on Telus, and thinking of changing to a better service.

Now that I've whined about my tale of woe... I also have a few things I'd like to order soon.

First on the list is 'Better Insurance'. It took me awhile as I sat here in the dark with Budweiser in hand, why you wouldn't simply post the info. But after reading your bit from the other day... I can see why.

I'll give you a shout as quick as I'm able.

Thanks my Brudda.

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Ric wrote:Harsh? Naaaaah.... don't forget, I lived with a woman from Northern Quebec for six years. And I was a Drill Sergeant for 8 years. 'Wimp.'
Ric...any updates????

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

Towards the end of next week I should know, Barry.

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Ric wrote:Towards the end of next week I should know, Barry.
OK Ric,,,thanks

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Ric,,,I am not a patient man...any word?????

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

More money out than is coming in. Have to keep the bizznazz going, or I don't get to do squat. My trade has it's complications where you have to wait a bit. But I'm going with Shay, that's a given. I'll keep you posted.

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Hey want to post this on the other board?? I really want to stay off it as much as I can but this thread will be a real help to all Albertans owning a Hoss

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

I'll spread the word Barry... She sounds legit... will submit my order with her hopefully next week. Sometimes I almost hate working for myself, as not all customers divvy up when requested... but that's fine, you'll get that... as you know.

All the questions she's asked, and promises she's levyed... seems like the real deal. When things go through... I have over 30 people that are waiting to hear what their prices are. I guess I'm exaggerating a bit... it's over 40 people that want to deal with them and their rates.

Of course we are at the mercy of the first claim... and how they perform, Heaven forbid... that someone has to test the waters...

Thanks for the intel, and your patience on this. Oh... and email her number again to me... I wrote it on the back of a customer work order, I was so happy to get it.... and now the W.O. is gone. LOL

And please send the brake pads... I've e-mailed you the details... Thanks my Brudda!

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Ric wrote:
And please send the brake pads... I've e-mailed you the details... Thanks my Brudda!
Ric...i did not get your email with the card info today...Saturday...not sure what happened...

Anyways her name is Shay 403-980-0232

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

Barry... I'm going with Shay with insurance... we are finallizing the details... but I had a shit-load of more info to lay on you... but I 'edited' my original file... and it said it filed it into my 'Drafts' folder... but can't find it! I'm mad enough to go get another beer!

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »

Where the hell is Bryan ward???? How come you don't have a quote yet???

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by Ric »

Thanks to Barry Radu of Destination Cycles in Airdrie Alberta, he led me to a gal that offers undisputed insurance for Boss Hoss motorcycles and trikes! I know many of our American Bros, don't have many problems... but the crazy notion that most insurance companies here in Canada can't get by the over 2000 cc engine size limits their Underwriters impose... So here's the latest skinny on a fabulous experience in obtaining insurance.

Shay Hambley (My agent) is deeply involved in motorcycles herself, and she was amazing in making this Boss Hoss deal go through! EVERY TIME I called, she MADE time to work with me. I live 7 hours north of her city... She even took her own time to help out after hours! Thanks to Barry for sending her my way... here's the scoop.

Barry, I'm not at all shy to say that I have full coverage with PL/PD, Fire, Theft, and Collision for the sum of $530.00 anually. $1000.00 deductible.

The info she needed was pictures of the bike. A copy of my Registration. And she e-mailed me my documents for me to print - sign - and rescan, to send back to her. She can only make this work if she receives a cheque. I valued my bike at $46,000.00 and THAT is what it's covered for.

Don't just leave it at this... alert your Harley buddies too!

Limitations? Your premium will be determined on the number of years you have had a class six or motorcycle liscence if it's different in other provinces. Number of speeding tickets in the last two or three years (Photo-radar does not count) Number of insurance claims, and tell her the truth, because they have to obtain a driver's abstract.

Contact Shay at this info. Regardless of Province.

Shay Hambley
A-WIN Insurance
Diversified Insurance Services Ltd.
Phone: 403-980-0232
Cell Phone: 403-803-1677

Don't forget, your driving and insurance history will dictate the coverage they offer... but they DO NOT think of the vehicle by engine size... The premiums are paid by the dollar value you put on the bikes and trikes. I did not need an assessment to prove value, as Shay knows a bit about the Boss Hoss, and the insurance company is fine with that. my '06 502 BB was valued at the price I paid for it two years ago... and they didn't bat an eye. So be realistic when you quote the value of your bikes. Because they have a bit of an idea what's real or not.

They also do other insurance, including business insurance... I'm going to look into that as well.

So get off your Asses you Crazy Canucks and give SHAY a call! What's to loose?

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Re: Calling All Albertan's with Boss Hoss

Post by CanuckHoss »


One of my friends and customers with a 2003 SB bagger I sold him a couple years ago was in and that reminded me to ask him what he was paying for insurance...I thought he had told me before about $1200.

He said $2000 a year....WOW...when I told him your story he was flying high...he will be saving around $1500 a year.

Thanks for doing the leg work to get this going and get the first quote/policy from Shay.

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

ImageAirdrie, Alberta Canada

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