Good friend gets hit on his bike

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Good friend gets hit on his bike

Post by CanuckHoss »

This is a good friend of mine who I have not seen for 28 years...called his wife yesterday to ask how he was doing and give a long distance hug....funny how accidents bring us closer together. ... 23829.html

And here is a bit of his condition right after the accident:

Quote :

"Lee is in Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. He was the victim of a young woman who lost control of her car on I-5 and hit the center jersey barrier as he was coming up that lane on his motorcycle. This was Saturday at about 5:30pm.

Lee is much better than he was having passed the critical 24-48 hours. He has several broken ribs on both sides, a broken collarbone and scapula, a cracked hit socket bone and possibly a broken elbow (left). The head injury is improved so they removed a pressure gauge (well that's what it does - I'm sure it has a fancy name) yesterday. He has no internal injuries. His lungs are bruised but not puncture, and the bruises will get will get worse in the next 24 hours and then better. They still have him sedated but yesterday he was responsive to all of us. He is moving his arms and legs so they weighted down the left one - with the hip fracture - to keep him from pulling the thigh bone/ball joint into the socket and making the crack worse until they decide if it needs repair or will heal on it's own. He did not dislocate his shoulder as the original team thought. Today they plan to close up the exploratory incision in his belly and to examine his hip to see if they need to fix it or let it heal on it's own.

(Plus 2 days into it he had a heart attack and almost died)

We talked to the State Trooper land he says witnesses say the car was in the second from right lane and Lee was in the far left HOV/Carpool lane, 2 or 3 lanes over. The car started to fishtail and then just ran to the left and hit the jersey barrier. Lee couldn't avoid it although the Trooper said he tried and scraped along the jersey barrier. He then hit the car in the front door. All his injuries are consistent with that story. The Trooper said the young lady driving the car says she wasn't doing anything - like texting - and doesn't know what happened. He said she wasn't really speeding. She and her sister were in Harborview too but not broken bones or bad injuries. The Troopers are taking it very seriously and will make sure they have the story." End Quote

I guess it does not matter if you are goofing around on your bike or driving very safely minding your own business...SHEET HAPPENS!!

Lee is a motorcycle driving insrtuctor in Seattle and I am told one of the best in Washington....he got me started into motorcycling.

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Good friend gets hit on his bike

Post by Smoke'em »

And I thought I had it bad. Jeez....Sorry to hear of his accident. Barry, you should see my helmet....cracks and gouges all over it. Least the head is ok.

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Re: Good friend gets hit on his bike

Post by CanuckHoss »

Thanks guys...he is not in the clear yet...too old for shit like that but hopefully he will make a full recovery

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

ImageAirdrie, Alberta Canada

"Just BE HAPPY!! BE HAPPY!! BE HAPPY!!"--Abraham
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