1600 pics from Pullman City

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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Redtro »

Paul H
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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Paul H »

I love what some of you guys have done with
the butt ugly BH tank. I have never like that
tank from the get go. Now it getting easier to
take with some of those slick new ideas.
Thanks for the tanks, guys.

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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Elvis »

Thanks for the Pic's
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Swiss V8
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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Swiss V8 »

w1ldman wrote: Hey Aussie, Did ya catch Birgers' bad azz creation? I saw a video with him carrying the seat and tank which are all one unit and not the actual gas tank at all. The tank is under the seat like on his big block bike. I always thought this would be a good way to lower the center of gravity and make the bikes easier to maintain! Nice bike Birger!! WM
The only downside of it is, that this bike was one of the original blower bikes...

But, hey, Birger has really great ideas. And he makes them true!

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Swiss V8
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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Swiss V8 »

w1ldman wrote:Damn! Today I get a dvd from Olaf with 1600 pics at Pullman City/Harz Germany Boss Hoss Rally.

Olaf's Pics
Mike's Pics
Uwe's Pics
Henry's Pics
Heike's Pics
Ulli's Pics
Greatwussel's Pics
Olli's Pics
Claudio's Pics
Biene und Peter's Pics
Horst's (Drescher13) Pics

Some cool stuff in there! They really have made some cool modifications to some of the bikes and damn does it look like they have fun at their rally!! I'll try to post some when I have time.

Many, many thanks for the pics to Olaf and the rest of you!! WM
I'm always a bit on the slower side with the pics. But here are mine:
http://s604.photobucket.com/albums/tt12 ... rz%202010/

That's how I started...

And that's how it peaked Saturday afternoon...

I had my PC running twice for 14h to get the pics loaded. :roll:
The video clips will follow soon... :?

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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Puff »

Thanks to ALL for their Pics of Pullman City/Harz 2010 !
Almost feel like I was there!
I WILL be there in 2011 !

Please e-mail me.
We will start working on my trip over for next summer!

Bill Van Sant

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Swiss V8
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Re: 1600 pics from Pullman City

Post by Swiss V8 »

And here are the clips:
http://s604.photobucket.com/albums/tt12 ... 010/Clips/

The first ones are from the band playing Friday evening. That was one great Rockabilly Band.
Watch the string base player and his instrument :shock: :o :lol: 8-) :twisted:

The others are taken at the airport where we went with the ride on Saturday afternoon.
They measured 1/8 of a mile and we had some fun with racing the Bosses :mrgreen:

BHRA President Europe
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