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topics about v8 bikes and their owners
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Carl La Fong
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Board Activity

Post by Carl La Fong »

I, along with a few others (I presume) got a message from Bill, encouraging us to post more often to try to pump some life into this forum. I replied that I would try to support the board, but I usually post in response to the musings, questions, problems and idiocy of others. My life is not all that interesting, so I seldom have anything compelling to report. My bike is running just fine and I take it out as often as I can. I guess because I eliminated all of the troublesome parts, I can't log on and whine about my fuel pump crapping out or the debris in my trans pan. Reliability is boring.
Things aren't any better on the other board. There is turmoil in South Africa, but that is about it. Now that riding season is here (it never left, here in SoCal) maybe things will pick up. We'll see.
I suppose I've gotten, somewhat, gun shy. Since getting my first computer in 2000, I have posted on a lot of different boards covering a lot of different subjects. Cars, old and new, bikes (of course), woodworking, home machining etc., etc. A few, I'm still active on and some just faded away. The odd thing about the V8 boards is the number of enemies that I've accrued. My personality is seen by some as being abrasive and arrogant. I've been called a know it all, a bully and worse. None of these are completely true. I know what I know and I will not be swayed from those positions. I don't care, one whit, if someone chooses to ignore my advise. If it turns out that I was right and you were wrong, I may gloat. I am not a humble winner but I'm, also, not a sore loser (well, I may pout for a day or two). Part of the reason I left the other board is, I feel they were tired of me. Those who made it clear that, that was the case, may find my departure well timed. I don't know. It's cool. I do miss the banter and jumping in and stirring things up a bit. There was never any malice intended, so for those who's vaginas were injured, I'm, somewhat, sorry............that your vagina hurts
I wonder what happened here. There were a lot more folks posting here, especially from overseas. Was there a falling out that I missed? Are they posting elsewhere?
So, for now, I guess I'll wait for someone to post something that interests me, some tech question I can help with or to make a boneheaded statement so I can mock and humiliate them with my rapier-like wit.
Visit My Blog-Carl La Fong, Boy Genius™
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Re: Board Activity

Post by Smoke'em »

John, what bike is that on the post? Different from the one I remember with the headlight shroud/cover and paint. One thing about you is you can let zingers fly and one has to have a thick skin or a rebounding vagina as you say. You have those ying and yang posts and one never knows where you will light. If anyone thinks that you are an insensitive asshole all the need to do is read your blog. The post on your brother was unbelievable regarding the thoughtfulness you put into his last memorial gift from you. Another telling and very special insight to your being was the Laural and Hardy connection and subsequent tattoo for you and your granddaughter. Makes you want to meet her and see what else rubbed off. Those two blog posts showed a very special person indeed and anytime you run off the rails perception wise one just needs to remember that unbelievably caring personal and deep side of you. I can also recall over the years other blog posts that show that truly you are a caring intelligent resourceful and creative fun to follow and read up on. Thick skin or flame suit as they say sometimes needed. You have tossed perhaps unknowingly a few pokes at me or least interpreted that way. I do not think there is anyone quite like you for sure. Do not think I know of anyone as good with his hands and brain frankly. Ahh shucks man, jeez all those nice thing for me you say? Not your style so go fuck yourself.

"Speed costs money. How fast do you wanna go?"
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Carl La Fong
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Re: Board Activity

Post by Carl La Fong »

KABOOM wrote: Ahh shucks man, jeez all those nice thing for me you say? Not your style so go fuck yourself.
Geeze (sniff sniff), I'm touched by the sentiment. So warm and fuzzy.
It's the same bike. The whole story is in the blog. I lost the headlight shroud and the flames. The paint looks like crap in person. I'm gonna reshoot it this winter with some better stuff
Visit My Blog-Carl La Fong, Boy Genius™
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