
topics about v8 bikes and their owners
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Steve Taylor
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Post by Steve Taylor »

Took my Kannon for the first ride today, can't get the smile off my face. It is so much easier to ride than I expected and surprisingly nimble! Difficult to push backwards though, I can see why some have reverse. The bike is a bit like a V Max on steroids.
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Re: WOW!!!!!

Post by KISS »

I know how you feel! :o 8-) :shock: Congrats!!!!!!
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Re: WOW!!!!!

Post by Els »


Remember that ride! I still think back to my 1st ride on a V8 bike and it's easy to bring that great memory back with a big ol' :D . It actually becomes more fun as time passes.

You should take a break from that weather in a bit over 3 weeks and come over to Daytona. You may have more of a V8 experience in one day there than you will in a life time in England :shock:

Image...Todd, North Carolina
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Re: WOW!!!!!

Post by KISS »

My Kannon story: I started to search for a Boss Hoss directly when it was possible to registrate V8bikes here.I searched week after week from Cycle Trader and from Ebay,and at that time i did not know anything about other V8 bikes than BH. Then one day i found reasonably priced Kannon BB from ebay under Boss Hosses for sale. I started to search info about Kannon,and found out that it doesn´t exist anymore,but it was known as a reliable ride.And i liked the design of it.I made a bid of it,but i did not bid enough.After couple of days the seller contacted me and asked if i´m still interested in buying the bike,which i did and got it home after 2 months. I was in contact w Scot Hough after my purchase ,and i found out that he is a tryly nice and helpful man who has helped me many times w all v8 bike related questions later on. I had a posibility to meet him last year ,and he told me a funny story that he knew the seller from whom i bougt my Kannon and it was him who made a better offer of the bike,but the seller did not want Scot to get any profit w this bike so he decided to sell it to the other side of the planet for less money. :o
My Kannon has been the best buy i have ever made counted w smiles/dollar!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
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Steve Taylor
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Re: WOW!!!!!

Post by Steve Taylor »

Thanks Elliot, got in touch with Jimbo, we're going to meet up when the weather gets better. He has a V8 Chopper and used to import Kannons.
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Re: WOW!!!!!

Post by Tom »

My first V8 bike was a Kannon. I saw my first V8 bike back in the 80s and it was a home built aluminum block Oldsmobile powered bike. I was riding down the freeway on my 750 honda and saw this huge bike ahead.. I wanted a closer look so I speeded up to catch him. Everytime I would almost get up to him he would accelerate and leave me behind. When he finally pulled off the freeway I followed him and got a look.. I knew at that point I had to have a bike like that. Years passed and Boss Hoss came into being. I was riding Harleys by then but still had the bug for a V8.. Just not the money. Then in 2002 I was in Laughlin and Kannon had a couple Demo bikes for sale. A ford and a chevy. I sat on both and started them up. I talked with the guy showing the bikes and agreed on a price but needed to sell my harley to get the money. Needless to say.. I went home and sold the Harley that week. Only thing was.. By that time the Kannon was on the east coast. I sent the check and waited "patiently" for my dream bike to come west. 60 days later we drove to San Diego to the guys house and picked up my bike. We loaded it in the trailer and headed home.. I made it about 100 miles and told the wife.."That`s it... pull over" So we stopped and unloaded it in a rest area... I circled the rest area twice.. twisted the throttle.. and left a nice black stripe... Jumped back on the freeway and rode the last 200 miles home.. Went on a big harley run the next day and felt like a super star. Never looked back. I did have some problems with the trans on the Kannon but it was from tire cords being wrapped around the front pulley from some exibition burn outs they did while showing it. I knew it was "used" and bought it as a used bike with no warranty. I had to replace the output shaft and ring and pinion gears so I contacted Stan. He fixed me up and was there to answer any questons I had during the repair.... Super guy back then too...
Now... 3 Boss Hosses later.... I love my 502 but the Kannon was my first V8... I still miss that bike and If I could have kept them all I would have.
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