9-11 Aniversary

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Crazy Rick
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9-11 Aniversary

Post by Crazy Rick »

This morning is the anniversary of the unprovoked Muslim Terrorist attack on New York City, Pennsylvania and Washington DC.
I have not forgotten that day; I hope you haven’t either. The mainstream left wing media would like for us to forget what happened that day. They want you to believe that it is America’s fault that THEY ATTACT US.

We are now being taken over, not from outside terrorist but from the inside by the Socialist movement in the Democratic Party. The President is not trying to protect the U.S. citizens but instead seeks to protect the Terrorist by undermining the CIA, and our Military.

It is time for the silent majority to stand up and be counted. We have sat on the sidelines thinking that our politicians were taking care of business, when in fact they only take care of themselves, not America.

“We The People” are the only thing that is going to stop the Socialist madness. Take time this morning to remember 9-11 and then email, call, write your state Senators to protest the healthcare takeover. Then do it again and again.

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have" -Thomas Jefferson

January 20th 2013, “Obama’s Last Day”
gaston 2005 502
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Re: 9-11 Aniversary

Post by gaston 2005 502 »

I know what this day means to me. I am from South Texas and in June 02 wife and I went to ground zero. There was only a small amount of debris still in the site, but the immensity of what has happened will never be forgotten. The fence full of lost or missing loved ones pictures posted on the perimeter of the old church next door. I tell you, it really did enforce the fact that our great countries following actions were AND are justified. I do believe if retalliation for 9-11 would not have been taken as in the first trade center bombing and the USS Cole bombing, we would be also mourning additional National tradgedies that would have occurred since then. the Loss won't be forgotten here and the 9-11 specials need to be shown on TV every year on this date and show the loss the American people endured and for them to remember as you have stated.

I thank All the U.S. Military, the protectors of our freedoms for guarding our front door. Your service is appreciated.

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Darryl Campbell
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