
topics about v8 bikes and their owners
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Re: Aldo

Post by Elvis »

W1LDMAN wrote:........maybe Kidd or someone will send some more titty shots over to help us........
;) ;) :lol: :lol:
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Re: Aldo

Post by hosszz4 »


The problem is that there is a lot of open sores about the Transmissions name the topic...and there is someone bent of out quality, part availability, design flaws etc.

Yet again..we covered the sores with a) Killing the thread b) Bandaid called Liability and we've eliminated from the mainstream, the best field R&D team in research and repair.

We have no real solution for remote Boss Hoss owners who dont really have a viable financial solution if we cant get critical repair parts. How do you grow a company of you dont have remote owners....1 gets 1, 2 gets 2, 3 gets 3 etc and that is how it expands...painful to support, but the growth must be supported. Remote folks love the exclusivity, but later they want buddies.

So...way too many questions on the table still for transmission. Granted, if you're close to a dealer, the 2 corporate options of new or upgrade through reputable dealers is great. But the quality issue has not been addressed and supporting remote guys not close to a dealer has not been addressed. The message is that if you are on your own, you have to pay way more bucks. Folks will probably go underground and make their own parts or ownership in those areas will recede.

Maybe you can encourage more clarity on transmission upgrades and keep searching for 2008 and 2009 testimonials or Version D testimonials to create more positive news. We dont hear a peep from Nesco or Boss Hoss in the magazine about transmission upgrades.

The biggest failure with transmissions, is the failure to communicate improvements.

Thanks for your efforts. You solved a major problem for how????

communicating a viable message (great relief for those who have good relationships with dealers and considered the options value for money) There is communication required for the rest which is what is bubbling under the carpet. You wouldnt need field repair and R&D on trannies if there was communication about tranny upgrades and repair details explaining upgrades, quality improvements and current operating information from version A to version D.

Ahh..the joys of being in business and in management, in both good and bad times.....whether compensated or volunteer. Both growth and shrinkage kill companies. The ones who are better communicators and evangelists seem to survive.

So encourage a corporate tranny bulletin with customer testimonials. Fix the problems, one by one, fix the quality issues one by one. Then the problem will be disarmed. Cant get rid of the pain of past mistakes...but can be bold and address how old problems have been fixed.

Voices in my head this week...Hendrix...Voodoo CHile ... re=related
40 years later..I still get goose bumps listening to this!!

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Re: Aldo

Post by sb2bb »

8-) Both of you sons a bitches deserve a Bud Light.........Aldo and Wildman.....but we still have a substandard tranny right? Where's my bud at..... :lol: Steve
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Re: Aldo

Post by Els »


Not trying to stir the shit but your analogy doesn't fit. Comparing your homeowners insurance to product liability is like comparing a kids scooter to 747. Yeah, they both have wheels and can transport someone but that's where the comparison stops. It perhaps isn't even that close as one is a homeowners insurance issue, the other an issue which is adjudicated by lawyers.

I have a drop of background here as I've been in the insurance business continually since 1974. Not homeowners or company liability but not too far removed from either. You're not comparing apples with apples.

If there was some clause in their (BH or NESCO) liability policy which indicated what's being suggested, perhaps they should change policies to those from the companies referenced earlier (GM, Ford, Harley, etc) who aren't held liable when selling parts to 2nd or 3rd parties or their customers.

Adrian knows a bit of this himself as he and wife are in the insurance business and have family members in the legal field. Sorry bro', I just don't buy it...but of course I don't need to.

What may be at the heart of what I'm trying to say here is that if it is in fact an insurance and subsequent liability concern, they have numerous avenues around that. If they were to pursue this route, they could then accommodate what their customers are looking for and may ultimately serve them best. Just a thought.

Image...Todd, North Carolina
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