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Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 3:17 pm
by Iron Maiden
Nice pic - even though you high jacked the thread - LOL!!!

Incredible Balancing Act

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:20 pm
by w1ldman
*Kids, Do not try this at home!



Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:59 pm
by V8 Perv
Wildman that was totally awesome! :thumbup:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:06 pm
by Geezer

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:27 pm
by Puff



Great balancing act !


Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 8:24 am
by w1ldman
SRF wrote: Wouldn't Deb be the leader since she posted the pic?
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! Congratulations Wheelie. It's in the mail to you today.

Another bad idea is in the books. :lol:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:02 am
by Harold Blocker
Here you can pick your own winner.....however there are few losers in this group. ... 277&type=1

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:33 am
by V8 Perv
Wildman hold the fucking boat! You said I was the judge and you just overstepped your authority!

Since Deb is related to me or having relations with me she is disqualified!

I would award the prize for the great bouncing boob video but you are
too close to the site so I just disqualified your miserable ass!

THE WINNER IS Harold Blocker for his link to the huge assortment
of beautiful breasts. The judges decision is final no whining allowed.

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:49 am
by w1ldman
Sorry Deb, Judges decision if final. However we would like to offer you our alternate prizes. Your choice.



Prize re routed just in time Judge. Congratulations? Harold. WM

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:16 pm
by Harold Blocker
Talk about backing into a win! Hey, I'll take it! It's obvious I ain't too proud to do it.

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 2:22 pm
by Harold Blocker
Blue Seas arrived today! Thanks Wildman! It will be put to good use for sure.

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2012 9:44 am
by V8Bikers
Congrats Harold!

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:08 pm
by ElsV8
With respect to "New Sheriff in town":

:D 8-) :thumbup: :siterock: :yourock: :badtothebone: :welcome: :ten:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:14 pm
by ElsV8
With respect to all the "dead cat" references WM, sorry, I'm one of those girlie man cat loving V8 biker types. Got 6 of 'em rescued from duechebags that for whatever reason get a boner abusing them. If I were to catch one doing so, it would be me doing some abusing I promise.

That said and now aside, any more dead cat references and I'm going to let the cat out of the bag as to why your nickname other than Wildman is Needledickthebugfucker :rofl:

E :banmeplease:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:47 pm
by SF
V8Bikers wrote:This is to notify everyone that I am the new owner of this site!

Thanks for taking the bull by the horns Bill.


Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 8:51 am
by V8Bikers
I appreiciate that SF, am having a lot of fun behind the scenes making changes and should have a different look in about 2 weeks.

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 9:18 pm
by Carl La Fong
I have been posting on the "other" site for 6 years or so. I was not there during the Yahoo period, so I can't comment. Sounds like it was fun. The site has slowly gone into the dumper, for a while, for reasons that have been noted. Lately, I have just had no desire to participate in the crapfest. The moderating is even worse than before. The whining and infighting, the PC crapola and the general idiocy has become insufferable. I was accused, by the admin of mining his site, for it's members, for "my site", ie; this one. He seems to think I'm an owner here?!?!?! The threats to remove posts if a thread is hijacked was stupid to the extreme. The poll that someone started, to determine the ages of BH riders, was sniveled about as being exclusionary and all V8 riders should have been asked so they wouldn't get all butt hurt. The guy just was wondering. What the hell is wrong with that???? The thing that cinched it, for me, was the way that a few ass clowns (and you know who you are) treated Robin (Hellboy). I will admit that he might have been a bit overbearing and dramatic, but when his new trike arrived, severely damaged, all some wanted was to see were pictures. When he said that the dealer, that he purchased the trike from, was being less than helpful, he was jumped by the sycophants and toadies, who worship the guy, and pilloried for daring to blaspheme the name of a V8 god. All of this coming from a few asshats that were not there, did not see the trike, did not hear the conversation or shell out a huge amount of money for his dream machine. Frikken armchair quarterbacks. Hellboy says, "So long, A holes, thanks for nothing." and no one seems to care. Back to discussing trans fluid and tires. We don't need all this controversy at The Ladies Quilting and Tea Society.

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:56 pm
by Geezer

I think you will enjoy this site.......Every day I see more people from the other
site looking here, and Bill is working hard to change the looks, but the open
content will be the same to my understanding.

Funny, over the years I don't remember a bitching post on this site. We love to
give each other shit all the time. But all in fun. I think the other site has become
a bunch of X-goldwings that won't give up their white socks and tennis shoes....haha

Welcome to the dark side. Wildman built it an post things that make me cry with
laughter. Damn, seems like the old days are returning.

Geezer.. :monkeyup:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:57 pm
by w1ldman
SF wrote:
V8Bikers wrote:This is to notify everyone that I am the new owner of this site!

Thanks for taking the bull by the horns Bill.



Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:08 am
by w1ldman
Geezer wrote:Carl.

I think you will enjoy this site.......Every day I see more people from the other
site looking here, and Bill is working hard to change the looks, but the open
content will be the same to my understanding.

Funny, over the years I don't remember a bitching post on this site. We love to
give each other shit all the time. But all in fun. I think the other site has become
a bunch of X-goldwings that won't give up their white socks and tennis shoes....haha

Welcome to the dark side. Wildman built it an post things that make me cry with
laughter. Damn, seems like the old days are returning.

Geezer.. :monkeyup:
To set the record straight w1ldman is just a fat guy that drinks too much and has too much time on his hands. w1ldman didn't build shit and this site wouldn't exist without the help from several of my best friends, Lennu, Kimi, Olaf, Sidefukker Rob and the suckers that helped us pay the bills up to the point it was decided it was in the best interest of the site and the members to let Bill buy the site and put his twist on things.

More than anything I think it's the sites members that make it what it is. Hats off to those that participate, are willing to help others & share their pictures and stories. That's why I tune in anyway.

I'm back in my recliner here in Colorado tonight and will be watching u bitches. :capwin:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:24 am
by V8 Perv

Funny, over the years I don't remember a bitching post on this site. We love to
give each other shit all the time. But all in fun. I think the other site has become
a bunch of X-goldwings that won't give up their white socks and tennis shoes....haha

Hey Geezer, :2up: why don't you :sheep:

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:43 am
by Geezer

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:58 am
by ElsV8
Carl La Fong wrote:I have been posting on the "other" site for 6 years or so. I was not there during the Yahoo period, so I can't comment. Sounds like it was fun. The site has slowly gone into the dumper, for a while, for reasons that have been noted. Lately, I have just had no desire to participate in the crapfest. The moderating is even worse than before. The whining and infighting, the PC crapola and the general idiocy has become insufferable. I was accused, by the admin of mining his site, for it's members, for "my site", ie; this one. He seems to think I'm an owner here?!?!?! The threats to remove posts if a thread is hijacked was stupid to the extreme. The poll that someone started, to determine the ages of BH riders, was sniveled about as being exclusionary and all V8 riders should have been asked so they wouldn't get all butt hurt. The guy just was wondering. What the hell is wrong with that???? The thing that cinched it, for me, was the way that a few ass clowns (and you know who you are) treated Robin (Hellboy). I will admit that he might have been a bit overbearing and dramatic, but when his new trike arrived, severely damaged, all some wanted was to see were pictures. When he said that the dealer, that he purchased the trike from, was being less than helpful, he was jumped by the sycophants and toadies, who worship the guy, and pilloried for daring to blaspheme the name of a V8 god. All of this coming from a few asshats that were not there, did not see the trike, did not hear the conversation or shell out a huge amount of money for his dream machine. Frikken armchair quarterbacks. Hellboy says, "So long, A holes, thanks for nothing." and no one seems to care. Back to discussing trans fluid and tires. We don't need all this controversy at The Ladies Quilting and Tea Society.

John, glad to know you're hanging here. Another good reason for me to lurk around. As usual, your sentiments echo my feelings. You do so more eloquently though. "Ass clowns, sycophants, toadies, asshats, armchair quarterbacks, A- holes" ...and here I just considered them douchebags.

Hell, I'd hang here just for the icons! I can tell my whole story without having to type a word...

:wft: :wrong_forum: :ohthedrama: :frustrated: :moon: :asshat: :siterock: 8-)

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:03 pm
by hellboy

Re: New Sheriff in town!

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:28 pm
by Elvis
Welcome to the Dark Side Robin :)