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Re: Gwen

Post by CanuckHoss »

Buck wrote:" Private Clinic to do the MRI Tuesday and at $650 that is quite cheap."

The MRI I had 3 months ago of my cervical and lumbar vertebra cost $6000, insurance and Medicare paid for most. Cheap ain't the word for what y'all got. Good luck to Gwen.
You are right Buck...there are no other hidden costs or anything..that is the price...we are lucky

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Gwen

Post by V-MAN »

You guys hang in there, there is some brilliant medical doctors and procedures out there. Kim and I wish you both nothing but the best ... POSITIVE ... :group_hug:

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Re: Gwen

Post by CanuckHoss »

Thanks Don....somehow it will work out is our thoughts...just a rough time to get through now...

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Gwen

Post by CanuckHoss »

We did the visit to the Dr. today to see the results of the MRI done on her back Tuesday.

Some bad news but some good news.

I will start with the Drs. statement when he first came in the room: "The MRI looks like the spine of someone who was shot from a cannon and missed the net!!! He was serious when he said it...WOW!!!

It was confirmed compression fractures in 4 or 5 vertebra. It also showed one of the compressed vertebra as a more severe compression where it somewhat blew apart...not totally but bone fragments / shrapnel did go out and towards the spine and spinal column...that is the bad news about that vertebra but the REAL GOOD news is that it did not hit the spinal column as it would have most likely caused paralysis...and all indications are that the pieces should have no reason to move going forward...phewww!

So from here if Gwen continues to get a bit better everyday as she has we won't Xray for about 3 weeks and check things at that point. Fingers crossed and praying hard. If for any reason she goes backwards and has more pain then we need X-rays immediately and most likely an operation to build up the squished outpatient deal where they drill the vertebra and fill with cement like substance to get it back to normal size....sounds simple enough an operation.

Gwen is moving and getting around a bit better every day that I can see..a big improvement from a week ago.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery and a normal "after transplant" life...

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Gwen

Post by Ponch »

That is awesome news. Congratulations!!!!
see ya bye


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Re: Gwen

Post by V-MAN »

Barry & Gwen -

Our thoughts are with you as you go through all of this. Just remember that the very worse part is in the past with getting the new kidney. I know all of these extra hurdles were not expected but your both strong enough to over come them all. Keep doing what your doing, keep positive thoughts and keep working ... we hope the vertebre heal on their own without anymore dr intervention. If they don't and DR needs to "fill" the space you know you have lots of friends cheering you on! We want to see nothing less then a FULL RECOVERY and you on the back of the trike with Barry!!! Take care, hang in there ... always light at the end of the tunnel ...

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Re: Gwen

Post by CanuckHoss »

Gwen continues to heal...progress is slow but nonetheless progress. She still can only walk with a walker but has taken 5 or so steps on my arm without it...does not sound like much but that is huge right now for us. We are looking at natural alternatives to build up her bones...the drug way seems to NOT an alternative as the side effects are far more devastating than the Osteoporosis is. I still spend most days at home with her...we can easily but slowly get out of the house for a coffee or Drs least we are not restricted to the house as we were only 4 weeks ago. AND she can maneuver stairs alone finally!!

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Gwen

Post by GordonBH »

My best wishes go to you both at a very tough time.

I know how back pain can be literally crippling and so severe the pain-shots can take your breath away! I'm lucky it has passed for now. My wife has suffered lower back pain (osteoporosis) for most of her life. So bad she has been folded completely up in spasms and had to be ambulanced to hospital still folded! She says it was worse than her 38 hours in labour!

Doctors say little can be done as it's hereditory. She swears by Vitamin D, omega 3 oil and Glucosamine Sulphate capsules - all max doses. She tells me that canned tuna loses its omega 3 in the process - unlike canned mackeral or salmon. Fresh is good naturally but she is always making canned fish sandwiches for us both.

Also she uses rape seed oil for cooking as extra virgin olive oil loses most of its health benefits when heated.

She's seen a vast improvement and no side effects!!!!

Good to hear of the improvements and hope to hear more...
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Re: Gwen

Post by CanuckHoss »

GordonBH wrote:My best wishes go to you both at a very tough time.

I know how back pain can be literally crippling and so severe the pain-shots can take your breath away! I'm lucky it has passed for now. My wife has suffered lower back pain (osteoporosis) for most of her life. So bad she has been folded completely up in spasms and had to be ambulanced to hospital still folded! She says it was worse than her 38 hours in labour!

Doctors say little can be done as it's hereditory. She swears by Vitamin D, omega 3 oil and Glucosamine Sulphate capsules - all max doses. She tells me that canned tuna loses its omega 3 in the process - unlike canned mackeral or salmon. Fresh is good naturally but she is always making canned fish sandwiches for us both.

Also she uses rape seed oil for cooking as extra virgin olive oil loses most of its health benefits when heated.

She's seen a vast improvement and no side effects!!!!

Good to hear of the improvements and hope to hear more...
Thanks Gordon...will pass along to Gwen...we have been told to look at Alkalinity VS Acidity in the body too...all controlled by what we eat...

All the best you you and your wife...

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Gwen

Post by CanuckHoss »

5 Months yesterday Post Transplant...4 Months yesterday post breaking her back.

Progress is still slow...uses the walker only other than on my arm real short distances. The walker takes some weight off her broken vertebra so less pain. Still weak as other than moving around the house a bit there is no physic yet and probably not for months if ever. Nobody wants to do physic on someone with 4 crushed vertebra.

Sure wish I had a lot better news but at least there are no setbacks..fingers crossed and prayers said over and over and over again...

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

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Re: Gwen

Post by Ronald »

I know is easier to say and harder to do, but keep hopes, optimism and prayers, wish there was something anyone could say to make it easier on you guys, :( but as you said, no setbacks, at least something positive out of this
Please send my warmest regards to Gwen and the best for you two, keep the high spirit!!! :thumbup:

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Re: Gwen

Post by Iron Maiden »

Barry - thanks for the update - keep them coming :group_hug:

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