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Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:45 am
by grinch
V8VIRTUOSO wrote:Hey im with WM and ELS on this one. It does keep the pussies out and its good to talk on here like im talking to my good guys in real life. I say the odd fuck or shit as we all do cos its a passionate describing word and we are all adults and not in school anymore. Adults swear.....adults drink.....adults smoke.....adults get strippers etc etc. We are not fucking babies we are Bikers, Brothers, Family Men, Professional Men, Military Men etc etc whatever. We are all adults and i talk on here as if i would talk to you guys in a bar. That involves swearing there is not problem with it. I dont swear in front of women (unless they like it haha) and i dont swear in front of no problem. As far as ~Aussie Rob is concerned haha .Yes it is the British fault. The British swear the most in the world im sure. We have so much British swearing slang as well but i have to admit that USA and Australia can keep up with us just about haha! We are all cousins across different ponds.
Anyway i thought this post was about Sabertooth and vrrmm problems with them. Im sorry to hear your problems and like ELS said id love to hear a genuine ride report as ive only come across one from Hot or something but it was nothing to go by and not done by a V8 Bike enthusiast. All due respect if there is any to give to Sabertooth but ive heard so many negatives and the thing just doesnt look any good to me personally. Im very intrigued to their future thats for sure.

Cheers Guys

:mrgreen: I am a Sabertooth owner and enjoy the bike. The bike is lighter, less top heavy and more narrow than others. The ride is better than any Boss Hoss I have ridden. I have had the bike about 3 months and put over 3000 miles on it already . :mrgreen:

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:24 am
by Els
:mrgreen: I am a Sabertooth owner and enjoy the bike. The bike is lighter, less top heavy and more narrow than others. The ride is better than any Boss Hoss I have ridden. I have had the bike about 3 months and put over 3000 miles on it already . :mrgreen:[/quote from "Grinch"...]

That's why Baskin Robbins makes 33 flavors of ice cream and the term "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" exists. I would however, like to clarify a few points I either question or don't agree with above from Grinch...

The bike is lighter than what? My V8Chopper with the 520 hp motor weighs 930 lbs. The Sabertooth with the 350 hp Ford motor weighs 1,050 lbs. The Sabertooth is slightly lighter than a 350 Boss and I believe heavier than the new LS2. It is heavier than a Vanquish with a 550 hp+ motor.

I don't think there's a chance it's less top heavy than the V8Chopper. The V8Chopper sits lower and appearance suggests an overall lower center of gravity.

The ride reports I've heard were less than complimentary. One very seasoned 502 Boss Hoss owner/rider suggested there was so much hopping to the rear suspension that he cut short his demo ride and suggested it was "scary."

It has a smaller capacity gas tank suggesting shorter range than the V8Chopper, Vanquish, or Boss Hoss.

Although the tranny intrigues me, I haven't been able to muster much enthusiasm with respect to other bike features including looks. Perhaps I'll get the opportunity to do a demo ride on one at one of the bigger shows but by appearance, specifications, and the few reviews I've heard, I don't see why anyone would pull the trigger on one unless the price is WAY lower. Cost can always be a justification or level a playing field but here again, I don't suspect there's a huge difference. Not trying to be overly critical here, just the way I see it.


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:20 pm
by johnnyrotten
Here We Go
First off let me say ANY kind of censorship is unacceptable period!!!! Second as far as someones station in life,It is no ones fucking business how well off anybody is! I am a second generation AMERICAN of Italian Heritage,my grandparents were labled WOP when they came to Ellis Island,and I have newspaper clippings of where the KKK burned a cross in there yard because they were Italian and Roman Catholic,NUFF SAID
Next when I was 18 in that hell hole Beriut,Lebanon I earned the right to be an ASSHOLE and I am damn good at it!!! And if I chose to drive a 76 dodge aspen when I got home so I could invest all my money in Real Estate and sold it all in this last big land rush so that I am now financially secure I should feel like I didnt earn it-spoken like a whining PC liberal.
I dont give a fuck who I insult or offend if you dont like go away or find out how big your nads are!I call like I see em!
The world should have more people like ELS,WILDMAN and all the other men and women who arent afraid to be thereselves and damn sure dont apologize for who they are not!

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:49 pm
by johnnyrotten
How could I forget Eagle who was censored because he dared to question a dealers ethics,He also is included with Els,Wildman,Myself and all the other people with the guts to speak there minds.
As I side note did everyone see the Supreme Courts Ruling on Guns maybe there is hope at the end of this PC nightmare!

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:40 pm
by Els
Too fuckin' funny WM. You take me from the height of ecstacy (big tits bending over crotch rocket) to the depths of despair (this last pic). Haaaaa, too good bro' :lol: .

JR, I'm with you man. Simply agree with everything you said! Thanks for having me back when I get nasty and rotten. Maybe I need to change my handle to "Els Rotten" ?! :twisted: That would officially make us kin! Special thanks for you, Eagle, et al giving me the opportunity to also be an asshole.

You and I both had our day made with the Supreme Court ruling today. If I have pants on I have a piece. The Brady bastards and socialist assholes coming up with all these 2nd Ammendment bans are traitorous pieces of poop. Just got back from the Suncoast gun show and picked up a Bond Arms Texas Defender (.410 over/under derringer) and a Taurus Judge also in .410 gauge. Love having a shotgun in the palm of my hand.

This site and you guys kick ass... 8-)


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:19 am
by johnnyrotten
Hello Els
We are kin all of us who tell it like it is,Fuck them PC Liberal tree huggin metro sexual closet fags.I would rather be tried by twelve than carried by six,I always pack well,Colt 45 officers model 220 grain Federal Hydra Shocks,fuck the meat wagon bring the body bag,1 less sub human waisting my tax dollars!!!!Also try the 410 slugs in those 2 pieces,if you cant get your hands on them let me know.


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 1:51 pm
by Els

No problem getting .410 deer slugs. Where I live that's standard issue in every hardware story, Walmart, etc. It's actually a toss up as to whether to use a .410 slug or a .45LC in either the Judge or Texas Defender. In talking to a ammo guy at the gun show he said ballistically there wasn't much difference between the two but the 45LC had a bit more of a jolt and a bit more velocity.

I've used Federal Hydra Shocks as long as they've been out. With some of the smaller carry guns such as a .380, you need them (or Golden Sabers or a fragmented round) for it to be worth a darn.

Wow, this thread got a bit sidetracked from the "Sabertooth" thing. Wasn't it you by the way who did a Sabertooth demo ride at Myrtle Beach and said it was a bad way?


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:44 pm
by vrrmm
Sorry I haven't been around too busy with work

As far as Lamount goes he jumps first and never asks questions

as Far as Sabertooth they still have not paid Lakeside Machine

When you buy a Chevy you know they have paid their bills, every bill

Since my post I have gotten so many calls about them not paying anyone one

I am glad you are happy with your bike

I would also remind you about what happened to Ironhorse prices since they stop manufacturing

I would also suggest you get paperwork stating that the bike is EPA approved

and again that is not why I left it was worst than that

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:14 am
by Els

I'm guessing you wrote your post in response to Sabertooth owner "Grinch" posting how much he liked his bike and that it was "lighter, less top heavy, and a better ride than a Boss Hoss." You didn't reference this in your post I'm just assuming.

I answered him with my 2 cents and finding some disagreements especially with respect to weight and ride issues. Haven't heard back. Also made a reference or two about Sabertooth, Inc and didn't hear the usual response back from Michelle. There's rumors all over the place about things not being too cool within their operation but I only hear things 3rd hand and don't want to be a rumor monger so I'm staying away from specifics and "he said/she said". Some of what's been said is pretty serious stuff and if true, your Ironhorse reference would be pretty right on. Again, these rumors are usually bullcrap and not worthy of spreading so this is as far as I'll go with it.

I'm usually pretty hair trigger to raise hell about censorship issues, however, with reference to Lamont or the other board on this issue, there may be more than meets the eye. There could be scenarios where one is told to do something or face legal remedies or such. I don't know this to be the case, just suggesting it's sometimes not as it appears.

With all the shit being stirred about Sabertooth right now, it would be nice to hear someone on their side of the fence set the record straight if it is in fact being misrepresented. I personally would prefer hearing all is well and they are making advances and selling bikes instead of hearing bad stuff but perhaps that isn't the case either. I guess time will tell...


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 6:53 pm
by vrrmm
So simple pay Lakeside the $1500 they owe him

easier to do that than call Lamont, call lawyers or anything

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:15 pm
by Carl La Fong
With litigation being the American passtime, site owners have to be careful. They can and have been held responsible for libelous comments posted on their site. Fricken lawyers

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:53 pm
by vrrmm
They had thier lawyer call the Machine shop and say they would pay him if I wpould take the posts out which is what I said from the start but still haven't paid him

They aren't going anywhere until he is paid they will go away $1500 to pay your bill so much better than everyone thinking you don't pay your bills

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:44 am
by Swiss V8
Twoo Germans showed a Sabertooth at the Pullman City Rally 8-)
They want to sell them in Germany and / or Europe.

They were a bit surprised as I allready knew the name of that bike :mrgreen:

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:49 pm
Sabertooth:Welcome to europe! 8-)
Sabertooth in PMC.JPG

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 1:53 am
by 502wingman
Well, the man had only a temporary licence plate.

As we know from Boss Hoss Cologne it is a long (more then a year) procedure to apply for the ec-papers and documents. And VERY expensive too. Since there is no catalytic (?) converter on that bike, there is no way to get it licenced in Germany (New laws since 1.1.2008)

In my opinion they are riding a dead horse.


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:54 am
by Els
502wingman wrote:Well, the man had only a temporary licence plate.

As we know from Boss Hoss Cologne it is a long (more then a year) procedure to apply for the ec-papers and documents. And VERY expensive too. Since there is no catalytic (?) converter on that bike, there is no way to get it licenced in Germany (New laws since 1.1.2008)

In my opinion they are riding a dead horse.


Peter, I too see it as a probable "dead horse". The bike doesn't seem to offer much that would enable it to compete with the three main V8 bike companies who are out there now. The only consideration would be if it sold for extremely low dollars relative to the others.

Speaking of dead horse, anyone ever see a Vendetta out there? When looking at their mission statement (talk about a turn off) and then the final product, it's no wonder that horse is dead or probably damn near it.

I also wonder what became of American King V ? Elvis, you know the story there?


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:24 am
by Swiss V8
502wingman wrote:Well, the man had only a temporary licence plate.

As we know from Boss Hoss Cologne it is a long (more then a year) procedure to apply for the ec-papers and documents. And VERY expensive too. Since there is no catalytic (?) converter on that bike, there is no way to get it licenced in Germany (New laws since 1.1.2008)

In my opinion they are riding a dead horse.

They said the shown is a 2007 so it could get licensed as a single vehicle.
The 2008 will be injected and have catalytic converters. But first they will register them one by one like Boss Hoss in the first years... :roll:

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 7:56 am
My friend just made to his customer "small block" 472? alu Ford and got +650hp in dyno! It has dart block and that engine is 50kg lighter than sb chevy! 8-)

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:25 am
by Els
KISS wrote:My friend just made to his customer "small block" 472? alu Ford and got +650hp in dyno! It has dart block and that engine is 50kg lighter than sb chevy! 8-)

K, if the motor you refer to is a 472 c.i. "DART", why are you calling it a Ford? I know DART is making some solid billet blocks because I had seen some pictures David showed me on their website. Really awesome seeing a chunk of aluminum that big! :shock:

Also, are you saying this motor is now in a Sabertooth? If so, did the factory or dealer put it together? Any pictures?


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:57 am
Els,that engine has Ford heads on "Ford" block made by dart.They make also heads for Ford.That engine is in early fast back Mustang.I just wondered how nice it would kick in Sabertooth frame! :o

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:16 am
by Els
KISS wrote:Els,that engine has Ford heads on "Ford" block made by dart.They make also heads for Ford.That engine is in early fast back Mustang.I just wondered how nice it would kick in Sabertooth frame! :o

By the sounds of it, it would kick hard as crap! This must be something either the owner or dealer is doing. Sabertooth on their website shows 2 motor options outside of their base 302 Ford. It appears there's a 347 c.i. iron motor and a 347 c.i. aluminum motor.

I'd like to see David chime in here and add anything to this about that motor if he knows something. A 472 c.i. DART block with DART heads making 650+ h.p. is something to talk about.

One of my core complaints about the bike was the powerplant although there's nothing at all wrong with a 302 Ford making 350 hp, just didn't appeal to me personally. A motor such as you refer to is a horse of a different color.


Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:34 am
"Dart does make Ford blocks and Ford heads. I am not sure if they make the heads and blocks for SVO but I doubt that they do. The Dart Ford blocks do not support 472 inches without boring which they do not recommend on aluminum blocks. I believe you can build up to 450 inches."

David,i called to my friend about that "472" engine and You are right (again). It is "only" 427 Dart block and heads,and yes it can only be made up to "only" 454. I have had too many beers when i heard about it :oops: ! But the 650 hp is there anyhow,so that i remembered right.

So whats with Sabertooth?

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:52 am
Dart certainly knows about do build heads, blocks and power. Im very impressed with them as a company and product. You certainly know your Darts Dave. In the future id like to have a real big 600-800ci Dart in a Truck of mine. That would be Sweeeeeeet!
Anymore news on Sabertooth??? I had no confidence in the company or product from the start to be honest and im not sure if many people did if any!

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:03 pm
by Butterfly

I am one of the few women that posts on this site.... :shock: After reading this tread I would also like to add my 2 cents worth! :o

I too am an adult of the female gender of Native American descentant and if I can't handle the words that are posted here I have 2 choices.......1 is to not read them or 2, react to them. Hell I have heard worst, been called worst, and even said worst at times. I agree with all about the right to say what you really feel. I am as honest as I can be and if I am proved wrong then I DO have the "Nuts" to apologize. I make my own way in life and I am the only one who has to deal with it. I am a good and strong friend, but shit on me and I can be a strong enemy. I Am Butterfly..... :D

I have had to fight for my rights all my life so I am not scared to stand up and take a hit..however I will hit back! :shock:
If you don't want me to answer your question the best I can, then don't ask! ;) I try not to be rude....but after all I am a woman and we are known for being called a "Bitch" :roll: :D Every one here is special in their own way.

I am proud to be a part of this group. :lol:

Re: Sabertooth and .com site

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:27 pm
by AR
Butterfly wrote: Every one here is special in their own way.
umm...I'm not.