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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:15 am
by Els
I was just talking to some of the S. Florida guys about that a few days back. They're going to try and not wonder too much by getting a transport company to haul half dozen or so out there and then they'd fly. It's a bit over 1,500 miles so I don't blame them. Having to deal with I-75 or I-95 takes some of the shine away.

When I mapped my route from NC a year ago, my mapping program had me going through Tenn, up through Kentucky, Illinois, into Missouri at East St. Louis, out at Joplin and down into Ok. Didn't seem right to me so going home I went through the tip of Missouri at Seneca, across Arkansas, Tennessee and to my home near the Tenn/NC line. It seemed like a much more direct route but took exactly the same time - same mileage. Weird how some of those trips lay out.

Changing the subject, I keep hearing "stuff" from some guys about Oklahoma that is apparently coming from the .com site. I don't use it but wish we could get some updates here. Someone recently said there was something like 80 bikes said they'd be there :shock: . Perhaps anyone using both sites could update this site (David?) with some of that info? I'm too damn lazy to use both sites :oops: .


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:03 pm
by SRF
David is scheduled to meet with the Casino tomorrow so we should be getting more details then. I believe the number is somewhere around 80 bike expected currently. He is planning to block 88 rooms for us to stay and considering trying to get some space at some other close motels also.


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:16 pm
by Els
Thanks Shane, appreciate the update. Having been to My-am-uh not too long ago, I recall numerous places to stay and most were modern and very affordable. Nothing's too far there so even if the casino runs out of room, there's plenty around. I wonder how many of the 80 you mention will be in an RV :?:

I'm really psyched over this. It went from a casual conversation a few of us had to a full blown party in short order. Great job Mr. Ward is doing I'd say :!: Never figured far east Oklahoma to be such a great destination choice. What do I know :?


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 6:52 pm
by V8 Perv
Holy shit thats sound awesome! :twisted:

We already made our reservations at the hotel
and can hardly wait.

I can't thank David enough for all his work
on this event.

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:19 pm
by Els
Booked! :D My money by the way for longest burnout would have been Gary. :shock:


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:26 pm
by SRF
My reservations are made, was going to arrive Thursday evening, but figured with the rally starting Friday I would miss too much only being a day early so I will be there Wednesday evening instead.


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:54 pm
by NcChopper
I'm all booked, too, and can't wait!!!


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:02 pm
by Tom
Els... I`m practicing.... I don`t know if It is ever going to stay straight.... Ever see anyone powershift a 502 with the tire smoking???

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:29 pm
by Els

I know in the old days before we knew better we tried a time or two but then connected the dots equating that action with broken tranny parts :x . I also remember with a slightly modified 502 on Big Red (Demon carb and ignition enhancements), it turned out to be a pretty violent experience one night! :shock: You suggesting you've remedied those problems :?: :!:

If you're getting away with this considering your motor, you've done some wonderful stuff to your tranny! BH & Nesco need to deliver your royalties all in hundreds and induct you into their Hall of Fame! I'm excited to see and hear more about this. In the meantime, just hold on tight and shake the shit out of your pants legs when the back end comes around so hard you think you can read your license plate :o


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:54 pm
by Tom
Els.. I`ve tried it a few times and your right... It gets squirrley quick. Still... I can`t help but think... MAN... wouldn`t it be cool if..... So far my tranny has been tough. I`ve shifted it WOT a LOT :twisted: .... it still shifts like a rock after 12000 miles. I would imagine the 2nd gear clutches are a little dark?? :roll: I`ve been giving it a bunch of abuse so I figured..."I know"... second gear burn outs??" Since I`m going to pull it and do the 08 upgrade and the new sun gear before the Oklahoma trip. It will be interesting to see what it looks like.

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:48 am
by Tom
We`ll be there on the 21st....

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:59 pm
by Redtro
OHHHHHH YEAAAAH! Me TOO! 21st -'s gonna be great!

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:14 pm
by V8 Perv
David, Looks real good! Just hope you don't get any complaints
about the V8 chopper logo. I'll bet you a case of beer that someone
on the other site will ask for a shirt with Boss Hoss logo.

Sure wish it was May!

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:23 pm
by wag
I haven't read everything in this topic but I did see your tshirt design and I like it. If it has V8 on it I'm happy. I have a couple designs that I worked up. One for LaCrosse next year and one has both V8 bikes on it. I may post them and see if anyone is interested in them.

Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:38 am
by AR
wag wrote:I haven't read everything in this topic but I did see your tshirt design and I like it. If it has V8 on it I'm happy. I have a couple designs that I worked up. One for LaCrosse next year and one has both V8 bikes on it. I may post them and see if anyone is interested in them.
Great T's all round & yup sure am interested Wag! Apparently its gay to wear T's of rallys you aint been to but I'm gonna get there again one day...real soon.


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:43 pm
by tjy

Hell ya if you and grumpy are thinking about doing 2009 lacrosse shirts count me in..

Also we are arriving in miami the 20th and leaving the 25th.


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:41 am
by gaston 2005 502
i also would like a couple of La Crosse shirts if you make enough, 2 mediums and a large. thanks in advance.


Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:39 pm
by Puff
Looks like we'll be having a guest at Miami
from St. Gallen, Switzerland in attendance!
BH "MotoCross Martin" Kolbe ( Swiss V 8 )
called me today (19Jan2009)
to tell me he is lining up
his flights currently. 8-)
