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Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:02 am
by V8 Perv
Last night we were driving thru St Louis and following the instructions from
our GPS. I guess all access to interstate 64 is closed in St L so even those
new fangled pieces of shit can leave you totally and hopelessly fucked.

The good news is we will be at Billy's late this afternoon to FINALLY pick
up my trike. Then off to Florida :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:37 pm
by tjy
Iowa 57 chevy wrote:Last night we were driving thru St Louis and following the instructions from
our GPS. I guess all access to interstate 64 is closed in St L so even those
new fangled pieces of shit can leave you totally and hopelessly fucked.

The good news is we will be at Billy's late this afternoon to FINALLY pick
up my trike. Then off to Florida :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I can attest that they made it to florida... safely, ask deb about her "clean" trike lol

Ron i can show you a way around stl alot easier .


Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 11:54 pm
by Geezer
I alway knew Ron was a lost sole.......hehe............ :mrgreen:

I know, paybacks are hell..................really looking forward to Miami Oklahoma...

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:12 am
by Butterfly
Hey Ron....That's why we still have the old "GPS" systems in our vehicles. :D They are called the "CB" :shock: . They have saved Eagle and I many lost miles while traveling. :lol: The good ole Truckers out there know every road closed, detour, accidents. good fuel spots, and eating places. They have helped us so many times. We also keep a "Trucker's road map" with us, this shows all the roads, cities and towns not just the main thoroughfares. :D

Glad y'all had a good time down in FL and hope Deb is having a Blast with her trike. Billy and Phyllis are really great people and fun to be with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I haven't been around much since Mom's surgery so I am now just seeing this...

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:30 pm
by AR
W1LDMAN wrote:Only a few more days left. Will it be some sweetie pie that walks with it? Who knows. Hahaha. Farht has yet to reveal his method of drawing the winners name. I'm sure it will be scientific so get in know before its too late. WM 8-)
well since we lost our beloved "/roll" chat function in the name of technological advancement, i think we'll resort to this little number :arrow: which comes complete with time stamp but in the end you'll just have to trust me i think. Any obs...tell it to the judge...who also happens to be me.

Fahrt (apparently)

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:28 pm
by Butterfly
Well, I don't care how it's done as long as I win it! :shock: :lol: 8-) :D :lol: :mrgreen:

What time is the drawing????? I for got or missed it... :(

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:44 pm
by Anna
OMG! Tomorrow is drawing day, right?
I'm excited :D

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:18 pm
by Kidd
hey don't leave me out I want a gps too that way I can share and we will know how fast we actually are,

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:02 pm
by AR
Kidd wrote:hey don't leave me out I want a gps too that way I can share and we will know how fast we actually are,
No worries Kidd man, you are in. And if anyone else wants to be 'in' you better hurry cause its 1 April already on the flip side of the earth and I got 3 hours at Brisbane airport to kill so guess what I'm gonna be doing in 20 minutes..yes the no bullshit ISO 9001 calibrated to 186 flicks per second top speed GPS drawing

...thats in 20 minutes, starting from NOW!


ps; knock knock

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:34 pm
by AR

Geezer - 1
Ron - 2
Puff - 3
SRF - 4
Elvis - 5
Tom C - 6
Sledman - 1
Swiss Martin - 2
Boom Boom - 3
Rock Star - 4
Second Chance - 5
Hosszz4 - 6
Noodles -1
Wild Anna - 2
Fini Pete -3
TJY - 4
Buck -5
Harold - 6
Hog V8 - 1
Eagle - 2
B-Fly -3
Sharp1 - 4
& Kidd -5

So here we go...

Draw #1 by Half wit was a...5, so goodbye to;

Elvis - 5
Second Chance - 5
Buck -5
& Kidd -5 much for that efford Kidd. So we have left with new numbers for draw 2;

Geezer - 1
Ron - 2
Puff - 3
SRF - 4
Tom C - 5
Sledman - 6
Swiss Martin - 1
Boom Boom - 2
Rock Star - 3
Hosszz4 - 4
Noodles -5
Wild Anna - 6
Fini Pete -1
TJY - 2
Harold - 3
Hog V8 - 4
Eagle - 5
B-Fly -6
Sharp1 - 1

Draw #2 by Geezer was a 6...not sure with this new system how honest he was :twisted: , the losers are;

Sledman - 6 (post more vids)
Wild Anna - 6 (Geez you big meanie!)
B-Fly -6 (sorry grandmother)

Remaining b-graders with new numbers in for a FREE calibrated wank speedometer are;

Geezer - 1
Ron - 2
Puff - 3
SRF - 4
Tom C - 5
Swiss Martin - 6
Boom Boom - 1
Rock Star - 2
Hosszz4 - 3
Noodles -4
Fini Pete -5
TJY - 6
Harold - 1
Hog V8 - 2
Eagle - 3
Sharp1 - 4

Draw #3 saw Mildman Harold roll a 4. Oh i know someone will be particularly put out...LOSER ASSHOLES ARE;

SRF - 4
Noodles -4
Sharp1 - 4

New numbers are;

Geezer - 1
Ron - 2
Puff - 3
Tom C - 4
Swiss Martin - 5
Boom Boom - 6
Rock Star - 1
Hosszz4 - 2
Fini Pete -3
TJY - 4
Harold - 5
Hog V8 - 6
Eagle - 1

ps, i like assholes.

Hey dude Elvis turned up roll #4 and was kind enough to ace the smelly #2's being;

Ron - 2
Hosszz4 - 2

only 2 V8 lightweights...noone wil miss them, new numbers and non loosers for a minute are;

Geezer - 1
Puff - 2
Tom C - 3
Swiss Martin - 4
Boom Boom - 5
Rock Star - 6
Fini Pete -1
TJY - 2
Harold - 3
Hog V8 - 4
Eagle - 5

do it for, me. my turn on roll #5 i think and & I roll a 1, sincere apologies to;

Geezer - 1
Fini Pete -1

It was always going to be tough for Trex owners and Male Euro's when I roll, remaining V8 GPS wannabes are;

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Swiss Martin - 3
Boom Boom - 4
Rock Star - 5
TJY - 6
Harold - 1
Hog V8 - 2
Eagle - 3

Draw #6...phew...hard yakka...WM rolls a 6 - again. Only 1 rebel bus driving loser;

TJY - 6

He's got plenty so dont worry about him. So new numbers are;

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Swiss Martin - 3
Boom Boom - 4
Rock Star - 5
Harold - 6
Hog V8 - 1
Eagle - 2

down to 8 players!

DRAW #7 by young boy Shane was a #3...soooooo, ta ta to;

Swiss Martin - 3

He'll be sad, but he has got to perfect that rolling burnout before doing 186 ficks ok Martin? New numerunos are;

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Boom Boom - 3
Rock Star - 4
Harold - 5
Hog V8 - 6
Eagle - 1

DRAW #8 and geez rolls a 5... haha, and Harold was live here to see it for himself, poor Harold;

Harold - 5

New Players;

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Boom Boom - 3
Rock Star - 4
Hog V8 - 5
Eagle - 6

Draw #9 by Elvis was a 6, bye bye Grandfather;

Eagle - 6

no changes in numbers contenders remain as;

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Boom Boom - 3
Rock Star - 4
Hog V8 - 5

Harold was kind enough to stay with us with DRAW #10 and shat all over BB with a 3, out =

Boom Boom - 3

Then there was...

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Rock Star - 3
Hog V8 - 4

Oh man, Aussie Rob had a go and on DRAW #11 kicked out big JD with a i in for it!

Hog V8 - 4

Last 3 - no number changes;

Puff - 1
Tom C - 2
Rock Star - 3

So Puff turns up and 20 minutes of coaching later he /rolls a Cali (oil baron) Tom;

Tom C - 2

last 2 are;

Puff - 1
Rock Star - 2

who's gonna get it?

We had a drawn out mass debate about how to decide the winner but i had to catch a plane so wildman can finish up the report...see ya!

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:13 pm
by gaston 2005 502
here's a carrot,, here's a carrot,,, who frigging won?
heck i know it wasn't my sad sack ass,,

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:13 am
by AR
ALright...looks like I have to wrap it up myself, this is how the last spin went down;

     [Aussiefahrt] 2:48 pm: oh bullshit.
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:48 pm: Puff is 1 & Rockstar is 2
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:48 pm: If i roll a 1, Rockstar wins
    [Puff] 2:48 pm: ok
     [SRF] 2:48 pm: assign them 3 numbers each
    [Puff] 2:48 pm: go for it
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:48 pm: if i roll a 2, Rockstar...wins
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:49 pm: oops..if i roll a 2 Puff wins
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:49 pm: gonna do it now
     [Harold Blocker] 2:49 pm: evens and odds
     [Half Fast] 2:49 pm: 3 rolls each and high total wins
     [SRF] 2:49 pm: puff is odd
    [Puff] 2:49 pm: true
     [SRF] 2:50 pm: but actally rock is odd too
     [Half Fast] 2:50 pm: where is bj
     [Half Fast] 2:50 pm: he would know what to do
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:50 pm: I rolled a 2
     [Half Fast] 2:50 pm: rads fault
     [SRF] 2:50 pm: we need a ranger
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:50 pm: Puff wins
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:50 pm: I gotta catch a plane
     [Harold Blocker] 2:50 pm: yep.
     [SRF] 2:50 pm: this contest was fixed
     [SRF] 2:50 pm: restart
     [Aussiefahrt] 2:50 pm: wm, can you please clean up the report?
    [Puff] 2:50 pm: it was fixed dammit!
    [Geezer] 2:50 pm:     
    [Geezer] 2:51 pm: haha
    [Geezer] 2:52 pm: Harold, I need a case of beer....    
     [Harold Blocker] 2:52 pm: Me too!
    [Puff] 2:52 pm: so what is the brand of my new gps unit?
    [Geezer] 2:53 pm: wankometer
    [Puff] 2:53 pm: jerk-a-root-a-meter?
     [Harold Blocker] 2:53 pm: I think its a fugawe! You know, where the fugawe?
    [Geezer] 2:54 pm: Deal is, you have to make 187 strokes per minute

...and so it went on. Congratulations Puff, here's your prize. Actual unit on its way to your mailbox may not need to ever reach 186 jiggy jigs per/min but its there if you want it.

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:08 am
Congrats Puff! :o :o :o

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:03 am
by gaston 2005 502
glad to see Bill win. Also glad to see that someone is NOT ashamed to post revealing pictures of Rob's girlfriends :shock: :roll: :twisted:


Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:03 am
by gaston 2005 502
he he he

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:34 am
by Anna
Congrats Puff!!!!!!
Do you think you know how to work it? Maybe they have courses in school... ;)

Have fun with it and use it to visit nice places! Like Pullman City/Harz :D

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 2:48 pm
by Swiss V8
Hey Bill,

congratulation for the new toy.
I'll test it for you in may :mrgreen:

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 3:22 pm
by AR
A New Zealand man buys several sheep, hoping to breed them
> for wool.
> After several weeks, he notices that none of the sheep are
> getting
> pregnant, and phones a vet for help. The vet tells him that
> he should
> try artificial insemination.
> The farmer doesn't have the slightest idea what this
> means but, not
> wanting to display his ignorance, only asks the vet how he
> will know
> when the sheep are pregnant. The vet tells him that they
> will stop
> standing around and instead will lie down and wallow in
> grass when they
> are pregnant.
> The man hangs up and gives it some thought. He comes to the
> conclusion
> that artificial insemination means he has to impregnate the
> sheep
> himself. So, he loads the sheep into his Land Rover, drives
> them out
> into the woods, has sex with them all, brings them back,
> and goes to
> bed.
> Next morning, he wakes and looks out at the sheep. Seeing
> that they are
> all still standing around, he deduces that the first try
> didn't take,
> and loads them in the Land Rover again. He drives them out
> to the woods,
> bangs each sheep twice for good measure, brings them back,
> And goes to bed exhausted.
> The next morning, he cannot even raise himself from the bed
> to look out
> of the window. He asks his wife to look, and tell him if
> the sheep are
> lying in the grass.
> 'No,' she says, 'they're all in the Land
> Rover, and one of them is
> beeping the horn.'

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:38 pm
by Geezer
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:11 pm
by Boom Boom & Rockstar

Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:44 pm
by Puff

I will see if I can learn anything from GPS School!


Maybe you won't get lost on your way to Miami after all!


Re: GPS for Dummies and the next V8Bikers.Net Drawing

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:57 pm
by Boom Boom & Rockstar
Hey everyone received the tomtom here safe and sound..thanx a bunch..Boom and Rock