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Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:35 pm
by Carl La Fong
I really think you need to get over it. If you need to talk about it, go see the chaplain. We've gone as far as this needs to go. You've had your say, Barry's had his. If you need to hash over things that happened, on the other board, take it there, not here. If you need to do it here, then PM the offending party. Any more bickering is pointless and I doubt anyone wants to hear it.
You're not the only one with a bone to pick. I was a member, over there, for 6 or 7 years and ended up being treated like a red headed stepchild by the moderator and some of his toadies because I have my opinions and don't bow down and worship every self proclaimed expert and know it all. The moderator told a slanderous lie about me and refuses to admit it. You think I'm not pissed??? Do you think I want to kick some ass??? You bet I do, but it ain't gonna happen, so they can all (.)<

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:15 am
by sharp1
carl, getting a little soft?

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:46 am
by Shriner
While i have never talked with Hellboy and i have no dog in this fight, i completely understand what he felt with Barry becoming a sponsor on this site. I obviously felt the same way.
I kept my feelings to myself for a long time and it caused me to go silent on the Nancy Boy site, god i love that Carl, lol.
The bottom line is that after i posted my feelings and Barry responded, i felt like a cloud had lifted and i hope Hellboy can do the same.
What i understood was that this is a different site and i needed to let that old crap go and move on and enjoy this site.
Hellboy, you have every right to feel the way you do, and that won't change, but perhaps getting it out of your system will help you move forward and get back to enjoying what we have here.
I really want to thank the owners of this site for the way they let threads like this proceed and work themselves out.
BTW, Hellboy, congrats on your BADASS trike!!!!!


Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:26 pm
by Ric
Hi Robin, it's good to see that you've gotten your new trike into that dream machine you've wanted. Certainly unfortunate that you had those shipping issues and at a bad time. And in as few as three days, things escalated into an ugly scene, leaving behind bitter feelings. Full Stop.

THAT's where it should stay. I tend to be a 'fence sitter' when it comes to internet battles, because sometimes the mood of they typist at a particular time is wrought with discontent, often without thought. If one digests a 'stinging post' either aimed at yourself or ones you care about as friends… it's still best to sit it out and think about a response. THEN with a cooler head, you may help dispel said discontent without an ugly battle.

You and I Robin have some similarities. Like yourself with a Kick Boxing experiences career, I've spent my entire adult life very focused on varying martial arts… almost to the same degree as my insane love for the motorcycle world. You are haunted with a disability, as am I. I hover under the dark cloud of 'life threatening'… but choose to battle that form of life to a better advantage. Each day we are still able to talk, move, or simply exist is a day we are still winning. I only EVER mention my medical crap when I'm in solidarity with those that struggle with theirs. And a few close friends and family often prod me for recent or current issues in regards to health. I do NOT enjoy the 'pitiful me' potential to any of us with a debilitation. Having said that… lets look into something we can certainly discuss either in PM or public. HEALING. As you mentioned, you find it difficult to 'let go' pain, using an analogy I can relate to… a "Retired kick boxer - who, with a current disability cannot take frustrations out on the heavy bag anymore… now finds no real way to vent or heal until you call others out into the street for a quick draw shoot out." (Not your words).

If there is a voice you'd like to have when it comes to healing, you'll find that I'm a good listener. PM me if you wish, or as we think about fixing old shit dug up from the past… it's just as well to speak openly in public so others can benefit.

The term 'bury the hatchet' I'm of belief was to 'let go of baggage from the past'… not digging up old wounds so you or I can bury said hatchet into the back of those we feel slighted by.

I can see a few attempts to 'sort out this old scar'… and it's met with resistance. THAT is part of one's inability to heal. Your best avenue is to accept the olive branch of peace, and let sleeping dogs lay. THEN the healing begins.

I do not speak in defence of a friend, but in the hopes in the healing of yourself. And I will call you Brother.

Re: Destination Cycles

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:36 pm
by SQ4MN
Rick, that was a great post.