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Hello My V8 Biking Friends

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:28 am
Hey Guys and Gals,

Long time no see or speak. Hope everyone is very very well.
Sorry for my incommunicado lately. Been working my balls to the bone literally and keeping focused on doing our best over here to get our country out the shit! Seems like we are all in the same shitty sinking boat together both UK and USA so lets hope we can get through these times together.
Just been looking at the Daytona pics. I really really wish i could of made it over there as it looked so awesome and the bbq looked great. Wow there are a lot more V8 Choppers than last year. Great to see. Stan must be real real busy. Im glad to hear that.
Im in awe with the orange trike and the orange chopper. WOW!
I hear that Gerry is on his feet or back on the seat should i say.......the seat of the V8 Chopper. What better place to be sat on other than sat on a V8 Chopper in a strip club hahaha. I just left him a voice mail. Im so glad to hear he is pulling through. He's a great guy and great ambassador.
Hey Dave (Ward) i saw some pictures of you riding in Daytona with a Harley Jacket on man.............. :o Whats going on man lol kidding. Hope your well. Il ring you soon for a good chat. It was strange seeing you on Crazy Rick's BH! Did you ever get your white Dart V8 Chopper back from him lol

All thes best to you guys and gals and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Hey to, Els, David, Redtro, Wild Bill, Crazy Rick, Rick, Wildman and Chris! and everyone i missed.

Im gonna send a post in a few minutes on the best place in the Galaxy to have our bike painted. This place is just incredible and all my Bikes and Trikes will be going there for their paint jobs from now on!!!!!! You will see what i mean.

Keep Riding and Keep Smiling!!!!!!!


Re: Hello My V8 Biking Friends

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:49 pm
by Els

Great talking to you today. I'm sorry you weren't in Daytona this year but understand the working your balls to the bone thing.

I've been reading a lot about what's going on in England with economy, immigration, taking away of freedoms...especially with respect to owning firearms. That's seriously fucked up. Hope things improve here and there for sure. As you know, there's been a Brit, member of Parliment, who's been making some big news especially on You Tube. You guys need to get rid of that piece of shit Gordon Brown and get this young guy in the PM seat. I wish we had some like him here instead of the turds who make up our Congress...and White House.

I looked over the paint shop website and was drawn to one paint scheme that stood out to me. I'm pretty picky about red-white-blue patriotic or flag designs but thought their blue flame stars & stripes was very cool. I would strongly consider that or a variation close to it next go round. Extremely cool... 8-)

You're going to need to see some of the paint Dave W. has had done lately such as his Grim Reaper. The red bike Stan had done which is now in Atlanta is phenominal as well. I saw a V8Chopper in Daytona (skulls?) that I believe was painted in Arizona that was awesome. Mike has done some flame paint on the Vanquish which I thought was outstanding (blue on black my personal favorite).

There's no shortage of great paint opportunities. Wish I could afford to change once a year or so. Just when you think yours is tits, you pull up to something that makes you wish... :roll:

Hoping to see you in Oklahoma. This website stuff is ok in between the visits and rides but the real thing can't be beat. It's going to be a helluva party...I can feel it. 8-)
