Avon's New 300

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Avon's New 300

Post by Els »

I arrived in Miami for the East Meets West with bald tires. I had planned to get with Stan and get some new rubber. My old rear tire was a 300 Avon. The new one Stan had waiting was also an Avon 300 but had a different tread pattern.

When doing a bit of street dragging in Oklahoma, the tire just wouldn't hook up. We discovered that not only the tread pattern changed, but the entire shape/profile of the tire. Less of a contact patch and not nearly as flat when side by side with the older style. Very rounded.

At the track, I took the pressure down from 36 psi to 25 psi trying to get a bit more traction. Not much help as I'd spin it right off the bat. On the street I could roast it at 85 mph (no nitrous) which I've never come close to being able to do.

Anyhow, I was bitching in Oklahoma because for drag race purposes, it wasn't the ticket. Now home in NC and riding the twisties here in the mountains, I discovered gold. This tire is awesome! Very quick handling, very nice ride.

It's impossible to find a tire that would be good on a road coarse and then good for straight line drag racing. Two entirely different animals.

I would highly recommend the new Avon 300 for anyone using a 300 application and wanting a top notch handling tire. I've always been an Avon critic because of the lack of quality control. I've seen numerous new Avons out of round. I got a good one and for agility and nice ride, it's top drawer in my opinion.

Image...Todd, North Carolina
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Big John

Post by Big John »

Last edited by Big John on Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
Big John

Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Big John »

Last edited by Big John on Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Els »

Big John wrote:So good to hear from you up yonder, there near Mt Pilot.....
I was wondering what tires Andy and Barney had on the patrol car, these days?
Gomer told me that Barney favored 6.15 14's on the Galaxie, but Howard, from the county, told Goober to put on them bigger 7.00 Riverside tires from Monkey Wards.
We heard that word has it, down at the barber shop, Andy was leaning toward a new patrol car from Chevrolet!
We haven't seen nothin but Furds and Dodges here for nigh on to 35 years!
I wonder what this advancement migh have on Barn's 45" Harley patrol bike he done got in the church raffle from the preacher's widder?
We've all been keeping close watch on youall from up here in Raleigh, and hope that one day they might make it a through highway, clean on up here!
Just wondering if they'll serve any of that new-fangled yankee beer, somewhere up yonder? Cold, you know!
Well, drop us a line if'n you get a mind ter!
sincerely, yur cuz,


It ain't all that bad here in the hills. Last I rode my chopper to Mt. Airy I saw the black & white Barney patrol car in town. They give rides in it now. I also had a great pork chop sandwich at Snappy's Diner where a Barney type was cooking and bologna sandwiches are still $1.50 . People say hello to one another and driver's let others in front of them. There's a for real Floyd's Barber Shop and it's a real nice place to live.

Unlike the fucking communist state of California, we can legally carry a firearm like the U.S. Constitution allows us, we don't have fucked up politicians like Feinstein and Boxer, housing and property taxes are affordable, and we don't have to fuck with clutches on our V8 bikes.

Jethro 8-)
Image...Todd, North Carolina
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Big John

Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Big John »

Els wrote:
Big John wrote:So good to hear from you up yonder, there near Mt Pilot.....
I was wondering what tires Andy and Barney had on the patrol car, these days?
Gomer told me that Barney favored 6.15 14's on the Galaxie, but Howard, from the county, told Goober to put on them bigger 7.00 Riverside tires from Monkey Wards.
We heard that word has it, down at the barber shop, Andy was leaning toward a new patrol car from Chevrolet!
We haven't seen nothin but Furds and Dodges here for nigh on to 35 years!
I wonder what this advancement migh have on Barn's 45" Harley patrol bike he done got in the church raffle from the preacher's widder?
We've all been keeping close watch on youall from up here in Raleigh, and hope that one day they might make it a through highway, clean on up here!
Just wondering if they'll serve any of that new-fangled yankee beer, somewhere up yonder? Cold, you know!
Well, drop us a line if'n you get a mind ter!
sincerely, yur cuz,


It ain't all that bad here in the hills. Last I rode my chopper to Mt. Airy I saw the black & white Barney patrol car in town. They give rides in it now. I also had a great pork chop sandwich at Snappy's Diner where a Barney type was cooking and bologna sandwiches are still $1.50 . People say hello to one another and driver's let others in front of them. There's a for real Floyd's Barber Shop and it's a real nice place to live.

Unlike the fucking communist state of California, we can legally carry a firearm like the U.S. Constitution allows us, we don't have fucked up politicians like Feinstein and Boxer, housing and property taxes are affordable, and we don't have to fuck with clutches on our V8 bikes.

Jethro 8-)
I'll make you a deal,
You can have Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Lynn Woolsey, and all those assholes, I'll keep Mayberry and Goober, we split California into two states, like it should be, and call the North part, where I live, by some other name, so that we won't be embarrassed to say where we're from.
I don't care what you do with these fine figures of government, maybe you can waterboard them so that they quit lying to everyone.
Taxes-I'll keep paying them, if you will take the illegal immigrants-all of them!
Not just the south-of-the-border variety, but all the orientals and dooners, too!
If you would do all this, this place, up here, wouldn't be too bad.
Perhaps you'd like to move here, then, since it would be fairly cleaned up, and we would then have an actual voice in the government.
Right now we're considering changing the name to either Arnold's world, or Obamaland, can't quite figure out which, but either way you look at it, we may just have to concede everything that we own to the state, as that's how much it will take to support welfare and free emergency room treatment for stubbed Mexican toes.
We also must employ at least one cop and two fireman per family, here, as crime and arson is at such a high rate.
If you were to actually move here, however, I would have to fix you up with a Ranger in your bike, to cruise better with, because bars are becoming a thing of the past
(politically incorrect, nowadays, here), and you have to travel much farther, now, to find a good watering hole.
If you are actually interested in emigrating to California, go to Mexico, first, then sneak across the border to San Diego, as that would probably make it much easier on your family's budget.
You will immediately be eligible for food stamps, a rent voucher, and free medical, that way.
I'll keep the frijoles and tortillas warm, till you get here!
Do you like soft tacos or crispy?

Your Amigo,
Paco Clampett
Last edited by Big John on Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Big John

Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Big John »

W1LDMAN wrote:Haha good Avon 300 discussion here BJ and Els. Well Pammy laughed anyway. I love this friggin site. WM

Kinda warms the innards don't it BJ.
tickles 'em, too!

Well, Elliot, I guess we shot the shit out of that thread........
that's what happens when Bud gets on the computer on a Sat. nite!
Went diving and got some Abs, Sat. Proceeded to get some beer, clean and cook up some snails, and had a good time. Wish you could have been here to have some! As you could tell, I was having a good time.
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Els »


I guess we'll let this thread die a graceful death since it evolved to rednecks in the southern states and Commies in California.

I did want to let anyone know that in spite of my slamming Avon pretty good in the past (all deserved), I really like their new 300. Given the choice, I think Metzler is a much better product but I'm able to ride the balls off the chopper on these twistie mountain roads better with this tire than I was able with the previous one.

I know we have a tire (or "tyre) guy on the board now from across the pond and was hoping he'd chime in with any feedback if he's seen the new Avon.

Any of the V8Chopper or BH guys with a wheel and fender enabling the 300 and wanting a great handling tire should consider it next go around.

Image...Todd, North Carolina
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Big John

Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Big John »

Els wrote:John,

I guess we'll let this thread die a graceful death since it evolved to rednecks in the southern states and Commies in California.

I did want to let anyone know that in spite of my slamming Avon pretty good in the past (all deserved), I really like their new 300. Given the choice, I think Metzler is a much better product but I'm able to ride the balls off the chopper on these twistie mountain roads better with this tire than I was able with the previous one.

I know we have a tire (or "tyre) guy on the board now from across the pond and was hoping he'd chime in with any feedback if he's seen the new Avon.

Any of the V8Chopper or Boss Hoss guys with a wheel and fender enabling the 300 and wanting a great handling tire should consider it next go around.

And tell everyone out there in Red California that Gomer and Big John says 'Hey'!

and, if anyone may have happened to read this and get offended, or wonder if we are just plain goofy:
don't be, and yes, we are goofy, and no, we actually like each other, so don't worrry!
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by sb2bb »

Ya know I had a 300 on my last Boss and was not impressed....it was a 2005 and the wear was for shit. One was so out of round the couldn't balance it. Not to mention only 15 or so good burnouts and it needed replacement. I went thru several. It was a real pain in the ass for me so i went back to a car tire and been there ever since. To me the Avons are to soft. Good if ya don't spin the tire but who wants to not do that? Maybe they have changed their ways and make a better tire now as Els says, but time will tell....my 3 cents Steve
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Steve Taylor »

Els wrote:John,

I guess we'll let this thread die a graceful death since it evolved to rednecks in the southern states and Commies in California.

I did want to let anyone know that in spite of my slamming Avon pretty good in the past (all deserved), I really like their new 300. Given the choice, I think Metzler is a much better product but I'm able to ride the balls off the chopper on these twistie mountain roads better with this tire than I was able with the previous one.

I know we have a tire (or "tyre) guy on the board now from across the pond and was hoping he'd chime in with any feedback if he's seen the new Avon.

Any of the V8Chopper or Boss Hoss guys with a wheel and fender enabling the 300 and wanting a great handling tire should consider it next go around.


Hi from across the pond!! Not had time to visit lately. I had the first new 250 and 300's to try on a bike, but unfortunately for you guys, they were fitted to a V Max and V Rod, so I couldn't comment on V8 abuse. As Elliot says, the tyres are fantastic on twisty roads, in my opinion the best big tyre by miles, they ride like 180 section tyres!!!!
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Els »


Glad to see you posting here and also glad you confirmed my thoughts about the new Avon. My old V8Chopper had a 240 or 250 and handled the twisties great. I was a little disappointed I went with a 300 after riding it around the mountains. It looks awesome but thought the 240 did MUCH better. After trying this new 300, it's every bit as agile as the 240.

One of the best things is not having to use as much lean angle and subsequently not scraping pegs or my boots as much. The tire is rocket fast. Thanks again for chiming in...


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Steve Taylor
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Steve Taylor »

I will be posting some photos of the new 300 billet arm for the Kannon, sorry it's taken a lot longer than I thought, just been really busy lately. Thanks for your welcome Elliot.
Any of you guys on Facebook?
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Re: Avon's New 300

Post by Steve Taylor »

Here's a pic of Avon's 330 rear/ 200 front 8-)
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