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SoCal Trip - Eddie Paul/Cali Boss Hoss/Rock Store/Love Ride

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 12:04 pm
by hosszz4
Wildman...note prominent flag on my vest in Eddie Paul's shop!

Click on pic for more photos...

Norm and I had a good weekend away....1000 mile roundtrip approx

Bikes ran sweet! Friday we stopped and saw Norm's former neighbor in Redondo Beach and also stopped by a gravesite Norm wanted to pay respects to. At the hotel with a beach view we ran across a hot rod car show, so that was cool too.

Saturday we met Eddie Paul at his shop and he was gracious and let us take a pic with him next to Chopper One. He is just into so many cool things such as mechanical sharks, hot cars for the movies, two Boss Hoss projects he built, special builds for fireman and now getting involved in wind machines.

We then went to see California Boss Hoss. Jim and Donnie were great hosts, gave us a tour and Donnie shared the skid pan story with me. He also gave us early issues of the Boss Hoss magazine and there my & Laura's mug shot was from Pullman City. We ran over to West Coast choppers, but wasnt a great day to visit. Not much in their showroom as they were restoring a bunch of bikes elsewhere. We then went to the Rock Store in Agoura Hills and we stole the show there. After that we headed back and the next morning left early for Glendale Harley and bought some Love ride 26 stuff. Very poor turnout as expected that early in the morning. All in all, a great 2 guys-get-away kinda weekend. Awesome looking chicks and great bikes! The bikes made really short work of I5!