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Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:47 pm
by gaston 2005 502
will be stated 2 months after factory news announcements are made,,,,

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:49 pm
by gaston 2005 502
I hear ya W1ldman, Bill apparently has the getting the secrets part down. however he is lacking in the forward the secret information on to it's needed parties. Go figure, he did tell us yesterday about the 300 rear tire option,,, only two months late and after press release... i tried to school him on the actual definition of "Spy" but i just don't think he gets it. you know how some people are "school smart",,,


Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:12 am
by Ric
I know Bill is fairly busy, but I did hear a factory rumour that will knock the sox off of ALL V8 riders... and you know... It's as obvious as parrot shit on black leather high heeled tennis shoes! Ok... here's the skinny... factory is going to announce.... Oh, just a sec.... BRB

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:14 am
by gaston 2005 502
Ric wrote:I know Bill is fairly busy, but I did hear a factory rumour that will knock the sox off of ALL V8 riders... and you know... It's as obvious as parrot shit on black leather high heeled tennis shoes! Ok... here's the skinny... factory is going to announce.... Oh, just a sec.... BRB
Well,,, welllll,,, Ric,,,,,,,,,,


Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:10 pm
by Puff

There's a spy at the airport.........

Your job: ......................................... find 'im !



Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:15 pm
by gaston 2005 502
Puff wrote:Gentlemen,

There's a spy at the airport.........

Your job: ......................................... find 'im !



Bill, who the hell are you talking to,,, Gentlemen,,,WTF????


Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:04 pm
by V8 Perv
Waiting on Bill for factory secrets is just like waiting for him
to finish painting that stupid house. Maybe 2-3 years down
the road he will have a report.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:12 pm
by gaston 2005 502
V8 Perv wrote:Waiting on Bill for factory secrets is just like waiting for him
to finish painting that stupid house. Maybe 2-3 years down
the road he will have a report.
yea,, and when it does, it will be something that came out in the magazine 2 years before, i don't think Bill get's the concept of first getting the factory secrets before they are known, and then the informing the masses of the secrets, go figure


Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:11 am
by V8 Perv
Well it seems Bill just isn't a very good spy as I just heard of
a big shake up at Boss Hoss and Puff didn't even tell his friends. :evil:

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:35 am
by gaston 2005 502
V8 Perv wrote:Well it seems Bill just isn't a very good spy as I just heard of
a big shake up at Boss Hoss and Puff didn't even tell his friends. :evil:
Ron,, i couldn't agree more. Bill emailed me and told me he was told by the little old librarian at the school he teaches at,,, maybe this will help Bill learn the concept of spying as we know he is strategiaclly placed,,, but then Webster's seems to be aware of this issue also,,,
spy verb \ˈspī\
spied spy·ing
Definition of SPY
transitive verb
1: to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes
2: to catch sight of : see
3: to search or look for intensively —usually used with out <spy out places fit for vending … goods — S. E. Morison>
intransitive verb
1: to observe or search for something : look
2: to watch secretly as a spy
See spy defined for English-language learners »
Examples of SPY
They were accused of spying for a foreign government.
<I spy a motel off in the distance, so let's spend the night there.>
Origin of SPY
Middle English spien, from Anglo-French espier, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German spehōn to spy; akin to Latin specere to look, look at, Greek skeptesthai & skopein to watch, look at, consider
First Known Use: 13th century
See Bad Examples of Spy: Bill Van Sant in Dyersburg, he is too busy beating kids, as a FYI also is not known for giving discounts even though he works at AutoZone part time

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:40 am
by AR
Yeah well aside from all the lightweight beating around the bush, i reckon it was a job well done Rad! Made sure there was at least one manufacturer that gave us international V8bikers a ride for our roads...and thanks for looking after me and my mates whenever we visited. Good luck.


Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:52 am
by bob4108
Well now that Rads gone I see a few people on the other V8 site gloating. I can't understand that kind of thinking when "THEY" in fact did more to hurt Boss Hoss than any one individual at the factory. These shade tree mechanics who had their spending money taken away when they couldn't get transmission parts. All they did was publicly air their differences on why they should be able to make the money instead of the dealers. The way their threads read it was all transmissions when in fact it was only the people who missused them, come on guys own up to it. I have had 5 of these bikes and never had an issue with the tranny. I see people gassing them in reverse to climb a curb, a no no, people always trying to do burnouts in second gear, big no no, and people shifting them like a regular bike, jamming them with a bigfoot and breaking off the tit inside. Come on guys put the blame at least some of it on yourselves where it belongs. Thank god for this website where you can speak your mind and don't have some lameass deciding if it should be on there or not. Grow up guys this is a big boys bike so act like one. (.)<

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:14 pm
by sharp1
i vote wildman to get rads job

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:45 pm
by Tom
Hey Bob.... I take it you are talking about me???? Back yard mechanic?? I think not... For your information I am a senior master ford technician specializing in transmissions for the last 20 years and the one responsible for making boss hoss aware of at least 2 design flaws in the Nesco.. Both of which they addressed in their own way and improved the trans for all you guys..... So.. Thanks for the kind words.... asshole.
I have also owned 5 v8 bikes so not so new to all this.
As Stu would say... Flame suit on.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:01 pm
by V8 Perv
Tom, You and Adrian should be praised for trying to improve
a weak link in the Boss Hoss bikes and anyone with half a
brain knows that.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:01 am
by CanuckHoss
bob4108 wrote:Well now that Rads gone I see a few people on the other V8 site gloating. I can't understand that kind of thinking when "THEY" in fact did more to hurt Boss Hoss than any one individual at the factory. These shade tree mechanics who had their spending money taken away when they couldn't get transmission parts. All they did was publicly air their differences on why they should be able to make the money instead of the dealers. The way their threads read it was all transmissions when in fact it was only the people who missused them, come on guys own up to it. I have had 5 of these bikes and never had an issue with the tranny. I see people gassing them in reverse to climb a curb, a no no, people always trying to do burnouts in second gear, big no no, and people shifting them like a regular bike, jamming them with a bigfoot and breaking off the tit inside. Come on guys put the blame at least some of it on yourselves where it belongs. Thank god for this website where you can speak your mind and don't have some lameass deciding if it should be on there or not. Grow up guys this is a big boys bike so act like one. (.)<
The above is total BS from someone who does not know what Tom and Adrian have done for the tranny and all the people they have helped along the way...after hours and Sundays to get them going and on the road again...I would really like to know the number of trannys they have rebuilt.

I have customers who are pissed at Boss Hoss for the Nesco and I know they would come on here and attest to the fact they never abused the tranny and had it go out on them...except most are not members of this or the other site. I think we are talking quaity control when it comes to trannys as some abuse the crap out of them and they don't crater and others have problems with just normal riding.

There are those that have legitamte issues with Rad and those who don't..that is just a fact.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:26 am
by bob4108
Hey Tom, I don't really give a shit what you do. My main gripe with a few of you is you could have kept your whinning to yourselves via email. Does not do anyone or any product any good to constantly whine about something you have no control over. Like I said I have had a few of these also and have seen the abuse that no one seems to want to admit to. All you have to do is sit here on Main St and watch how people try to get their bikes up on the sidewalk, 99% back up to the curb and then gas the hell out of it, then go up on Ridgewood and watch as someone gets passed by a crotch rocket and floors it in second gear, oops I forgot to shift. You know it and I know it but you don't want to admit it. As for the shadetree mechanic, which happens to be a great show, don't take offense a lot of us are but we don't cry in public when something doesn't go our way. As for the" ASSHOLE" I like it it just shows your mentality.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:17 am
by Tom
Bob, Ok... Maybe the asshole comment was a little out of line. First round is on me. As far as the public airing of my thoughts on the factory decision to not sell tranny parts.... that was something that affected all of us and I felt needed to be discussed publicly. There were a lot of people upset over the decision. Remember, they doubled the price of the parts at the same time. As for the money made on rebuilding transmissions. Believe me, it was not a lot and for sure not enough to lose any sleep over. At the time, I was passionate about boss hoss and liked the idea of keeping my buddys up and running without sending their transmissions accross the country and having their bike down for a month or more in riding season.
Do people abuse the trannys??? Of course they do. I did...intentionally. My objective was to improve the Nesco so one could abuse it and have it survive. Does the Nesco fail without abuse? Yes. A lot of them. We built roughly 50 Nesco trannys and with 1 exception they are all doing just fine. The one that did fail was a parts issue but we made it right. Nesco can not make that claim. Their failure rate is significantly higher so what we were doing must work.
I know some don`t care either way about the factory`s policies and their wallet is deep enough that price is no object. To others it is an issue and it`s those people I feel for when a company bends them over and tells them they should like it. Some get it... some don`t.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:15 pm
by bob4108
Tom, I just don't feel that running down someones decision is a reason to carry on in public. There are many avenues other than a public forum to try to get something accomplished. If you note on many of these threads there may be only 20 or so replys but there are a couple of hundred views. These are or may have been someone who is interested in buying a V8 bike. I am sure that carrying on about some issues has scared off some potential buyers. This is simply not the way to generate sales for bikes that I and you and many others have a lot of feelings for. Anywhere I have gone with my bikes I have tried to dispell the rumors and inuendo that many people have for V8 bikes. I really don't care which V8 you drive they are something quite different from the run of the mill motorcycle and that is why I bought mine. I just get a "little" bent out of shape when someone carrys on in public about something they have little control over. A lot of choices are made in life that may benefit a company but don't make individuals happy. We all love these bikes or we wouldn't have one so lets promote the good side publicly and air our problems some place else.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:36 am
by SQ4MN
bob4108 wrote:Tom, I just don't feel that running down someones decision is a reason to carry on in public. There are many avenues other than a public forum to try to get something accomplished. If you note on many of these threads there may be only 20 or so replys but there are a couple of hundred views. These are or may have been someone who is interested in buying a V8 bike. I am sure that carrying on about some issues has scared off some potential buyers. This is simply not the way to generate sales for bikes that I and you and many others have a lot of feelings for. Anywhere I have gone with my bikes I have tried to dispell the rumors and inuendo that many people have for V8 bikes. I really don't care which V8 you drive they are something quite different from the run of the mill motorcycle and that is why I bought mine. I just get a "little" bent out of shape when someone carrys on in public about something they have little control over. A lot of choices are made in life that may benefit a company but don't make individuals happy. We all love these bikes or we wouldn't have one so lets promote the good side publicly and air our problems some place else.
There may be "many avenues other than a public forum to try to get something accomplished" but the public forum is one of the best ones in my opinion. The reason why many posts only get 20 replies out of 100 views is because the majority of people just don't have a strong enough opinion to rock the boat. I personally remember that subject as bringing out more opinions than pretty much any other I can remember. The consequences of any decisions a factory makes usually hurts or helps its sales. We may all love these bikes but that isn't a good reason to shut up about something that seems wrong to so many people. I get bent out of shape sometimes about some of the things posted on the forums also but thats just tough shit for me. I know that I piss people off from time to time, its just the way it is if you're allowed to say what ever you feel without getting deleted. I don't think its "whining" if someone complains about something, but if you dissagree with what they're saying I guess you could say that about them.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:40 am
by bob4108
Your'e right we all have our own opinions, a good thing or we wouldn't have had this thread to air them out. Time to move onto something more constructive. :)

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:58 am
by Redtro
I had my B.H. for 4 years and did all my own work on the bike in my garage as many others here have. I discovered many "problems" with the bike while working on it. Some of them could have been thought out better and some were just poor quality control or carelessness during assembly. All in all I liked my bike and still proud to say that I owned a B.H. I still show pictures of the bike to people from time to time.

There are many people on the public forums that think they knew more about what they are doing and discovering than they really do. I tried a few of these design changes and quickly realized differently. There are others that really do know what they are talking about and I found that Tom is one who's opinions I value and admire.

The proof is in the pudding. I watched Tom Chadwell ride his B.H. from California to Oklahoma and do repeated burnouts, shifting to 2nd gear while in wide open throttle (mid burnout) with no problems on his modified 502 B.H. and then ride it back to California. I may be mistaken but I believe that's approx. 2000 miles one way. I do not believe that the standard Nesco tranny could take that abuse and survive. I believe that the factory lost a valuable resource when they decided not to sell Tom anymore tranny parts. I also believe that they did benefit from his experience to some degree while publicly stating there is NO problems with their tranny.

That all being said, I will be the first to admit that I never had any tranny problems with my B.H. and I did abuse it. I even tried to break it a couple of times so I could do some upgrades and it did not break. I also think that mine was one of the good ones and there were plenty out their that were not. I personally know of several friends that had tranny problems and they were riding their bikes the way they should....not abusing second gear.

In summary, I just want to thank Tom for his hard work and in lending his valued knowledge to the improvement of our bikes. I understand the factory wanting to support the dealer network and also not excepting blame for a substandard product, but they should have gotten behind Tom and supported him in his efforts to improve the tranny....not fought him. It would have been in their own best interests.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:09 am
by Redtro

I've got more pieces to this puzzle than you know. I also spend much face to face time with Tom talking about his tranny and the Nesco in general. Those overdrive burnouts you saw in OK were not the only ones he did while trying to break it. He was trying to be harder on it that anyone else to determine just how far it will go. I believe that Tom did more with that tranny design than anyone else.

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:33 am
by CanuckHoss

With all these people "supposedly" having had input to the tranny design or fixes, even from abroad, and we are still supposed to drive them "like the factory" tells us is really BS....NO???

I sold a 2009 LS to a guy and he has had the tranny temp light come on almost all the time when riding in 80 degree weather...takes only 30 minutes sometime.

With the light one when he pulls up to a gas station and then maybe has to move forweard a bit...even in 1st gear there is hesitation...problems?? I think so

It has been that way since new and after repeated contact the factory has not resolved the problem.

I know this is only one bike...but it is a 2009...I ask...WTF???

How come that there are guys who abuse their trannys and don't have issues and others drive moderatley and have issues? Simple....mostly quality control from the builder of the tranny...the desgin if not perfect...I can live with that.... but I beleive the quality control is not there.

Also...why not have a tranny temp gauge as standard equipment when we know heat is an issue with these beasts??? does not make sense to me...heat detroys trannys!!

Re: Bill's Factory Spy Secrets,,,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:33 pm
by hogv8
w1ldman wrote:Image


From December 2006 ... sco+washer

It would be cool to know the percentages of the different areas of Nesco failures. Is it soft parts burning, shafts twisting, bearings failing or the planetary breaking. It seems I have heard more stories of the planetary breaking than anything else. I guess the star washer and check ball modification was one of the biggest things that Tom was working with? My understanding of this modification was that it takes the stress off of the planetary during cold shifts.

I do appreciate what Tom was attempting to do and even use his advice to operate my machine differently than I did before he posted his findings. On cold days I don't let my bike idle to warm it up. I start it and ride off because you can feel it pulling at idle which I guess is the clutches rubbing. I also ride in first gear several miles and keep my rpm's down until I am sure it has built some heat and will shift without the strain which Tom made us aware of. There are a lot of existing products improved by the users. Some even start their own companies and produce their own parts to improve on existing products. I was told that Boss Hoss Concepts has a customer overseas that has had several high performance Boss Hoss's and is really impressed by the improvements in the work they have made to his transmission.

The addition of the cooler and extra capacity transmission fluid tank like Squirm has on his bike seem to be the answer to keeping the operating temperatures down and giving the soft parts added life. Squirms is from California Boss Hoss and I know Boss Hoss Cologne has a similar set up coming from their shop.
Mike , I hadn't heard about not letting a cold tranny warm up some before taking off .
I did hear Tom Said was when you make your first shift with a cool tranny that you should make it under mild acceleration at about 35-40 mph . After the tranny is warmed up shift at about 50-55 like normal .
