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Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:02 am
by Butterfly
Hi All, I am doing much better and just taking it easy, letting the healing take it's course. Things are going good and it shouldn't be much longer till I am back up and running strong. ;) I still have good days and bad ones, but more and more good ones! :)

I just wanted to wish Everyone a very
A-li-he-li-s-d Da-ni-s-da-yo-hi-hv!!!!!
(Happy) (Christmas) !!!

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:27 pm
by Elvis
And a very A-li-he-li-s-d Da-ni-s-da-yo-hi-hv to you too. :mrgreen:

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:44 pm
by gaston 2005 502
Good to hear your doing better and recovering and Merry Christmas to you also Butterfly!


Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:52 am
by Butterfly
Elvis! :D :D
Thank you very much!

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:54 am
by Butterfly
Thanks for the good wishes! You too have a grand Holiday!

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:31 pm
That was good news!

Hauskaa joulua to Yoy too!

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 3:37 pm
by Butterfly
Wa do....(Thank you)! Eagle says: Jingle Bells, Man!

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:06 pm
by Puff

Keep on with the healing!
I will be healing later on this afternoon...
Double Hernia surgery in 2 hours from now............ oh joy

Merry Christmas! ...und Fröhliche Weinachten!


Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:54 am
by Butterfly
Thank you Bill! I should be back real soon full look out! :D

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:50 pm
Puff wrote:Butterfly,

Keep on with the healing!
I will be healing later on this afternoon...
Double Hernia surgery in 2 hours from now............ oh joy

Merry Christmas! ...und Fröhliche Weinachten!

Brother Bill,

OUCH!!! My son had that when he was about 8 years old. Best of luck and a speedy recovery!!!

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:11 pm
Brother Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You OK Man?!?!?!?

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:06 pm
by Brenda
Puff wrote:Butterfly,

Keep on with the healing!
I will be healing later on this afternoon...
Double Hernia surgery in 2 hours from now............ oh joy

Merry Christmas! ...und Fröhliche Weinachten!


Good luck to you in surgery, but like I said when I was in my accident, it's not the hospital stay that's bad, it's when you go home and they don't give you anymore pain killers! Best of Luck!

Butterfly, what did you do? and is Eagle better after getting his meds stragiht from when you were in Dyersburg?


Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:20 pm
by Brenda
OK Butterfly, I went back aways and seen that you had surgery on your hip to replace the bone in your neck? Correct? I was in a roll over accident and broke my neck in 4 places, the same vertibrea as Christopher Reeves, how lucky am I??? :o :o

They took 5 & 6 out and replaced it with a cadiver (sp?) bone and cruched up mine and sprinked them on the back of my neck and them screwed it back together, due to the fact that your own bones heal better to you than someones elses. Not to sorry these days Dr's know what tthey are doing, you seen me, wouldn't have known that I broke mine, would you? You'r tough adn not a pansy by any means so I have no doubt that you'll be back in NO time. How long you gotta wear that neck brace?

Whats really gonna piss you off is when you see how it costs you for that cadivor bone that they didn't even have to apy for, mine costs $130.00 and it was onlyu about 3 inches long!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said before as long as you got good drugs everything is always fine!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Wishes for a speedy recovery and without problems!!!!!!!!!!!

Bredna and Redwood

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:05 pm
by Butterfly
Brenda wrote:OK Butterfly, I went back aways and seen that you had surgery on your hip to replace the bone in your neck? Correct? I was in a roll over accident and broke my neck in 4 places, the same vertibrea as Christopher Reeves, how lucky am I??? :o :o

They took 5 & 6 out and replaced it with a cadiver (sp?) bone and cruched up mine and sprinked them on the back of my neck and them screwed it back together, due to the fact that your own bones heal better to you than someones elses. Not to sorry these days Dr's know what tthey are doing, you seen me, wouldn't have known that I broke mine, would you? You'r tough adn not a pansy by any means so I have no doubt that you'll be back in NO time. How long you gotta wear that neck brace?

Whats really gonna piss you off is when you see how it costs you for that cadivor bone that they didn't even have to apy for, mine costs $130.00 and it was onlyu about 3 inches long!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said before as long as you got good drugs everything is always fine!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Wishes for a speedy recovery and without problems!!!!!!!!!!!

Bredna and Redwood
No, I would have never know you ad broke your neck! WOW!!! :shock: I sure am glad you done so well!!! I would say you were damn lucky!!!!!!My Neck was broken 16 years ago by my Ex, 2 years ago c-6 shifted while we were moving from MI to here and all hell broke loose! That was the first surgery in 7/2006, Things were going good then 3 months later I picked up a "popping" in my neck. It was found that c-5 had slipped to the outside and was scrapping on c-6 (it didn't line up after the surgery because the damage had been done for so long). I had so much trouble with my hip in the first surgery that for the 2nd one I decided for cadabber [sp] bone. Surgery was done in Jan,2007 and 6 weeks later Eagle's father died and we went to MI, which did not help my healing (it was a ordeal there) in May we found out that the new bone had quit growing, and in August that it was deterating. We went to the rally and when I got home, something happened and I ended up in the ER. We found out that a peice of bone broke loose and got up againist the nerve...NO way could I handle that!!! The pain was out of this my surgery went from Dec 5, to Nov 17, 2007. I just have to be careful and not do anything dumb for at least 6 months and give everything time to heal. The hip is going much better this time not as much or as long of pain....It will just take some time! :D As for fees, Thank Grandfather we have full coverage and it paid for everything! The Hospital bill was over 30,0000 and we paid for the Dr. cost was over $60,000.00 I do agree about what they charge for medical parts and is dumb...and people who have no insurance are hosed! :cry:

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 5:56 pm
by Brenda
Wow girl, YOUR LUCKY!!! that many years ago they didn't know what they know now, but I'm glad they caught it before anything permanently serious happened! The vertibrea is nothing to mess with 1 Glad you are still waking! They too took out a bone from my hip, but not sure where they put it, I think with my bones to fuse onto the back of my neck, I also broke Vertibrea 5 and they remove 5 & 6, #5 is the one that Christopher Reeves broke also. Glad we are both here and on both of our feet! It will take time and they told me the more you smoke, the more chance you have that it will heal correctly, but that wasn't the case for me, I didn't quit smoking and mine healed in 4 months. Good luck again and try not to go stir crazy and DO NOT lift anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I also hear what you are saying about not having insurance, never thought much about it before my accident, but at the time I was suppose to be insured under my ex's insurance until that Dec. my accident was in Sept wasn't covered like I thought, so yes I know how fast they can add up. I had to go get Med Ins. through the county to help me out but just for the period of Sept. 23 to Nov. 1, my bill was $147,000.00, That is just plain wrong, the rest of the bills were covered, thank God, but can you imagine what they total cost would have been without the help of the county? I had 11 surguries in all and only 3 of those were between Sept 23 and Nov 1. I ended up doing a hard luck case at the hospital and couldn't work for a year, so I didn't know how else to start to pay for that and the bills that I hadn't paid for that year, I'm NOT proud of that fact, but I didn't know what else to do! And as long as I was an American citizen and had no children, I couldn't get any other help from the county. That makes a person mad, when you worked since you were 15 and sometimes 3-4 jobs and you need help for awhile and they can't help you out for a few months! BS!!!

Anyway enough ranting! Just get better! Brenda

Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:19 pm
by Puff
Eagle, Brenda,

I'm healing rather well I believe, I just can't ride til February!
I appreciate ya'll! I'm achin' to ride even in the cold!


Re: Butterfly is on her way back

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:47 pm
by Butterfly
Poor will be soon and you will be riding again 8-)