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Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:13 am
by carburetormike
Hi All, I found this to be very interesting, And felt it, --- is worth sharing. I know that many will take offense to it. And that is just fine with me. After all, --- those issues will be your own. Not Mine or anyone Else's. Yours and Yours alone. Which is all part of being awakened from a bad dream. Either you will wake up from your hypnotic trans or you will try and rationalize why you can't see what is right before your eyes, only so you don't have to admit to yourself. That you have allowed yourself to have been fooled. And as well there is no need for a discussion to follow. But I have been assured that there will be no censorship on this site. So let the chips will fall where they will. I truly believe it is time for Earths Humanity to wake up before we destroy ourselves again.

Zeitgeist "the spirit of the age" The Movie can be ordered here.

Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
Boss Hoss Riders Association

Today a young man on acid. Realized, that all Matter is merely Energy. Condensed to a slow Vibration. That we are all "One Consciousness." Experiencing Itself, "Subjectively." There is no such thing as "Death." Life is only a "Dream." And we are the "Imagination of Ourselves."

Re: Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:01 pm
by sled350
To deep for me Mike. Like The Honda Commerical says I WANT TO RIDE.


Re: Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:01 pm
by AR

You should've taken the blue pill man.


Re: Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:05 pm
by carburetormike

Re: Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:20 pm
by AR ... movie.html

dont get sucked in Mike. There has been a veil of shit happening for more than several generations and for a good reason...its called 'society'.

Re: Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 4:47 pm
by carburetormike
Hi Rob, Thank for the reminder. It is apperent that some exaggerations and sensationalism has been used in these videos I've been posting. One should always be skeptical with new information in a format like this. I've learned with age how to weed the crap from the truth. And I truly hope the rest of you can do this as well.

Carburetor Mike

Re: Zeitgeist = "The Spirit of the Age" The Movie

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:37 pm
by carburetormike
Hi Everyone, Please don't take this video as fact, until you think about it. Like Aussie Rob stated, Don't allow yourselves to be sucked in and deceived by what someone posted on the Internet. Because it may or may not be true.

Mike L.