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July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:12 pm
by addicted08
Ron and I decided to start our 4th of July celebration early and headed to Conesville this morning. We got the motorhome and trailer parked, unloaded my trike and went for a ride along the Mississippi River. We saw this "Pickup Truck" and tried to get the driver to unload it and race us but he wouldn't have any of it.
Next we went across the river into Illinois and went to Ducky's for Bike Nite. They have a really sweet set up there. Big, paved parking lot, live band, a bar and a restaurant.
We even ran into another Boss Hoss rider. Our new friends Phil and Jan from Rock Island, IL. They are a very nice couple and ride a 2005 '57 Chevy Trike. Ron was telling Phil that he should check out the .net site and to come join us on the dark side. :twisted:
I will try to keep taking pics and post them the rest of the weekend so you all can see what we are up to.

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:52 pm
by AR
thanks Deb..feel free to take some of yourself while you at it ;) :twisted:

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:08 am
by Princess
Deb - Just sent you and the PERV a PM

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:19 am
by V8 Perv
Princess wrote:Deb - Just sent you and the PERV a PM
Damn Princess you sent the PM to Debs mailbox so I can't aceess it. :evil:

Maybe I should give you my private cell number so we could visit? :twisted:

Deb should be back shortly she went for a topless ride around Conesville.

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:41 am
by Princess
Perv - Just checking if you guys want to meet fro breakfast at the worlds biggest truck stop on RTE 80 its 1hr from conesville and about 1.5hr from where we are stayin in Sterling IL.

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:45 am
by addicted08
Princess, thanks for the offer but Ron does too much partying at night so he isn't much of a breakfast person. :evil:

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:14 am
by Princess
Deb- No problem. Our Breakfast is around noon on party weekends [most weekends] Catch you later.

Say Hi to our friends that race a old shovel drag bike. Demmer & Tom from W. Chicago IL. they are permanent fixtures at the drags.


Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:30 pm
by addicted08
Conesvill is just north of a little town called Columbus Junction where there is a "Swinging Bridge". We have been by the exit for it several times but never had the chance to see it until yesterday. It is really neat.
Ron and I had a blast walking back and forth across this thing because it literally swings as you walk. Hopefully I can get the video I took downloaded when I get home where the high speed internet is! We could have used Elvis' or WM's helmet cam!!

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:16 pm
by Clint44
Phil & Jan have a nice trike. Hope they decide to join us,online.

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:43 pm
by addicted08
The drag racing got off to a slow start. Ron had hoped to race on Friday but the guys that do the upkeep on the track didn't get there and get it cleaned up til late. So Ron decided to make a run and a lot of smoke to show everyone that the track was ready.

This is a father and son racing one another.

This is another father/son race. Dad is on the orange bike and it holds the track record at Conesville for fastest time at 131 mph. That is on an 1/8 mile track!

Here is a couple of big guys racing Triumphs.

We see some crazy stuff at Conesville but I think this takes the cake! These 2 guys were both drag racing this weekend. :o

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 6:52 pm
by addicted08
Here are a couple of pics of the track after the drags. Can ya tell which tracks are Ron's? :lol:



Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:04 am
by Elvis
Thanks Deb

Re: July 4th Weekend in Conesville, IA

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:45 am
by AR
yep...great stuff. Ron ya done bloody good too with your trademark 'pink wiggle'.
