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The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:33 am
by Geezer
The Perfect Rally ??


Over the years, I have been to just about every V8 rally and
heard many comments both pro and con regarding each one.

The question is, which rally would you rate the best and worst
and why ??

What would you change at any one of those listed ?

I have listed those that I can think of, which do not include events
such as Daytona and Sturgis and dealer open house gatherings.

May - East Meets West - Miami Oklahoma.

June - Lacrosse Rally - Lacrosse Wisconsin.

Sept - Oct - Boss Hoss Nat Rally - Paris Tenn.


Past Locations -

7- Springs PA - Boss Hoss Rally.
Dyersburg Tenn - Boss Hoss Rally.
Tan-Tara Resort - Boss Hoss Rally - Lake of the Ozarks MO.

Yea, I know....Everyone wants a rally with perfect temps, no rain,
free drinks, free food, cheap hotels, great riding, and
finally, only 50 miles from their house....... :lol:

Will be interesting to see what the comments are, both pro and con !!
Fire away...... :idea:


Re: The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:18 pm
by AR
Not sure if there can be a perfect rally Geez. Rain, someone goes down, or worst of all someone takes a pic when ya drunker n' hell and turns it into a fuckin badge!

Nope they aint perfect but they have been the best times in my life.


Re: The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:51 pm
by tjy

If It doesn't have Adult intertainment you know Perv won't like it.. :lol:


Re: The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:33 pm
by V8 Perv
Wildman you have a very good plan! :twisted: :twisted:

Re: The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:13 pm
by Geezer

I think I remember that Pic from Germany...... :mrgreen:

You were toast.......


Nothing but great memories, some of the best I have every had in my life

Re: The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:55 am
by Swiss V8
Geezer wrote:The Perfect Rally ??


Over the years, I have been to just about every V8 rally and
heard many comments both pro and con regarding each one.

The question is, which rally would you rate the best and worst
and why ??

What would you change at any one of those listed ?

I have listed those that I can think of, which do not include events
such as Daytona and Sturgis and dealer open house gatherings.

May - East Meets West - Miami Oklahoma.

June - Lacrosse Rally - Lacrosse Wisconsin.

Sept - Oct - Boss Hoss Nat Rally - Paris Tenn.


Past Locations -

7- Springs PA - Boss Hoss Rally.
Dyersburg Tenn - Boss Hoss Rally.
Tan-Tara Resort - Boss Hoss Rally - Lake of the Ozarks MO.

Yea, I know....Everyone wants a rally with perfect temps, no rain,
free drinks, free food, cheap hotels, great riding, and
finally, only 50 miles from their house....... :lol:

Will be interesting to see what the comments are, both pro and con !!
Fire away...... :idea:

Do not forget the International Rally at Pullman City Harz!

I was at the first Boss Hoss rally in Dyersburg (2004 the test run)
- It was my first one, so everything was great :mrgreen:

I was at The East meets West
- It was great to have many friends from all over USA and even Canada, with their motorcycles

I was 6 times at the rally in Europe
- I met great friends from all over the world and could ride there in 1 or 2 days.

I can't say best or worse. They were just different every time... ;)

Re: The Perfect Rally ??

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:02 am
by Harold Blocker
The one constant at all GREAT rallies is the people who attend. I go for the people who will be there! Where we are matters, but not a lot. I really look forward to riding and partying with those individuals. I will go where I have to to be with them!

The "pattern" set at La Crosse long ago is very hard to beat. Never, ever try to mess with success!