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Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:25 pm
by hogv8
I sure wish V8 Bikes were loved and respected in the U.S. like they appear to be in Europe .



Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:57 pm
by AR
Hey Jack,

yes the euro V8 crowd are something else. They stamp their own style on their bikes and they celebrate the V8 lifestyle to all hours of the morning and beyond. But i wouldnt say they respect their V8 bikes any more than us southerners or you USA folk who started this whole thing in the first place. And I can assure you that they also have their own big load of on-line factional bullshit that goes on its just that we English only speaking folk cant read about it all and they sure aint going to go out of their way to embarrass themselves and post about it in english for us. I think the grass always looks greener, you might find if you asked the euro's they would envy the V8 lifestyle you guys have - relatively strong dealer network, much cheaper entry level & parts, and a dozen or so V8 orientated rallies. Not to mention those bloody awful looking license plates and increasingly strict euro emissions laws. As long as you dont mind being out of control for a while you would love one of their rallies Jack and be blown away by their cutomizing style but for me its always the best to come home.



Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:08 pm
by AR
w1ldman wrote:Tan Tara, Dyersburg, Paris, and Germany.
And thats not the end of it kk. V8 explosion, Helsinki, Sweden, Japan and 3 or 4 more in the US still to go. Got to see them all if we can fuka.


Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:55 am
by hogv8
I guess what I'm saying is the V8 bikes over there appear to be kings of the road in relation to Harley's. Over here V8 bikes are the minority and looked down on by Harley riders . I can hear them now, " THAT'S NOT A MOTORCYCLE , IT'S A TWO WHEELED CAR " (.)<



Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:47 am
by 502wingman
I guess you are right my friend :) ,

we are still a very minority here, and the Harley guys opinion is somewhere between " I want one too - to the twowheeled car". We are still, and will always be a minority comparing about 250 Boss Hoss in Germany to about 4,5 million "other" bikes :)