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Christchurch NZ,,,

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:07 pm
by gaston 2005 502
Internet says new round of earthquakes in Christchurch,,, Brian,, you OK? ... w-zealand/#

Prayers sent


Re: Christchurch NZ,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:05 am
by Oldun
Bad, sad news indeed from Christchurch. More fatalities by a order of magnitude at least compared to the last (recent) one, and more damage. Hope Brian and family and friends all doing OK. A lot of families will be having a bad night in many ways... thoughts with them all.

Re: Christchurch NZ,,,

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:14 am
by AR
Hey Rene,

Currently midnight, raining, and big aftershocks still happening.

Re: Christchurch NZ,,,

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:12 am
by Oldun
(Posted also on other site)

Thanks very much for the concern, and the thoughts and prayers offered. Sadly, there were more fatalities this time round; on a personal note and fortunately my wife's family escaped unharmed, and there were quite a few of them living there.

The hospital staff are working around the clock obviously, as is everybody connected with helping the homeless and trying to restore normal services. A lot of houses have been flattened or otherwise rendered uninhabitable, it appears much worse than the last time in terms of damage.

Not to in any way minimize the significant disruption for so many thousands of people for months to come, but it could have been worse considering the magnitude and relative shallowness of the earthquake.

Hoping Brian and Sue and NZ Boss Hoss team and families have gotten some rest in the last few hours... must have been a worrying night.

Not that we need the reminder, but when stuff like this happens, it does reinforce the healthy wisdom of "Carpe diem" and remembering to hug the people we love, my friends...