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Finnish BH rally 2011

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:02 am
Hello folks! I just came home from our traditional BH rally. This year it took place in Kasnäs,south west archipelago of Finland .
I had my new Kodak Play Touch camera w me and i took about 50pics and several vids to show you what was going on. But as WM knows i´m horrible photographer,and when i put the pics in my puter i noticed horrible quality of the pics. After checking what went wrong i noticed that there is one button in the top of the camera where there are two icons: mountains and flower and mine was on flower (dont laugh at me Deb!) :oops: :x
I put here a few so you see at least that i have been somewhere w my camera!

Presidents LS bike
Best possible tattoo?
BH Tattoo.JPG
And finally last pic i took back home after switching from flower to mountains. :oops: