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Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:51 am
by bob4108
Saw a bike on Ebay that was advertised as a 2006. Looked good until you noticed it was a clutch bike. There was a statement that a lot of people had emailed this seller that the bike was not a 2006. The sellers rep stated that the buyer had a 2006 title and the factory would back up that it was a 2006. Hopefully nobody gets burned on this one. Nice looking bike but not all that its supposed to be. :?

Re: Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:59 am
by hogv8
Hi Bob , some were saying that possibly it was a old kit bike that ever got assembled or registered until 2006 . I don't know about that but it is very obvious this is a older clutch bike with some late model parts on it .
Hope your healed and feeling better now .


Re: Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:59 am
by bob4108
Hi Jack

The plate on the frame is the same as a friend of mine had for his kit bike and he just filled in the date he completed it which was in 1998 but the kit was already a few years old hence the 1998 title. I suspect someone thinks they are getting a good deal buttttttt. To you ,myself and a few other V8 guys it is apparent that its not what it is claimed to be. But someone who is new to the V8 bike world may not be as lucky.
As for being healed up that may be an understatement. Still sore as hell in the rib area, I guess by now the ribs are healed but the muscles are still giving me a hard time in the area where I had the chest tube. Can't lay down yet but working on that. Had an MRI on my shoulder yesterday, that isn't working very well, hope to know next week whats going on there. But all in all better than a month ago. Thanks for asking.
Was hoping to pick up my new bike at the Rally in Paris but with this shoulder that is a no go so I expect I will get it at Octoberfest. Anyway are you going to the rally? I expect to get there on Thursday sometime.. :)

Re: Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:07 am
by hdtrader
Bob...I would not rush that shoulder too soon. I had an accident damaging my shoulder several years ago and the doc gave me a steroid/cortzone shot that masked the damage. Bottom line was that I thought I was getting better...lifted some motorcycle ramps and the tendon broke like a rubber band. I ended up having an MRI and surgery was scheduled within a couple of weeks. They ended up doing major surgery and had to drill a keyhole in the bone to tie the tendon back in place. Also the rotator cuff was took about 4 to 6 months before I could use the arm again. So be careful and hopefully yours will not be that bad.


Re: Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:36 am
by bob4108
Hi Randy

Did some damage about 10 years back to the rotator cuff, 3 tears , plus broke the tendon. Screwed around with it too long so they couldn't do anything with the tendon and I just grinned and lived with it. I had just been diagnosed with Leukemia, CML variety, so I had enough to deal with at the time. But now I have to do something as the damn shoulder is beyond the pain I experienced the first time which I'm sure you know is bad. I will know today whats up. So hopefully won't be to bad news. :)

Re: Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:49 am
by hdtrader
...wish you the best of news today. I will be pulling for you...there is just too much to do and see without having to endure the pain. Good luck and hope to meet you at one of the upcoming get-togethers.

Re: Be careful on Ebay

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:43 pm
by hogv8
Bob , no we are not going to the rally but We wish you the best with your injuries . Believe me I know what it's like to have a bunch of broken ribs and a rib cage full of blood the needs to be pumped out . Been there , done that after hitting a deer back several years ago .
