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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:42 pm
by lifelongfixer
Just a short post to say "Howdy". Those who know me, Neil Weber, might know me as "Hossbuilder". I figured that handle is no longer appropriate as I've been a V8 Chopper rider for the last 5+ years.

I stopped checking on the old site and I also stopped posting over there as there were a few people who had all the answers so no need for the rest of us.

These days I have some time and my 14 years of riding and wrenching on V8 bikes have given me some insight into the bikes. If I can help anyone, I'd be more than happy to try.


Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:17 pm
by ElsV8
I'd like to take the opportunity to expand on Neil's post above. He's as humble as it gets so I'll cast a little more light...

Neil is one of my best buds and in my opinion, there is no brighter bulb when it comes to these bikes and V8's in general. He has worked on countless V8 "projects" of mine the latest of which is an old Corvette with a 595 h.p. Shafiroff 434 small block. I had the pleasure of working along side Neil as his grunt and as always, learned until the top of my head about blew off. Neil has "Weberized" many of my hot rods and takes them to as damn near perfection as it gets. Any old Boss Hoss rider knew the gremlins associated with horrible wiring and cheap components like fuse blocks and when they returned from Neil's, they would look like they should be featured on a magazine cover. From one end of these bikes and trikes, inside out, upside down, Neil is the comsumate authority in my opinion.

Great seeing you post here Neil. You, Jack, hopefully Jeff, and some other old timers with scads of experience are an invaluable asset to this forum. :thumbup:


Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:17 pm
by lifelongfixer
OMG! Now I am doomed to going down in a blaze of glory. There is no way I can live up to that description.

Thanks El, but I am definitely not that talented...

Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:50 pm
by Carl La Fong
One thing this site has always lacked, in my humble, yet accurate, opinion is a good tech side. There is plenty of socializing and that is good but I come, mostly for the nuts and bolts. I'm highly suspicious of anyone who would want to be my friend ;)
There is a great deal of tech talk "over there" but, as noted, it is dominated by a few people (1?) who's word is the final say so. People with real skills and knowledge left in frustration as their input was questioned by self appointed experts. Bill Alexander is a former NASA engineer and, as he says, "Has stuff on the moon", has been around V8s since the beginning, does complex (to me) math in his head, redesigned the Ranger Torque Splitter into the finest V8 motorcycle transmission on Earth, left because "someone" was way smarter than him and the lemmings (.)< who frequent the board felt the same.
Though I am a Boy Genius™, it is not my desire to be the tech guru here or there. I can do what I can do. I could no sooner rebuild a Nesco than I could do brain surgery. I am a backyard tinkerer, at best, but after 50 years worth of tinkering I have developed a skill set. If tech questions surface that I can answer, I will be happy to help. If someone has a better idea or I'm just flat FOS, no problemo. I have an ego, just like everyone, but I also know when I'm in the presence of superior skills or intellect.
I would like to see this site grow and become a real motorcycle site. It's good, I guess that we can say naughty words and show boobies. We are big boys. Trying to make it family friendly is counter productive. If the women or kiddies come on, it's at their risk. Every nudie bar has a sign in front warning people not to enter if they are offended by nekkid ladies.
I guess I hijacked this thread. Get over it. La Fong

Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:54 pm
by V8 Perv
I would also like to welcome Mr Weber to this site and I also have first hand knowledge
of his work. I bought a 2003 Big Block Trike from Neil and had no idea just how special
it was until I got rid of it and bought a factory 502 Trike. His Weberized trike ran 160 degrees
on a hot day, It had cruise control and everything was trouble free and almost like driving a
new Cadillac. Everything was fine until I decided it wasn't fast enough and I added this and
added that and ended just totally fucking it up.

Of all the V-8 Trikes I have owned that is the only one I ever regretted tearing up.

Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:14 pm
by ElsV8
Oh shit John, I definitely should have included you by name when it comes to those who add invaluable knowledge on the tech side. I know that's not what you're asking for by way of your post, just a knee jerk to my forgetting :anvil: to make the list more inclusive with who participates here and what they bring. No (.)< ass kissing here, I just keep you in the "Serious Shakespearian Wit" category forgetting your tech prowess.

Seems the old Yahoo Forum was heavy tech but that comes with the time. As we've discussed, there was literally nothing provided by factory, dealers (I use that term very loosely) manual, or otherwise how to do anything. The most simple things, how to shift a Nesco as an example, all came by way of folks on the forum. Most of the issues and gremlins have either been addressed 1001 times or well covered and it's left far less tech talk and more social BS.

I won't discount the social stuff though as these forums have been a springboard to my having met some really cool folks and it resulted in some great friendships that have spanned more than 13 years now. It's also an opportunity for folks to be able to hook up at the various V8 venues and so, I'm glad for both the social and tech components.

I have a vivid recollection of sitting at dinner one night with one of the original "greats" of the time, Fred Strammer, who was so frustrated by exactly what you and Neil allude to; "self appointed experts" and "a few who had ALL the answers", that he too bailed way back when. I hope that won't happen here. I don't think it will for reasons we're both aware of.

In any case LaFong, I'm hoping your contributions go beyond the tech as I've gotten mucho belly laughs reading your "stuff". And it gives me the opportunity to dust off the latest Websters dictionary so I can look up all those $25 words I don't understand not to mention I didn't even know they existed. :screwloose:


Re: Howdy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:51 pm
by Wild Bill
My fantasy is for Neil to Webberize my Hoss some day. You Da Man, Neil.

Now for some Andrew Dice Clay humor: My Uncle Bob, and Neil are good friends. A.D.C. says in one of his routines, "What are your names, Neil and Bob, or is that what you do?" :rofl:


Re: Howdy

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:49 am
by lifelongfixer
Just a short note to say thanks to Perv for the kind words. Our paths don't often cross but just as you have determined my goal was perfection in form and function for my 2003 Trike. I have since learned your primary goal is speed. Although we don't talk directly, I am aware of your many accomplishments. You have become legendary in the V8 Trike world and have put together and "run the wheels off of" a number of really great machines. The information "glue" is Geezer who seems to talk to all of us. It is clear to me your piloting skills far exceed mine especially as my hair turns whiter and whiter.

Enjoy that new blower Trike and stay safe.

Re: Howdy

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:55 am
by hogv8
Hi Neil and welcome back . I know personally if it weren't for Neil I'd probably be back riding Harley's . He helped me Webberize My Boss .Thanks Neil


Re: Howdy

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:46 am
by lifelongfixer
Hey Jack,

Good to hear from you. And thanks for the kind words. Maybe we'll see you in Daytona again.

Re: Howdy

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:19 pm
by petitemoose
Bushnell FL huh? YAY ME!! LoL I am in Lakeland which is about an hour by car or 30 minutes as the Hoss Flies