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Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:55 pm
by Ravinsomniac
To think about it, it was kind of scary when you were told JFK was shot and killed. Do you remember where you were, and what you were doing at the moment you heard it, a half century ago ?

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:15 pm
by Carl La Fong
I was on my way from gym class to metal shop. I remember our principal, a black man, was crying. Very scary and confusing, given the political climate at the time.

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 11:40 pm
by hdtrader
I was sitting in 6th grade class when the school principal decided to play the live broadcast detailing the tragic event over the intercom system. It was one of those unforgetful moments...

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:16 am
by Geezer
I was in a high class pool hall.
At the age of 18. Really got to me.

Have followed it for years..........

Conclusion..LBJ...........sticks in my

with the things going on currently, all
I can say, is lock and load...........sad


Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:23 am
by Ravinsomniac
I was 8 years old and at home, sick with a cold and was lying bundled up on the living room couch watching our tiny little black and white TV that my Father bought in the 1950's. After I heard that Kennedy was shot and killed, I yelled to my Mother who was in the kitchen. She came out, watched the news report, sat down and started crying. It was very emotional. I also remember the "duck and cover" drills we had to do in Elementary School if we saw the bright flash from a nuclear blast.

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:18 am
by randy burkey
I am too young to remember when Kennedy was killed, But following the anniversary coverage and seeing footage of JFK, It saddens that we as a country we lost such a great president that not only respected the people he represented , But also the office he held.. unlike today....very very sad....

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:05 pm
by Ric
Both my parents were in the Canadian Military. I was sitting in the M.I.R. on a military base (Medical Inspection Room), I was having my hand stitched up (I was about 4 1/2 years old then. I remember the buzz around the Medical clinic kinda scared me a bit… because a 4 years old… I thought my problem was the big deal… And even the doctor was upset about the news. Although our political system is a bit different… we followed all U.S. policies all of our lives.

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:40 pm
by GordonBH
I was 8, also at home watching a B&W bulbous TV and even in Scotland Kennedy's strength reached us and it was mainly talk on the TV- none of the terrible video we have seen since. But my Mum and Dad (both WW2 vets) hung their heads, Mum cried softly but a Scots Dad never did so he just looked the saddest. I didn't figure it all out until I was a teenager. But even that far away it affected us all.

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:03 pm
by SQ4MN
I was in Houston Texas, I rode my knucklehead chopper there from Los Angeles. I was 20 years old and had just got my Merchant Marine card (long story) and since it was near the holidays I was told to go to Houston and I could probably get my first ship as the guys with seniority would probably stay home for the holidays. I got one, it was the LYKES BROS ship and it was hauling grain to EGYPT, leaving the following morning. Kennedy got shot and they cancelled all shipping for a few days, I lost my spot and never caught another one.

Re: Remember Where You Were 50 Years Ago Today ?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:00 am
I was three years, one month and four days old but I remember the black and white news coverage like it was yesterday and how upset my Mother was..........