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Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:35 pm
by CanuckHoss
Amsoil Girls I mean!! LOL

The past 3 days we had a booth at the Calgary Intl Motorcycle Show that puts about 30,000 people thru the doors. This was my 12th year at it.

I am an Amsoil dealer and the Amsoil rep who I know very well was there with a booth which he has every year. In his booth are his Amsoil girls that he uses to promote Amsoil.

An hour into the show Friday, 3 of the cute girls wander into our booth and proclaim they will be there all 3 days helping promote and draw poeple...they will do what we need them to do..WHAT?? mind wandered at the I chatted with Greg after to thank him and he said it was because we were his biggest motorcycle account and appreciated the business.

There were 9 girls that traded off and they all wanted to be in our booth rather than the Amsoil booth..I am good with that!

As you will see in the pictures we had not fun at all....

The youngster on the red 502 bike is my grandson Gibsen..takes after grandpa as you can see in the pics

Re: Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:46 pm
by V-MAN
Looks like a great weekend :lol:

Gibsen looks like he is doing good - awesome!

Re: Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:30 am
by V8Bikers
I am so sorry you had to endure that entire show with those beautiful women - not sure how you made it through. ;) The only issue I see is that they have too many clothes on - maybe a bikini version next year? :leghump: Gibsen looks like he is already getting primed for a motorcycle lifestyle :ridding:

Also, I will be booking a flight up to your place soon to sniff the seats!! :D

Re: Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:34 am
by GordonBH
Man, you have a tough job!!!


Re: Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:55 am
by CanuckHoss
This video surfaced just recently

phpBB [video]

It was filmed at the Calgary International Show on Jan 11th , 2014. I knew it might air..or part of it on the news one night but this is even better.

Re: Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:29 pm
by GordonBH
Hey Barry,

At last I can hear you and see you as opposed to just photos, good interview, you're good on the hoof man. Good advert for our beasts.

My SS got thru the UK heavy test and waltzed through the regular annual check test thanks to some forum guys' help so I'm good to go on getting my tags and will be riding soon.

Cam's still got a few things to sort but he seems to be getting to the boil. As you sold mine at one stage, and you sold Cam's you probably have handled about a third of the UK 350 bike population. Until someone proves me wrong.

I bought it on the 25th Aug 13 and will get tags on the 15th Feb so 5 1/2 months project, not bad really for something very special. You're right re the feel and sound of a V8 down there.

There's no going back now.

Re: Rough weekend with Amsoil!

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 7:57 pm
by CanuckHoss
GordonBH wrote:Hey Barry,

At last I can hear you and see you as opposed to just photos, good interview, you're good on the hoof man. Good advert for our beasts.

My SS got thru the UK heavy test and waltzed through the regular annual check test thanks to some forum guys' help so I'm good to go on getting my tags and will be riding soon.

Cam's still got a few things to sort but he seems to be getting to the boil. As you sold mine at one stage, and you sold Cam's you probably have handled about a third of the UK 350 bike population. Until someone proves me wrong.

I bought it on the 25th Aug 13 and will get tags on the 15th Feb so 5 1/2 months project, not bad really for something very special. You're right re the feel and sound of a V8 down there.

There's no going back now.
1/3 of the sales...hmmm...not bad at all..

Glad you like your's as it was a really nice SS..

The video gives you a person somewhat to the face. I really like the V8 get togethers like Daytona or Sturgis because there you get to put a personality to a "Handle" name on far everyone I have met from the V8 family has been great..hope to meet a lot more in the coming years

Waiting for Campbell to say it is all done!!