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Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:09 am
by Els
Folks, I thought I'd start a new thread as it's totally off the topic of the old one where I've been discussing this. Rob, Kiss, and I have flipped some posts back and forth about the electric bike that did 7 seconds at Pamona. It's an incredible piece of work and incredible video. Go to . It makes me want to ring the politician's necks. Here we are kissing the Arab's rear ends and paying huge money for their oil when we could be riding 500 hp electric bikes that would spank our V8s so bad, it would make them look like they're in reverse. Would make all the tree huggers infinitely happy, and no more gas, just plug the damn thing into the wall! I'm really blown away by this. And it's today's technology. I thought having batteries to do 500 hp would require a tractor trailer sized rig, not a drag bike. Unreal.

I was wondering what it would be like not needing a conventional tranny and not hearing any noise to speak of. My 'Busa and Gixxer 1000 are pretty darn fast but the noise they make doesn't do squat for me. I would probably miss the "attitude" of a nasty V8. Wonder if and how long this would take to reach the general market? Wonder if the politicos and big oil will prevent it from happening?

One way or another, that article and video are incredible. Thanks for the info and link fellas.


Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:05 am
by okie
Yeah,but no cool factor,like you know there are faster rides around,but for me they all suck,except for Harley and Hoss.

Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:30 am
Elliot,i sign every word in your post,that bike is awesome!I have been dragracing years ago,and couldn´t even dream about 7sec.times then,and now somebody does it w razor engine!WOW!I also want to be in front row in ecological vehicles´ technology,so i just ordered electric bike too! :o (Chinese electric scooter hahahah)

Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:49 pm
by AR
Haha..Elliot, you have been away havent you. Like I said this is old news but man its fun watching you come up to speed. No doubt like the top 300mph fueler vs the 200mph corvette you will overtake us soon and take us to V8 places we are yet to imagine. :o

btw, did you find the youtube where he nails mommas van in the parking lot :lol:

Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:12 pm
by Els
Rob, I can't find the video link for the crash on that website. I did read an article where he tells about what happened and the resulting damage. If you'd point me to the link I'd appreciate it.

I've watched the two drag track videos on the site a dozen or more times. The way that mutha hooks up when doing the burn out is instant, violent, and incredible. Then you read the stats suggesting a 0 -60 time of 1.06 seconds and it's simply hard to comprehend.

I'm still undecided how cool the bike is outside of the technology and results. It just doesn't seem natural to hear nothing but whining and tire noise. Ok, I've decided...500 hp and 7 second 1/4's cool as crap!


Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:18 pm
by AR

Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:46 pm
by Els
Ok Rob, that confirms things for me...I'm a sick sonofabitch. I watched that video intently and when it got to the part of showing him all layed out spread eagle, I laughed my balls off.

He was doing some weird stuff right beforehand like standing up and kept repositioning like he was nervous...or SKEERED! I guess I laughed knowing it was mostly pride and a few replaceable parts that got hurt. Going to rewatch that a few times again!

I was blown away by his comment about 0 - 60 times. Even better than what an earlier report said. He was talking less than 1 second! UFR!

Wonder if this electric stuff is going anywhere. I got on my soapbox earlier saying politicians and big oil will probably try throwing a wrench in the works.

Thanks for the link.


Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:45 pm
by zenbiker
Big oil can kill anything particularly with our current "fuck everyone other than my buddies" administration. Hey don't worry...we bullshitted the public into an Iraq invasion and production of oil is up 9% over last year for Halliburton's profit and we are now in a geographical position to invade Iran (the next great oil producer) if only we could come up with a better tag line than WMD. Nuclear proliferation!...That's it! We can probably take Iran with only 100 or 200 thousand dead. :shock: What a fucking joke this scumbag administration is ..lead by the liar exemplare of all time! :twisted:
On another less strident note: 0-60 in under a second sounds totally impossible to me having nothing to do with power. I can't imagine getting that kind of torque to the ground without using enormous slicks or bulldozer treads!..Joe

Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:19 pm
by Els
See Joe, isn't it nice to be able to post this way?! Even if you (and most of my family) have misguided political notions, you can say what you're thinking here and not have to fear getting a spanking. I do though wonder, how does such a V8 badass get to be so fucking liberal, hee hee?! :shock:

The numbers with the electric motors are almost unbelievable. You hopefully checked out the links Rob sent me on the bike but I've also seen some unbelievably cool shit on electric automobiles. Instead of the ugly ass look of some of the Honda and Toyota type hybrids, I saw one that was Lamborghini looking and claimed incredible 0 -60 numbers. The technology is certainly here. In spite of us being polar opposites politically, we both would have to agree that big oil and politicos have kept this from rolling out. When considering current gas prices and our dependence on 3rd world, hostile countries, it's enough to get one boiling.

I too kept wondering how that bike could do those kind of times with one wheel and the potential tire slippage. Must have some type of computer controller. You can see during the burnout that it will immediately roast a tire.

In spite of the above with respect to politics, I think back to a joke I received recently with a picture of Chelsea Clinton. It was someone talking to her and stating the 3 things they fear the most are......

"Osama, Obama, and yo' Momma!" Take care Joe,


Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:05 pm
by zenbiker
The freedom to post what you want is just great! I really don't consider myself liberal...just rational. I look forward to some real heavy verbiage here both about the Boss and anything else...Love it, Elliot....Joe

Re: Electric V8 Killer

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:44 pm
by vrrmm
That bike is cool

but I like this crash better