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502 V LS

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 5:56 pm
by Steve McGrath

Just about to buy my first Boss Hoss. A 502.

I'm looking for any info or stories from people who have owned both a 502 and a later LS engine equipped model.

Is the LS that mush better?

Try and talk me out of buying a 502?
Think I'm sold on the 502 but you never know.


Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 9:30 pm
by Oldun
Welcome Steve. I'm just about the last person to talk you out of buying a 502 - my 350 collects garage dust in favor of taking out the 502 :-) Others who owned LS's will chime in no doubt. Good luck with your choice!

Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 7:56 am
by V8Bikers
I have owned several 502's and ridden an Ls3 bike with the upgraded cam kit, 485hp. The LS will walk a 502 easily and is a smooth and refined ride. But, in my opinion, lacks the visual and viseral appeal of the 502. LS's can be modified to get more of an aggressive sound but its a big block for me.

Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 3:44 pm
by petitemoose
Like anything else in life, it is all about your personal preference. The 502's are a breed all of their own, they have a signature sound and a reverence for being just stupid.
LS's are more modern and appeal to a different crowd. They are certainly advanced and can be modified with a Laptop more than a wrench.
Long story short, what is the reason you want the bike? That will more determine which you should get

Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 10:02 pm
by Wild Bill
LS is better across the board. I’ve ridden several LS bikes. They're nice! Doesn't matter. Still don't want it, not interested.

I'm ALLRAT for 17 years now & still head-over-heals for my 502.

Great thread! Good Luck with your purchase!!!


Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:32 pm
by CanuckHoss
Get the 502...WHY??..just because it is bigger and sounds bigger. My choice is a Bigblock over an LS but it is all personal preference.

A bigblock bike or trike, in my opinion, handles the road better due to it's weight.

Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 6:15 am
by Orlando606VetteTrike
What Wild Bill said sums it up for me as well.

Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 11:06 pm
by SQ4MN
502 is like a democrat, sounds good, promises plenty, but the other one actually delivers without all the noise.

Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 12:27 pm
by Jack
SQ4MN wrote:502 is like a democrat, sounds good, promises plenty, but the other one actually delivers without all the noise.
I tried to report this post...


Re: 502 V LS

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 12:29 am
by Gila123
I own both ,,, love them both ,,, 502 has an attitude and love it ,,, LS3 is refined and love it ,,, I ride both daily ,,, if I was to just own one ,,, would have to go with the LS3 due to the dependability ,,, my two cents ,,,