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Show vs Go

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:00 pm
by Els
I've had a couple of back and forths with Pete from NY (Kaboom) on the other board that I'm going to continue here. That way I can say; "holy shit Pete, what an awesome bike!"

I find it interesting that Pete says Kaboom is going to the desert roads in CA so he can run balls to the walls. Then he references smoking the tire all the way to Laughlin. Got to love it!

Almost everyone I've seen buying one of the really high end Mountain bikes will occasionally show up at a Bike Night but hardly put any clicks on the speedo and never toast a tire. I think a number of them get their rocks off unloading from a trailer, sitting it in a show for 6 hours and getting a trophy. I have nothing against that, it's just not my style. I've really got to hand it to Pete having such an awesome bike, spending the big bucks, and riding it like referenced. Pete, you have my respect and admiration for rocking and riding that machine! Screw the miles, enjoy the ride!

I've rented Harleys from Dudley Perkins in SF and gone north to Mendicino and south to San Diego on numerous trips. I can only imagine how great it would be on a V8. I'm sure the CA crowd would have great appreciation for a bike like Kaboom.

Pete, if you log on here and read this, please post some pics of the bike. The guys here are a bit more global and will really enjoy seeing it.


Re: Show vs Go

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:04 pm
by Tom
Yeah... Can`t wait for Pete to bring Kaboom out west... You would think our bikes are all stolen out here.. :shock: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Show vs Go

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:32 am
by Smoke'em
I will upload some pic's this week and make them available. El, thanks for the fun comments. I have ridden Boss's across the US several times as well as many other long trips....I love that type of riding. I will make the NY to California trip this summer with a couple of friends by way of Sturgis. Going to hang a little south this time through Indiana then north along the Mississippi to Wisconsin then 90 into Rapid City....I hear the ride up the Mississippi is pretty good sights. I also hate riding through Chicago....ugly area and traffic.

Tom, in talking to Adrian I understand you guys will also be in Laughlin next month. Looking forward to hooking up again. Pete

Re: Show vs Go

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:53 am
by Els
Pete, looking forward to seeing the pictures here. I haven't done any serious cross country like you with the V8's. Have done some via the BMW. Perhaps one day...!

I sent you a PM on some other "stuff".


Re: Show vs Go

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 6:56 pm
by Crazy Rick
Pete and I hit I95 headed for the HD place. I had already received my annual Daytona ticket and was going to cool it. Before I could say, what the f... we are well over a hundred and that 606ci was walking away like a bat out of hell. Pete don't mind FAST, even in a police state like Daytona. He is the only guy I've seem doing a 606 justice.

Way to go Pete.

Re: Show vs Go

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:54 pm
by Els

I love hearing this and admire Pete all the more now. As I mentioned earlier, my previous experience with the really high priced Mtn bike owners with the big Donovan's was more the park and show variety. There was actually a guy in Naples who had a wicked bike but had never even been into the 4 barrel. I remember he had Marco Mike Kelly do some work on it and ride it and for the first time in it's life, it was out there kicking ass. Mike told me it was such a wicked bitch that when he juiced it, it came around so hard he thought he was going to be able to read the license plate, ha ha. I've personally never got to ride one but sure would love to. In the meantime, I'll just have to admire and slober.


Re: Show vs Go

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:46 am
by Crazy Rick
Back in 2002 we went to Mountain to pick up Karens trike. The guy with the John Deer 606 was there and let me take it for a ride. I don't remember what tire this one had but it would go up in smoke loooong before you got to the 4 barrels. Last year Tom told me that they have removed A LOT OF WEIGHT from the rotating mass sense then......WOW!