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New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:44 am
by Els
Anyone with a good knowledge of the city, could you please PM me? I have some specific questions that probably wouldn't be of interest to most on a thread. Thanks for any help.


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:22 pm
Sorry Elliot,i cannot help YouI,but i would also need NY help!I bought to my "wife" 40th BD trip to NY in the end of april and i thought that everythin is OK,but we just found out that the hotel we have booked to her is loaded w rats and hookers!If any body knows anybody who could arrange one room for a week to rent or any info about reosonable hotel or B&B or what so ever i would appreciate it a lot! :oops: All hotels in internet seems to be booked then. :cry:

Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:27 pm
by Els
Kim, we usually stay at the Benjamin, Kimberly, or Flatotel. They're very nicely located in midtown Manhattan but not cheap. The hookers there would be very high priced and the rats would leave in limos...just kidding. :o

It was just today recommended to check a place in the Village called Washington Square Hotel. My sister just checked rates for me at $225 p/night which is much less than we usually spend.

Be careful of "B&B" claims there. I've found over the years most were shit holes.


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:47 pm
by hogv8
I've only been there once back years ago . A bunch of us chartered a boat out of long Island and went deep sea fishing out 25 miles . Shit hole is right . They couldn't pay me enough money to go back . Whores , pimps , queers , rats , roaches , you name it , they have it all . Definitely the asshole of the world .A few of the bars we went into had electronic locks on the shit house doors that were operated buy a bouncer . He would let one person in at a time and when you were thru you knocked on the inside of the door and he would let you out . No thanks , I'll just stay here in my little one horse town .


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:09 pm
by Els
Jack, your "one horse town" is probably bigger than where I live. We're glad to have some paved roads in Todd, NC, hee hee.

In spite of it being 180 degrees from the way and where we live, I really like NYC a bunch. I marvel that a place with so many people can actually function as it does. Years ago it was truly bad with all the things you mention, however, enter Rudy G. and better times and the city really has a great side to it. I personally see it as one of the greatest cities on the planet...not to be confused with the best place to live.

I have some history there and really love eating so it can be a great place for me personally to visit. The eating there is without equal as far as I'm concerned. I've also found most New Yorkers to be good folks...once they've determined you're not going to rob or kill them.

I get to do the best country and mountain riding in the country as far as I'm concerned on an almost daily basis. Getting out and about the big city offers a change from my ordinary. After it's all said and done and going into my last day there, I'm sure I'll be ready to get out of Dodge and head home.


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:34 pm
by hogv8
Elliot , in Syracuse N.Y. we have a restaurant that has become quite famous . Celebrities from all over the world have eaten there and rave about the food . It's called Dinosaur Barbecue and is owned and operated by a biker acquaintance of mine by the name of John Stage . He also has a Dinosaur Barbecue in Harlem that is equally as famous . Their food is out of this world . If you get a chance check it out . I guaranty you won't be disappointed .


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:00 pm
by Els

I haven't met many barbeque places I don't like. The good ones...ummmummm. :roll: I'll need some of the "New York City info" I titled this thread before going to Harlem. Used to be a place the honkies didn't go. Maybe along with all the clean up I referenced earlier, it's ok now. Besides, most of the brothers I've run across seem to really like the V8 bikes. Thanks for the recommendation!

Speaking of barbeque, we're going from some snow, 20 degrees and big winds last night and today to mid 50's and sunny tomorrow. I told Steve to get that Willy's trike up here and we'll head to a killer car show in Tennessee and then to one of two great barbeque restaurants. The car show folks seem to really like the bikes and go nuts with the trikes.

Riding, car show, barbeque...the weekend's off to a good start! 8-)


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:02 pm
by Els

I go to NYC a few times a year and have been doing so for around 50 years believe it or not! :shock: Ever since a kid and actually lived there when I was very young. Finding a place to stay and things to do are the easy part. What's difficult is find a place to park a Ford F350 pickup truck, a motorcycle trailer and a V8 bike...and without them being stolen! :evil: Many garages can't take my F350 because it's much taller (higher) than standard due to tires and it being lifted. None of the garages want trailers either and most have height requirements. The V8Chopper would end up as parts in certain NYC garages. :evil:

I've actually found a few places that would be able to handle it and safe. I also heard from a few guys living up there who want to ride. I'm going in September and looking forward to it. I think riding through the city will be a lot of fun. 8-)


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:38 pm
by Butkicker5
Hi Elliot , my daughter lives in Brooklyn Ny , and we visit regularly , getting to know our way around send me an e-mail with questions and i might be able to help , my e-mail is


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:24 pm
by Els

My questions were specifically about parking for the bike, truck, and trailer. Got it all worked out with a garage in midtown near the Village.

I actually considered staying in 2 spots in Brooklyn as I'm familiar with both areas. One in Bay Ridge off 4th Ave and about 84th street the other at Sheepshead Bay. The Brighton Beach spot (Sheepshead Bay) had crappy parking and was 3 long blocks to the subway. The Bay Ridge spot looked great (Best Western) but the Village looked better.

As you probably know, parking is the major issue there. Thanks for offer of help. Regards,


Re: New York City info?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:44 am
Ms Wannabe arrives to NY next tuesday.Could some of you cruise around there so she could feel at home! :lol:

Re: New York City info?

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:52 am

Try Travelocity, Orbitz and Hot Wire for hotel and travel discounts. They can help you arrange everything from airfare to rental cars and hotels and all give substantial package discounts. Good hunting!