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Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:57 pm
by Els
I took a road trip a week ago to V8Choppers to visit owner/friend Stan Hughes. I originally told Stan when ordering the chopper I'd "just swing by" so we could go over options and bling. I figured; "I'm in extreme west NC, he's in Oklahoma, no big deal." I mapped it and it was right at 1,000 miles. :? We talked via phone, ha ha. Anyhow, the chopper got built, I love it, rode it at Daytona, all's great. I did however, miss the opportunity to hit the road, see Stan on his homefront, visit the shop, etc. I got creative :idea: and figured out an excuse to go there. More paint! :roll:

Loaded the chopper into the trailer, hooked it up to the F350 and headed out at 5:00a Eastern last Sunday. The computer mapping program and the GPS in the truck had me going through Tenn to Nashville and up into KY, Illinois :?: into Missouri at St. Louis, and then SW to Oklahoma. I hadn't been to any of them by land so I thought it would be pretty cool. It was with the exception of St. Louis. Sorry to offend anyone from there but...not on my "cool places" list. 8-) NOT. I saw more dead deer (big uns) in Illinois than I've ever seen anywhere. I suspect those huge farms may have had something to do with it. Those big muthas could do some serious damage to cars, trucks, and (gulp) bikes. :cry:

Fourteen hours later, I was at Miami (pronounced My-am-muh) Oklahoma. I'm seeing some pretty big structures that looked like arenas or fairgrounds or whatever later to find out...they're CASINOS! Hmmm, this could be a cool 8-) trip!

Went to Stan's shop unloaded bike and trailer, and got the nickel tour of the shop. It is bigger than I thought with multiple areas designated for different activities such as fabrication, machine shop, assembly, Stan's office, and others. Beautifully organized, everything in it's place, extremely clean without a drop of oil, dirt, rags, etc. :shock: Sure not like my garage. Upstairs was all the parts inventory which again, was perfectly organized and Stan had bunches of everything. I suspect there was inventory to build a dozen or more bikes and trikes just from parts on hand. What a difference seeing them in their raw form versus the finished product. Yes Phil, I saw your trike!

I could easily see why the detail on these bikes and trikes is so perfect. The machining and the crew (more on them later) insure that a part doesn't go in the bins until they're perfect. Attention to detail was....well, perfect. :)

Stan and I took a drive around town. Although Stan considers it to be a pretty small place, it's large compared to where I live. Very nice town, friendly people...I liked it. Stan pointed out some of the highlights most interesting to me was the original Route 66. It is still a county access through road, however, it's mostly gravel. The original road with concrete borders is still visible along much of it through town. Looks like it's seldom used but you could feel the history. Yep, I had a picture in my mind of Martin Milner and that beautiful 'Vette. 8-)

After the tour, we ended up at a super nice Indian casino and a first class dinner. Unlike the Indian casinos I was used to in SW Florida, this one was Vegas style. We couldn't pass up the allure of the blackjack table. I left with my ass intact, Stan put a hurting to them.

Stan introduced me to his painter the next day. We drove about an hour toward Tulsa to get there. Great drive through the Oklahoma countryside. His painter, Mike W. is out in the boonies and has a great shop (really big) on his home property. Inside, there were a few kick ass hotrods including a super nice '55 Chevy. He was doing one of Stan's bike frames for David Ward. All I can say is hot hot hot! Hope to see the finished product at Myrtle Beach with luck. Mike's office is covered with posters and magazine covers of paint he's done. He's got to be one of if not the finest when it comes to flames. I'm changing my paint a drop and as a result, we had brought all my painted parts. Mike and Stan had great ideas and that's got to be one of the most enjoyable, but challenging aspects of making decisions on our bikes. So many choices... but you can only make one.

We had lunch that afternoon joined by Stan's lovely wife Shelly and his team from the shop. Tab, Tim, and Stacy. All these guys are perfectionists and are able to backfill one another's function. The three of them love what they do and love the bikes. They all three act like they own the company. Very proud, very serious about their work, great senses of humor. Great Mexican lunch followed by a great Chinese Miami Ok! Also got to meet Stan's son Cody who is a student but does lots to help around the shop. Young guy with his head screwed on right. A gentleman at 18. Also a very accomplished chopper rider. Damn, wished my Dad would have been a bike mfg instead of a CPA. Hmmmm.

Headed out the next morning through SW Missouri into Arkansas. Had never been there and thought it was an extension of Mississippi. Couldn't be more wrong. Arkansas is a beautiful state one end to the other. That's a go back trip unto itself although not as dramatic or beautiful as my home state of NC. Fourteen hours, 30 minutes later I was home.

No flats, no speeding tickets (was often pulling the trailer at 85 mph), no mishaps other than a bad case of gas from all the crap food on the road. Love them Krystal burgers.

Pics below include the biggest McDonalds in America strattling the turnpike in Oklahome (I-44?)
The chopper on an assembly cart with the painted parts removed
The chopper right before I loaded it the day before I left for Oklahoma and...
a short clip of Stan and I goofing around on the original Rte 66.

I asked Wildman to add a real short video on Rte 66 if able. That's hopefully coming soon. That's my story...sticking to it.


Re: Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:55 pm
by AR
that was great! sitting here in the club waiting to catch a plane with the goofy V8 grin, I'm sure to be suspect now. thanks for sharing Els 8-)

Re: Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:02 pm
Brother Els,

Outstanding trip report Bro. Makes me wish I went with ya'. I'm never happier than when on the road, as long as nobody "F"s it up. I met one of Stan's distributors at Bama Bike Fest a Mr. Gerry Potts. He's a great guy and a positive reflection of the manufacturer. I tend to plan WAY ahead and now I figure that I know where I'll send my piecesparts for paint. I love "Real Flames" and If the Beast ever has any other colors than Black and Chrome, it'll include Flames. Again, great report and congrats on the upgrades. By the way, we have almost 16 acres just outside (East) of Gattlinburg. Next time we're up that way we'll have to get together and ride, tell lies (crap! cant, it HURTS me too bad), slam a few and talk about women. 8-)

Re: Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:47 am
by AR

Re: Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:07 am
by Els
Rob, you dirty dog! Well, my movie will now get national attention...but no academy award. Ok, the least I can do is explain things...

Stan (heard in the background taking the intended pics) was driving me around Miami (My-am-muh) Oklahoma where he lives. I wanted to see the original Route 66. The county left it exactly as it originally was with the concrete borders. I told Stan to take a PICTURE of me standing on it. He was using my new telephone camera. Neither of us knew how to use it. Obviously, Stan hit the "video" button instead of "picture."

I can't sing, I can't dance, had no bike to do a good smoker down the ol' road...what's one to do?.....PISS ON IT!

Els 8-)

Re: Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:42 am
by AR
umm...International attention. :D

Re: Els Road Trip to V8Choppers

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:03 pm
by acrophil
Hi Els and everybody else,

i too made the trip to Miami, OK and found it to be an interesting place. The country begins to look like the Ozarks in that part of OK. Stan gave me the nickle tour and I came away as impressed as you did. Small number of people with a lot of talent.

I am getting the 520 HP trike and checked all the blocks to get the bling. The only place I am in doubt is the paint and I am putting faith in Mike Willey and Stan to make it beautiful! Make it yellow with flames ! Chrome everything but mostly make it fast :twisted: . I figure that the 10 second window is plenty fast for me and won't be looking for for the 600 + HP motor and if I do briefly lose more of my sanity, there is always nitrous - not!

Wishing for Myrtle but it will not happen, hoping for early June. I still have and may keep the 502 Boss for a while. It will give a great opportunity for comparison. The bike and the trike weigh about the same so it could be interesting. I talked to Gerry at bike nite and he rode a 520 trike recently and said it really had an attitude. Phenominal torque and would blow the tires off at will, sounds like my kind of toy.

Will post more when I get the possible timing of delivery firmed up. Just like a kid at Christmas :P .


Anybody know someone looking for a 502, let me know. I am in no hurry but I probably don't NEED 2 V8 bikes. I don't guess anybody NEEDS any V8 bikes :mrgreen: .

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:23 pm
by Els

Sure you won't make MB? Tell Stan he's got a whole week before you'd need it, ha ha :lol: .

If you "checked all the blocks" you're going to have a real shiny trike! LOTS of chrome and goodies on that list! There are some special things like the chrome plates in back and front of the heads that really dress it up. I couldn't be happier with the look. All you see is chrome. :shock:

If you went through Willey's shop, you know you can feel comfortable with his and Stan's taste...long as you like flames! I personally think he's as good as there is with his flame schemes. Seems like yellow is pretty popular right now. If you and Gerry ride together, spectators will need good sunglasses, ha ha. 8-)

David gets some rather serious rubber on the back of the trike (I saw while at Stan's), which he'll need for the difference between the 520 and 600+ hp trikes. Having rode Dave's 500 hp trike, I can testify it does in fact blow the tires off at will and at about any speed. The trike I rode didn't have as radical a cam as yours will have and the extra 20 hp will really help once you get rolling. I would have been totally happy with his trike but prefer the snotty cam your getting. :twisted:
