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Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:12 pm
by SRF
I went to Bikelahoma in Pryor, Oklahoma last weekend. It was a great trip with a great group of friends. I rode to work very cold and wet roads on Friday morning. Got a call about 4:00 that the others were on 69 highway heading south. I got out of work as quick as I could and headed for Kansas, took about an hour or to catch up but found them at a gas station. We made it to Pryor shortly after dark, the cop sitting over the top of a hill when I was doing a burnout must not have been in view of me.

The rally had a large turnout looked like the campgrounds were near full capacity, but I heard they plan to expand the place 2-3 times bigger. Had many bands there, Rhett Rotten's wall of death, dual burnout pits, jet car melting jap bikes, jet powered johnny on the spot, kind of lacked vendors but hopefully will expand next year. Sure would have been cool to have seen V8 choppers there as they are built very close to Pryor. Here are some pics from the rally.

Shane ... =slideshow

Re: Bikelahoma

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:38 am
Thanks Shane!Looks that you had nice time! 8-)

Re: Bikelahoma

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:55 am
by AR
KISS wrote:Thanks Shane!Looks that you had nice time! 8-)
Yep he was thinking of us for sure...good effort son!

Re: Bikelahoma

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:08 am
by sled350

You mean you rode the bike to the rally and camped there. No trailer, no hotel ,WOW what a novel idea.
:lol: :lol:


Re: Bikelahoma

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:55 pm
by SRF
sled350 wrote:Shane

You mean you rode the bike to the rally and camped there. nep trailer, nep hotel ,WOW what a novel idea.
:lol: :lol:

Yes you got the story right. I did have a tent this time though. Last time I rode with this group to Oklahoma for the rattle snake hunt I just took a blanket and threw it down beside my bike. Everything I needed was on my bike, the rest of the group had a Tahoe to haul their supplies and girlfriends. They did need a few tools and supplies from me but I enjoyed thier campfire also.
