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Puff's visit

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 7:32 pm
by SRF
Bill came to visit this last weekend. He started out early in the morning on Friday and made a stop for breakfast with Harold Blocker. He will have to fill you in on his rain and wind for the trip. I was still waiting for him to arrive when I was showing a couple people my bike in the shop at work and one mentioned there was another outside, I walked outside to find Bill already there at 3pm. I finished a few things and left a smokey trail out of town. We stopped at my house for a short time, then rode on to Busa Joes (many of you met him in Dyersburg last year). Another friend of mine, Nick met us there. We then went to a college friend of Bill's house where the cake pic you have likely already seen was taken. Bill was very surprised to find his sister there who had flown in from Long Island. We then all rode out to dinner that night. Bill and I stayed at his friend Randy's house over the weekend so we could all enjoy as much time as possible together.

Saturday morning we got up and had breakfast. Joe came to lead us to Daniel Gilyeat's house. Daniel Gilyeat is an injured Marine who's house was on Extreme Home Makeover last fall. Bill was interested in seeing it and Joe was able to introduce him and get us all a tour of the house as he is friends with him. From there we went to Scooter Day Picnic, which to my surprise was at the house of a teacher I had years ago at the GM Training Center. Then we made a quick stop at a friends performance sportbike shop Smithers Customs. You will see a pic of Bill grinning beside a nearly 500hp at the rear wheel tubo busa. We rode out to a great dinner later that evening.

Sunday Joe met us at Randy's for breakfast again. Then Bill and I started on his route home. Made a quick stop at my house and a short recreational stop at my Uncles. I rode the first 150 miles home with Bill before stopping for one last meal together and turning back home. It was a great weekend!


My pics: ... illsvisit/

Bill's pics: ... Billspics/

Re: Puff's visit

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 2:43 am
by AR
Great to see you guys spreading the V8 fever.... 8-)


ps. nice patch Billy!

Re: Puff's visit

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:18 am
by okie
Sounds like a real great time!! Thanks for the pics !!

Re: Puff's visit

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:04 pm
by Puff
Super weekend!
Sorry I am posting on here so much later.
Shane, Joe, Randy, Cheri, my sister Barbara
all made it a great birthday weekend!
MAJOR rain and wind enroute to Shane's place.
Shane left a 100 footer right in front of his workplace! :mrgreen:
Saw a Scooter Day - -with Vespas, Cushmans, etc. That was really interesting!
Of course we ate a bunch! At some of Shane's haunts.
Joe did wheelies ALL weekend for us! THAT was cool! 8-)
Shane roasted his rear tire in getting ready for La Crosse! :o
Saw a Marine(Danny Gliyeat) in Kansas City who had lost a leg in
Iraq from and IED. He has a prosthtic leg now. A TV show had
a total new house built for he and his 4 kids, while he and his
4 kids were on a 7-day vacation. Danny knew we are proud
of his service!
Shane took me shooting on his Uncle's farm. I finally got to
fire my new pistol! 8-)
Ya'll go visit Shane! He knows his way around! :mrgreen: 8-)
1170 miles for me that weekend.

Puff Bill