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Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:13 pm
by Els
For you folks that didn't go to Myrtle Beach, thought I'd give a report and some pics. I know I'd get the "sucks without pictures" message from Rob otherwise. :evil: Sorry I only had my telephone camera and was too preoccupied most of the time to use it.

After Sunday morning's downpour, the weather stayed perfect. Great riding day and night. Warm enough day for the gals to be wearing little shirts and little shorts (don't we hate it? :? ) and cool enough at night to put on the jacket. Myrtle Beach by the way has great places to eat and lots to do for those that don't want to ride. Very cool place and a definite go back for me.

All the Boss Hoss dealers were at the same place as the factory. Looked like there were lots of factory rides going on. While there (Colonial Mall), saw Conrad, Billy, Glenn and lots of other folks and their significant others. Spent a lot of time talking to Tom Shaeffer at Mtn. Can't say enough about those bikes, they're over the top cool. They had a Leonard Skynard and a country & western theme bike that were outstanding. Tom of course demo'd his turbine powered bar stool. It had been purchased a day or so before for a cool $50,000.00 +. :shock: Sounded like I was on the ramp listening to a Hawker or a Citation fire up. Talked to Tom and crew quite a bit about the LS2.

Finally got to meet Jeff & Joyce Hemperly. Great folks and happy to have motored around a bit with them and hooked up another time or two. A great example of these boards forging friendships.

Spent most of the time at the V8Chopper trailer with Gerry Potts and David Ward. All the times spent as well with roomie Steve Barr on his 502 trike and Chris Capps on his badass V8Chopper that he just made some excellent motor enhancements on. When Steve, Chris, David and I would take off and ride, there was lots of gawking, picture taking and funny faces being made. Yep, we got all the dumb shit questions at gas stations and stop lights from the Harley folks. Most common was; "what kind of gas mileage to you get on those things?" Standard answer was; "who gives a shit?" Hmmmm.

Some of my highlights included running into some old friends, a retired fire chief and his wife, that I hadn't seen since moving. It's been 8 years since we last saw one another. Ran right into them in a bar called Suck Bang Blow. Some pictures there to follow. Also had the pleasure of enjoying old friend Mike Kelly's company for a few days. Mike brought a very snotty new Vanquish and two other Vanquish bikes. I had the displeasure of Mike spanking me one night before dinner. :cry: I blamed it on his Powerglide tranny and having almost 640 hp to my 520 but one way or another, he won...the bikes are totally outrageous cool. Hanging with Mike took me back to the great times I enjoyed in SW Florida. Can't wait to spend a month there this summer. Hopefully, lots of it riding with Mike and friends. Mike's right hand man, Tony, was also there and I've known Tony a long time. What a great guy and lots and lots of great tech talk.

There were the usual kick ass moments like David and I getting it on coming off a highway ramp and letting off seconds before the SC State cop pulls out. He had to have heard us. Another good one was David getting sideways on that 500 hp trike when riding with Mike. What a scene! :shock:

As always, things kind of suck when it comes to traffic, the ten gazillion cops giving out tickets, everything congested, it's kind of a cluster fuck's always been about the friendships to me. Getting to see these guys and hang and's the best. To Steve, David, Chris, Mike, Gerry... thanks for the company and friendship. To the new guys I met like Mr. Johnny Rotten, really glad to have met you and look forward to seeing you again.

Can't end this without thanking Mr. Stanley Hughes of V8Choppers. He re-delivered my beloved chopper with some new enhancements including a paint change that is so perfect and exactly what I was looking for. I pounded the chopper pretty hard all week and it was flawless. None of this to mention the LOTS and LOTS of attention I got. We all do indeed enjoy people admiring our bikes and I got plenty.

There's lots more but at the risk of boring everyone, I'll shut up and try and get a few pics going.


Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:42 pm
by AR
haha sometimes sucks even with the pics, but in this case awesome report Els and your wordpower and phone pics captured the mood perfectly. Always great to hear about catching up with the people we know, keeps us 'afaroffers' linked to our unique community. Thanks for posting!

Cant quite believe she had that sign on her backside though.... :D

Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:44 pm
by Tom
Thanks for posting El... Sounds like a great time and makes me want to move east and get in on some of that fun. :mrgreen:

Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:54 am
by 502wingman
Thank you Els :)

Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 1:19 pm
by NcChopper

Nice job on summing up Myrtle. It was a blast hanging out with you guys and look forward to the next time. Your chopper rocks.


Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:05 pm
by johnnyrotten
Hello Elliot
Was really nice to finally meet you look forward to you coming up this way in we can ride to NYC.Thanks for all the info on the V8 Choppers,hope I have mine by then,Also you should have seen the lesbian show that went on at the Doghouse South,in the back parking lot HOLLLLLLLLY SHIIIIIIIIT.God I love Myrtle Beach,peace.

Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:32 pm
by Clint44
Myrtle Beach is one of the few big events I haven't made,yet. Except for the normal hassles of any large gathering,it sounds like a pretty good time. Maybe I can attend next year.
Is it just me or does everyone else think the overwhelming police presence is just a little ridiculous? Sheesh!

Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 12:48 pm
by Els
Clint44 wrote:Myrtle Beach is one of the few big events I haven't made,yet. Except for the normal hassles of any large gathering,it sounds like a pretty good time. Maybe I can attend next year.
Is it just me or does everyone else think the overwhelming police presence is just a little ridiculous? shit!

The "normal hassles" pretty much make most of the biggies the same to me. I don't notice any difference between Bike Week and Biketoberfest in Daytona anymore. Same look, same traffic, same hassles. Myrtle Beach isn't much different. No really great riding, vendors, vendors, and more vendors, bars, bars bars...if it weren't for the friends I look forward to seeing, I'd skip them all probably.

I used to be naive enough to believe law enforcement presence was to insure safety but after this Myrtle Beach and the last number of Daytonas, it's become obvious that the tremendous overwhelming presence is a matter of revenues. Fully 100 miles out of MB I started seeing an inordinate number of state cops shooting radar and giving tickets. Every small town I went through had every one of their finest and reserves on duty and cranking out the tickets. MB had them in certain spots staged every mile or so on Hwy 17 Business. It was pretty wild.

It seemed like it was about speeding mostly and perhaps a few marginal yellow light scenarios. Of course it would be hard to tell if some were pulled for stuff like lack of eye gear, too loud, license plate expirations, etc. Yeah, I think "ridiculous" about sums it up.


Re: Myrtle Beach Pics

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:44 am
by okie
That's why for me it is the ride there meeting with friends and the ride home.