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V8Chopper Trike is Here!

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:52 pm
by acrophil
Got the Trike at 5:00 today :D . The paint was a terrific suprise, Stan and Mike Willey came up with the incredible scheme, more better pictures to follow. This is a really bad boy, lots of attitude and a real struggle to find traction even using a light hand as it is not broken in. I don't have much time on a trike but I like it. Working with Stan and Gerry was a pleasure, they were receptive to changes and and had great ideas, I asked for a killer fast show trike and they delivered. We still have a few changes and the under tank lights to finish but Gerry, Bernie, Rick and I made the bar scene tonite and had a great time playing with the toys. Can't wait to break it in a little and learn to hook it up, it should be rocket ship fast to go along with it's BAD attitude.


Re: V8Chopper Trike is Here!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:49 am
by Els

Outstanding looking trike! Really striking!

You have the exhaust I like best on Stan's trikes. I haven't heard the 520 DART through that exhaust but suspect it's hot! Twist it up!

Too bad Gerry won't be able to hear his little stroker motor when riding next to you, ha ha ;) !


Re: V8Chopper Trike is Here!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:07 am
by AR
that is one awesome trike! I have to admit, since there isnt a vette body for the boss anymore this would have to be 1st choice.

The width between the rear wheels looks a lot slimmer than the ol' hoss that I rode. Felt like it were on rails and the rider (me) had big confidence keeping up with the 2 wheelers in the twisties. Is it 'slimmer' and can you attack corners?

Onya Phil.

Re: V8Chopper Trike is Here!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:16 am
by acrophil
The V8Chopper trike is slimmer than a Boss Hoss trike and is 200 + lbs lighter so the handling is different. I don't know enough yet to comment about charging the corners. This one has a Detroit Locker rear end and is a little different from the normal limited slip posi-traction chunk. So far I really like the way it goes where you point it.

David, thanks for the info. I will definately take your advice on the oil. Pressures seem to be running in the mid to high 40's at cruise. This thing is really fast in the roll on at 60 to 70. One of the guys said it was spinning the tires in a high gear 60 mph roll on. The one time I hit it in first, it lit up both sides in a perfect straight line with no fish tailing. Very confidence building. More seat time today!


Re: V8Chopper Trike is Here!

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:17 pm
by Els

David kindly gave me the opportunity to log some saddle time on his then white V8Chopper trike with a 500 hp DART motor and also a yellow trike he has since sold. Having had two Boss Hoss trikes, both bigblock and smallblock, I felt pretty qualified making comparisons.

Both have their assets and liabilities but overall, I would personally buy the V8Chopper with the 520 hp DART motor if I were now in the market for a trike. It is much more motorcycle like in the handling and the smaller size is an asset in my opinion. For 2 up riding and storage capability, I'd give the nod to the Boss. I don't care for the constant push/pull steering the Boss.

The DART 520 in the chopper trike is significantly faster than the 502 in the Boss Hoss. The higher hp/lower weight make it undisputable and I also like the Powerglide better than the T350 although both are rock solid.

If someone had a wide trailer, you could actually haul two of the V8Chopper trikes side-by-side. With two Boss trikes one would need a 25' trailer.

I suspect your 520 hp DART motor is even nastier than David's was at the time because of the cam. I recollect David having switched to the more radical cam in the white trike and know from riding next to him at Myrtle was radical fast with lots of attitude.

I sometimes miss my trike(s) as they seemed to get a lot more attention than the bikes. Then there's the issue of not having to think (or worry) anymore about all the shitty roads your on. With the bike I'm constantly trying to assess crowning, uneven pavement, etc while on the trike it becomes a "so what" deal. Much more relaxing.


Re: V8Chopper Trike is Here!

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:04 am
PHIL.........PHIL! BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL Trike man. I mean really amazing. WOW! Mr Ward you have some competition ;-).
I love the look of the Trike Phil...the paint the chrome everything.
Take David's advise on the running in of the engine and the oil to use! That guy knows what he is talking about!
Is is just me or is the tank bigger on that Trike?
Good luck with it Phil and give us some ride reports. Im sure it will be a fast fast muther.

I know what your talking about when you say you miss your trikes ELS. I miss mine as well sometimes for the very same reasons but all in all the bike/chopper is more rewarding. In long hauls though and in any weather or unknown roads the Trike is a great machine. Im looking forward to riding a V8 Chopper Trike...hint hint everyone haha. They look great and im gonna have one as a company machine for one of my business's in the near future. Im gonna come up with a real special paint combination with my logo on it. It will win shows and be a fast fast thing as well.

Cheers Guys