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This is for My Husband and Son

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:44 pm
by Butterfly
I just want to say, not only is this for Eagle and our son Lee (who is in Iraq) but for every soldier and their family and friends. Let us ALL be proud of what they do to keep us safe. Not everyone is able to just leave a partner, children (born and unborn), Parents, family and friends to do this. They ALL take a great risk not only in a war zone but also here at home, where the ones they depend on to be there when they get are gone or Marriages destroyed and time can not be turned back. Take a moment and watch this video.

Re: This is for My Husband and Son

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:33 am
Thank You G,

It will also very soon, be for or our other son Kelan who some of you have met. He is on his way into the US Marine Corps. I expect him to enter service on or about 01 October 08, ironically the very same day that I can officially notify the US Army that I am retiring. He already has the heart of a Marine and alot of tactical and weapons (as Crazy Rick can attest) training. When the Marines are done with him, only Grandfather himself will be able to save the bad guys. Bro's? How many places can your heart be at one time? Especially when you realise that you can't protect them any more, THEY are now stepping up and running to the sound of the guns in your stead, to protect you. Damn! Now I got something in my eye!