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Extra National Rally Pins

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:07 pm
by Harold Blocker

I found two extra 2001 National Rally pins, but no extras for the other years. What year were you needing to replace the one that came off?


Re: Extra National Rally Pins

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:17 pm
by AR
Harold Blocker wrote:Rob,

I found two extra 2001 National Rally pins, but no extras for the other years. What year were you needing to replace the one that came off?

Thanks for remembering our conversation Harold...I barely did :lol: the one that I lost was from 2003 which meant a lot but dont worry too much, just cause I dont have the pin doesnt mean I didnt go. I'm still in transit towards home - about a day and a half more to go & will post my pics etc when I get there.

Aussie Rob.