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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:18 pm
by Geezer
This fishing trip is getting long..........................

When will you be back to mother-earth....????


Re: Noodles:

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:26 am
by gaston 2005 502

Dry sucks,,, with the level or lack of intelligence on this rig,, i wonder if we will ever get done. it originally was slated for 2 weeks sea trials. and that was to start on November 16, i got here on the 19th, so we are now well into the third week of a two week sea trials and they have no idea of when they are going to complete it. the only thing more common than the rumors of return are the idiots saying them. Now i found out what is worse than Korea, offshore of korea :roll: :roll: but at least it's not Africa,,, On a humorous note,,, the first night or second night out, before i got here, the crew awoke to alarms going off. the rig was anchored and turns out the anchor broke loose and started drifting and no one was aware. from my information the rig drifted near 4 miles towards the shipping lanes here at the bottom of Korea. final location was 30 - 40 yards from a passing fair sized ship. :shock: :roll: after that they started a night shift on the bridge, or so i am told. nothing ever surprises me with these people. for emergency in U.S.A. we dial 911, in Korea they are backwards,,, they dial 119. in U.S.A. cops chase people with the emergency lights on,, in korea the cops drive around with their emergency lights on,, go figure,,, :lol: :lol:
i do know my ass will be on a plane the 23rd of december though,,, going in the right direction,, even if they do decide not to return to port. i have been able to log onto the site so my PMS is not as bad as it could be, lunch time log on is limited as band width on the ship is limited for internet and everyone is on at lunch so it is super slow. anyway thanks for wondering,,,and i will get on when we return.
