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Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:49 am
by KrautV8
Yeah, that was funny!!! I too miss his postings.

I remember when someone wrote about installing the (at that time) new 280 rear tire, and Ken answered something like:

"I recently installed a bigger tank, and can carry 50 gallons of fuel now which gives me more range. I did also installed a 3000 HP engine and a 500 rear tire...damn, what's next, guys????? Ken".

Hahahaha....I was searching for this posting of him a couple years ago, but wasn't able to find it

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:09 pm
by V8 Perv
Great post Wildman! Just makes me wish I would have
discover V-8 bikes a few years earlier.

Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:25 pm
by Tom
That is Jack Phillips and ol red...

Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:34 pm
by Els
Ha ha ha, what a nice flashback. 8-)

Ken would say what he thought and was sometimes "out there" but I enjoyed that forum and just about everyone's chatter quite a bit. I remember Ken getting involved with a winter "project" that was a new wire harness and complete rewiring his Boss. I think he drove us all nuts with that one but you gotta pat him on the back for taking on a major, pain-in-the-ass task and successfully finishing it.

I hooked up with Ken and wife Claire in NYC one weekend and we had a great time in spite of the bikes not being there. That's what these boards end up doing ultimately...bringing folks with similar interests together. I've made some of the greatest friends in my life as a result of the old Yahoo V8 Free Speech Forum. That's a very cool thing in my book.

This Rebel site has the same good feel the Yahoo site did. I strongly suspect it being the influence than and now of none other than Mr. Wild Man Mike. As soon as we get the amount of tech talk going here that we had there, it will be every bit the same experience.


Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:40 pm
by Tom
Let`s see how close I get..

1. Hossman

2. Aussie..... where`s the sheep?

3. Bill.. er puff...uh poof... nevermind :shock:

4. Harold

5. Geezer

6. Larry

7. Joe

8. Frank

9. Olaf.... V8 soundliver.. lover... kraut

10. Jack...santa

Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:42 pm
by Tom
For those that don`t know.. Mike was the founder of the old original Yahoo board. I also suspect this board will be as sucessful. Thank You Mike... Those were good days indeed.

Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:41 pm
by Puff
I took pic # 9 of Olaf in his brother's village/town,
in his brother's 2005. 8-)
Right after Martin Kolbe and I departed, Olaf dumped
his bike there in front of his brother's house. :o :shock:
(Correct me if I am wrong, Olaf.)


Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:47 am
by KrautV8
Puff wrote:I took pic # 9 of Olaf in his brother's village/town,
in his brother's 2005. 8-)
Right after Martin Kolbe and I departed, Olaf dumped
his bike there in front of his brother's house. :o :shock:
(Correct me if I am wrong, Olaf.)

Yes, that's right... :lol: ...I dumped the bike right after you left with Martin...about 5 minutes after this picture. I wanted to make a hard turn on the street and when I have put it in gear I already was on the forkstop. It felt like the fork was welded to the frame and I felt to the ground like grandma with the bicycle in front of a supermarket...hahahaha....I will never do that (turning so hard that I touch the forkstop) again. Turning on a narrow road with the Boss Hoss is much healthier in two steps.....I learned my lesson. Fortunatly only the handlebar was bend a little and nothing else was hurt except my proudness...hahahaha


I like the pic of Hossman aka "Hossie". I wouldn't have recognised him from the pic, but I do remember his bike very good.

Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:00 am
by hogv8
What about me :cry: :lol: , I was one of the first few members on the original Yahoo site in early 2000 . There's still a lot of old timers left but just as many have disappeared from our Boss Hoss world for one reason or another .


Re: When is the F word acceptable? From V8EyeDoc on Yahoo

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:14 am
by Els
Jack, I was thinking about that some time ago. Trying to recall how many guys "disappeared" as you say. Was wondering if they just don't use the forums or if they sold the bikes. I guess some of both.

Unlike a lot of toys where there's the infatuation period and then the burn out or garage queen times, seems like I'm batting almost 100% with the guys I rode the V8's with back then and now. Almost all still riding the V8's although few have the same model now as back in the early 2000's. When you look at the roster of players who participated on the Yahoo forum then and now, it's changed quite a bit.

When it gets too shitty out to do anything, I may have to look back through some archives and stroll down Memory Lane. Would be interesting noting who's still around and who dropped off the radar screen.
