How about a new V8 bike event?

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

Sure would be great if it could be in a more centralized location so us left coasters could make it.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »


This is really great news to me for a few reasons. First, I would really enjoy the opportunity to meet some of the Left Coast guys like Tommy, Adrian, Mr. Giancarlo, etc. I doubt those guys get to the east coast any and I don't go to Laughlin and west coast so we'd probably never get to hook up.

I had put aside Myrtle Beach time that I'm now going to forsake. I went for the first time last year and wasn't impressed. Now that there are issues regarding helmets, noise, unfriendly locals, not to mention the huge traffic congestion and cops handing out tickets every few hundred yards, I won't be doing that but still have the time off. Great time to go elsewhere.

Having been to Stan's part of the world last year and enjoying my stay, I'd welcome heading that direction again. Folks were friendly and those big Indian casinos provided some friendly after hours entertainment.

I was just talking to Gary in south Florida while playing with my mapping program. Interestingly, Miami, OK was equidistant from Naples, Florida and Bakersfield, California. Appx 1,500 miles either way putting it right dead center of Florida and California. It's just short of 1,000 miles for me from NC which is a one day trip.

I hope to see this unfold. The Texas, Louisiana guys are real close as is Missouri and midwest. Hell, we could probably even get Geezer there with his go-cart. Thanks for thinking of this and trying to put something together. I'm in for sure especially if it's in May.


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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by SRF »

Sounds like a great idea! Oklahoma is a very easy location for me :D Only issue I have is possible interference with the dates of another rally in May. I am waiting for an answer of when that rally is now. If some of the V8 riders are coming from both coasts will be no problem choosing between rallies if I have to I will be at the V8 rally.

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

You can count me and Adrian in for sure... And I`m sure we can get a few more to ride with us. About a 1500 mile ride so we can do that easy. Thanks David!!! Sounds like a good time.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by V8 Perv »

SRF wrote:Sounds like a great idea! Oklahoma is a very easy location for me :D Only issue I have is possible interference with the dates of another rally in May. I am waiting for an answer of when that rally is now. If some of the V8 riders are coming from both coasts will be no problem choosing between rallies if I have to I will be at the V8 rally.

Shane what if I told you Miss Conesville was waiting for you at this springs
rally with her legs wide open would you still choose the V8 rally?

It's gonna be a tough choice for me as I really enjoy the topless chicks
and the 1/8 mile strip.

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by SRF »

Iowa 57 chevy wrote:
SRF wrote:Sounds like a great idea! Oklahoma is a very easy location for me :D Only issue I have is possible interference with the dates of another rally in May. I am waiting for an answer of when that rally is now. If some of the V8 riders are coming from both coasts will be no problem choosing between rallies if I have to I will be at the V8 rally.

Shane what if I told you Miss Conesville was waiting for you at this springs
rally with her legs wide open would you still choose the V8 rally?

It's gonna be a tough choice for me as I really enjoy the topless chicks
and the 1/8 mile strip.
Yep, V8's are much more affordable than women. You got info on the dates yet so we hopefully will know we don't have to choose?

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by sb2bb »

Dave, that is quite the compliment on the La Crosse event and in all reality, credit due is to Geezer who started the tradition and the itinerary. I think you have an excellent idea and think it will work out well for the V8 community.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by sb2bb »

Iowa 57 chevy wrote:
SRF wrote:Sounds like a great idea! Oklahoma is a very easy location for me :D Only issue I have is possible interference with the dates of another rally in May. I am waiting for an answer of when that rally is now. If some of the V8 riders are coming from both coasts will be no problem choosing between rallies if I have to I will be at the V8 rally.

Shane what if I told you Miss Conesville was waiting for you at this springs
rally with her legs wide open would you still choose the V8 rally?

It's gonna be a tough choice for me as I really enjoy the topless chicks
and the 1/8 mile strip.
I'll take the place of Shane....oh :o ....wait...I have to ask my wife first :oops: Steve
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

W1LDMAN wrote:I think its a great idea David, keep us informed on what Stan has to say about it and we'll help ya get the word out. WM

Ok with getting the word out going to be there?! 8-)

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

W1LDMAN wrote:Els, I just hate it when I try to plan that far ahead and then things work against me and I have to cancel. I have every intention of being there and am also going to Oklahoma soon after the first to party with several of our buddies here. See you in May. WM

That's why I'm pretty psyched about this event. It's always about friends to me way more than the riding. Very rare for the left coasters to make it to the east coast venues and visa versa. I think this is a great idea and hping to see a bunch of guys I've known via the forums for years but never had the pleasure to personally meet. Hope to see you for sure Mike...

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

I am there!!! I have been talking to Adrian about this event and we are both excited about it. This is going to be great!
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

Tom wrote:I am there!!! I have been talking to Adrian about this event and we are both excited about it. This is going to be great!

Tom, I'm really glad to hear you guys are coming! I just got a commitment from Gary who's definitely going and Rick will hopefully make it too from SW Florida. This is the perfect opportunity to do just as David suggested, "east meets west". As mentioned, I wasn't too hot on my May bike event in Myrtle Beach anyhow so this fit in perfect. You guys riding or trailering?

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

Els... It will be great to finally get to meet you along with your crew... We are riding. I don`t own a trailer mostly because I would be tempted to miss out on some seat time.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

Tom wrote:Els... It will be great to finally get to meet you along with your crew... We are riding. I don`t own a trailer mostly because I would be tempted to miss out on some seat time.

Tommy, me hat's off to you guys. That's a serious ride! You know us chopper wimps. Couple of bad ass bugs and sand or worse behind trucks (no Windvest), I start whining. :oops:

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

Yeah well... you know us Boss Hoss guys.... I`m bringing a spare tire VIA Gi and Barbara. :twisted: Looking forward to it for sure.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

Lot of action on the .com site about this event I see. Wish there was more going on here with it but that's ok. Considering some of what's posted, I don't miss it. "Vendors" gotta be fucking kidding. Someone (Clint) actually wants vendors? :? There's plenty of cheap bling on the internet if someone wants to buy shit. The remarks about bull shit. I don't care who's V8 bikes are there. My best buds ride BH, V8Choppers, Kannons, Harleys and Hondas... who the hell cares? I'd suggest Clint not go if he has a bone up his ass.

David, nice of you to offer the whole explanation and history but I think it's unnecessary in 99% of everyones opinion. Everyone I've talked to is going there for the V8 brotherhood, the ride, the opportunity to meet a bunch of good guys (and gals). My circle is really psyched...and greatly appreciates any and all effort you, Stan, or anyone else does to help make it happen. Please let me know if there's anything I can help with.

I've talked to a few FL guys and it's looking like there are already 5 or 6 out of SW FL coming. As a matter of fact, liable to be an 1,100 hp Mad Max Boss Hoss there from FL, ha ha. I would be great to have Charlie going to Oklahoma. 8-) Can't wait to meet all you midwest and left coast guys.

The NC count that I'm aware of is 2 bikes, and either 1 or 2 trikes and counting. Again, sounds like Dave is busting his nads to help get this happening. Thanks a bunch Dave... 8-)

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »


I didn't look at the time frames so I don't know when they were posted. I've only been to that site twice and the second time was because a good bud was pretty pissed at the posts regarding this rally and sent me the link to see what was going on. I've never posted there as my politically correct decorum is not very good.

I've been accused of opening my big mouth without having a dog in the fight but in this case, I have multiple friends who are involved in trying to do a first class thing by trying to cement something together and I felt bad that they were getting what I considered a bloody nose. If my friends are getting hammered, I DO have a dog in the fight.

I shouldn't throw too many stones at Clint as I've said stuff before that I was sorry for a few minutes after I hit the "Send" key. Sometimes we get a little too far off center while arm chair quarterbacking with a computer in front of us. I know I have. If he did as you suggest and retracted where he was going with his earlier posts, I'll give him more respect than I did my last post.

As mentioned earlier, I'm not brand conscious. A very short time ago, there was a Ford and two Chevy's in my driveway, a Suzuki, V8Chopper, and BMW in the garage, and I've had 4 Boss Hosses along with scads of Harleys, Yamahas and various other import bikes. One of my favorite bikes is a Honda Valk. The very most important things about any of these venues are the people, the fellowship, the fun, and the riding. I'm counting on East Meets West to accommodate all those things so it works for me. If Clint is there, I hope he has a blast if these are the things he's looking for. If it's vendors and not too many V8Choppers, there's always Daytona in two months.


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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

Yeah... :oops: Guess I could have kept my mouth shut too.... But I felt compelled to make all aware this event is in Stan`s back yard and I appreciate the effort and hospitality. Hell they could call it the V8 chopper event for all I care.. I`d be there anyway. It`s the people.. Not the bikes that I am all pumped up about. I`ve always wanted to do Lacrosse but the distance has been a factor. This is within riding distance and if my tired old bike will make it I`m looking forward to meeting a bunch of fine folks and pounding a beer or 10.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

Maybe I`ll bring my honda.... NOT!
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

Tom wrote:Maybe I`ll bring my honda.... NOT!

Tommy, forget that idea. I'm really anxious to hear that big block of yours. A stock 502 is a thing of beauty but you racheting it up a few notches as you's got to be a beautiful thing. :shock:

Hearing you Californians talking about that trip like a walk in the park is inspiring me. I'm trying to recruit a partner or two to do the ride with me. I'm trying to shame Chris Capps and Steve Barr into it. Will the NC guys choose to eat bugs and grit or bask in the comfort of an F350 pulling a trailer while eating good food and drink, watching DVD's in air conditioned comfort and rotate taking nice snoozes all the way there? Hmmmm, maybe I do want to hook up the trailer, ha ha. :lol:

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Tom »

Els... Maybe I can talk you into taking it out and twisting it`s tail a bit. :twisted: You have a lot of 502 seat time and I`d like some input.
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by V8 Perv »

I only have one thing to say about the bullshit on .com

There ain't no cure for stupid!

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Els »

Tom wrote:Els... Maybe I can talk you into taking it out and twisting it`s tail a bit. :twisted: You have a lot of 502 seat time and I`d like some input.

Tommy, I haven't had the pleasure of riding a big block in a few years now. I'd love the opportunity, however, it would be conditional on you jumping aboard the chopper and checking out what some of the little motors are like. Getting ready to bolt a plate on and squirt 100hp shot to that DART motor. I'm just trying to keep my membership active to stay on the same front porch as some of the SW Florida guys and of course David, ha ha. The 500 hp club gets you "gee, I'm sorry!" remarks these days. Bastards...

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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by Critter »

Howdy everyone, This is the old Critter from just south of Houston. Been real busy lately, but am ready to start planning some fun now. I am looking forward to Miami on Memoral day. Sounds like fun to me. For those of you new to the area, look at the trail from Mena Ark to Itabena Oklahoma. Real nice scenic route. Now I will have to see where Miami is, but I am hoping to be there. Maybe I can pay back some of the bewskis that I owe folks. Yee Haw :o
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Re: How about a new V8 bike event?

Post by tjy »

Just for shits and giggles does anybody know a good route from daytona to miami Ok. avoiding ala. and any other "bumps" low bridges for us motorcoaches to avoid? You have plenty of time to figure
out as it won't be needed till the first of may.



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