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Jimbo's Chopper

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:53 am
by Steve Taylor
American V magazine have done a feature on Jimbo's V8 Chopper, issue 33.

Re: Jimbo's Chopper

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:02 pm
Hi Steve how you doing mate?

You beat me to it man but thanks for mentioning it. Its been a real busy day today and ive just got round to getting some free time to put a post up myself.
Hope your Kannon is going well and i bet you love it.
Il post some more tomorrow as i should have some more spare time.

Cheers and talk soon.

You should be getting your American V copy on Thursday right? Its a great write up on the chopper and some great pics. Could be your next V8 Bike Steve lol ;)