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25 days to go

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:38 am
by Anna
Can't wait for the Boss Hoss Rally 2009 in Pullman City/Harz!!!

Hope to see a lot of well known faces and get to know some new ones :-)

see you end of the month in the wild west

Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:57 am
by Swiss V8
Today it's my first day at work again. And only 13 more to come before I'm off work again for a big V8 party :mrgreen:

I'm looking forward to meet all friends in Europe and from further away again! 8-)

Who plans to arrive when at Pullman City Harz? :?:
I'm not shure yet when I will arrive.

Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:53 am
by AR
The F.U.N. of being in PC needs to be experienced...twice.

Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:24 am
by 502wingman
I will arrive Sunday June 21st :)

Before that I will be all over Germany for a week, so that makes 2 weeks Boss Hoss all day....... yeeeehaaaww


Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:44 pm
by BossHossGeorg
Good Morning Peter and Martin,

we will also arrive at Sunday at PC.


Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:17 am
by bosshossulli
Good morning Georg, Peter, Martin at all
we arrive on Thursday again with the whole group from Cologne.
It will be again loud in the Harz.

Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:48 pm
by hosszz4
We're leaving San Jose California June20th for Amsterdam.
Amsterdam we leave on June 24 for Hannover, Germany.
June 25th we arrive evening at Pullman City.
We leave June 28 for Heidelberg, June 29 for Kamp Bornhofen, June 30 for Koblenz
July 1 for Amsterdam, Fly to San Jose July 2.

Look forward to seeing y'all in Pullman! Hopefully we can find a demo ride in Pullman and go on the group ride with you!

Aldo and Laura

Re: 25 days to go

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:48 pm
by hosszz4
We're leaving San Jose California June20th for Amsterdam.
Amsterdam we leave on June 24 for Hannover, Germany.
June 25th we arrive evening at Pullman City.
We leave June 28 for Heidelberg, June 29 for Kamp Bornhofen, June 30 for Koblenz
July 1 for Amsterdam, Fly to San Jose July 2.

Look forward to seeing y'all in Pullman! Hopefully we can find a demo ride in Pullman and go on the group ride with you!

Aldo and Laura