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International Boss Hoss Meeting Pullman City 2020

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:08 am
by Zepman
Hi all,

More relevant to the Europeans, but of course all are welcome, this year things are different, very different.

I was looking forward to meeting old friends and a good long ride across France, Belgium and Germany but I see that although Germany are lifting some restrictions of their lockdown, I read that "mass gatherings" are banned until after Aug 31. I also have to factor in France and Belgium...

I expect that the BH meet is in the mass gathering class. So I am awaiting confirmation from the news channels and pullman City before cancelling all my travel plans there.


I would normally say safe riding but we aren't allowed out :cry:

Re: International Boss Hoss Meeting Pullman City 2020

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:33 am
by Puff
Hi, Zepman,

I have been at the Pullman City treffen in
2005, 2007 and 2011. I am hoping to attend
the treffen in 2021.
Be safe, and I hope the gathering CAN
happen this year(2020).

Puff Bill

Re: International Boss Hoss Meeting Pullman City 2020

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:17 am
by 502wingman
No final decision at this time.
Our Government leaves the definition of a mass gathering to the states; in this case the state of Saxonia-Anhalt.
So there is still a little hope but in my opinon it is very little.....its hard to imagine to do the "social distancing" in PullmanCity....

Re: International Boss Hoss Meeting Pullman City 2020

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:20 am
by 502wingman
Puff Bill,
looking forward to seeing you again next year :germany: :usa:

Re: International Boss Hoss Meeting Pullman City 2020

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:02 am
by Zepman
Hi Peter & Bill,

Yes, it will be difficult predicting the position of each country, state, region etc. In France it would be Pas de Calais, Picardy then Belgium's Wallonia then Nordhin-Westfalen, Hessen, Thuringen and Anhalt. Phew!, a beaurocratic nightmare and perfect timing for when the post-lockdown "second wave" of infections will be making their mark.

You are so right about social distancing in Pullman City, I can't conceive that working.

At least I have my route all planned and hotels chosen sothat I can slot them into 2021. See you there in '21 for a double party. And Peter, give my best wishes to 'Bina from Das Englander.

Stay safe