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R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:32 am
by gaston 2005 502
The Republic Of Texas R.O.T. rally will be in Austin Texas U.S.A. June 12 thru 15. they got alot of bands, 6 stages, parade from campgrounds/ rally site friday to 6th street downtown. Lots of bikes, we going, hope we can find some hoss riders that are going to meet up there. Clint 44 may go, bound to be some more going, we just gotta find em. Poof, Bill Van Sant (escortbike) will be there on the BH power tour. Hopefully we'll get a group of Hoss riders to hang with. We are getting there wednesday 11. here is the website:

PM me if you think your may go, would enjoy getting together and riding and burning one or two,,,,, tires :roll: 8-) :twisted: .

Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:26 am
by gaston 2005 502
Dang,,, all the responses,, either it's me (probably is) or no hoss riders from texas want to go to the ROT. we'll be that as it may,, i am still looking forward too it and meeting Escortbike Bill there. probably be real hot temperature,, beer will probably be real cold, bands will be great,, hotel rooms priced,,, well can complain about that one,,, lotta bikes and not many hosses,,, sounds fun to me.


Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:25 pm
by gaston 2005 502
R.O.T. is getting closer and i am on my way home from Saudi sitting in the Amsterdam airport waiting on my flight. Looking forward to seeing Bill there and maybe free on three. After R.O.T. going to Lacrosse and i AM READY. 8-)


Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:19 pm
by Puff

You'll find me at the factory truck.
See you whenever you get there!
Looking forward to meeting you!


Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:44 am
by gaston 2005 502
wednesday, we'll be there, looking forward to it Bill.


Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:44 pm
by Puff
We are leaving from the factory in the morning(10 June 2008) at 6 AM. Staying the night in Grand Prarie, then driving to R.O.T. Rally on Wednesday morning(11 June).
4 demo bikes and 2 demo trikes...
See you guys there!


Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:54 am
by gaston 2005 502
Bill called, he said he and the power tour made it to grand prairie texas last night about 8:00pm and were gonna get a night of rest and continue the trip to Austin R.O.T. rally wednesday. said to say Hi to all.


Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:12 am
Thanks D!Greetings to Bill!

Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:28 am
by AR
Pics pics & more pics when you get there Darryl...we love em!

Re: R.O.T. Rally In Austin Texas

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 2:43 pm
by Puff
MAN! The temperature was HOT at R.O.T.!
About 100 degrees fahrenheit each day!
Isn't that like 31 degrees celcius??!!
We did somewhere between 30 and 40 demos.
Mark said that wasn't many at all.
The massive traffic caused us to shut down the
demo rides early every day.
I sure enjoyed meeting all the BH folks that showed!
Darryl and Bea, James and Brandy, Clint and Sherry,
Texas BH and Houston BH, and many others...........
I met a German couple, at R.O.T., Klaus und Heike Metje, who
live about 20 to 30 kilometers from Pullman City/Harz
near Hasselfelde. They have a blue VW-powered trike,
and they will be attending the rally in Hasselfelde next
weekend. Please welcome them at Pullman City when
you meet them(for those who are attending Pullman City/Harz)
Their better-English-than-my-German made it easy to have
a great visit at R.O.T.! Super folks!!
