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No post in trike topics?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:22 pm
by sled350
If we hook a mower to the back [of the trike] a'm thinking Princess can make some extra frog skins.

Howie :lol:

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:29 pm
by AR
I rode a vette trike at Tan Tara in 2003 and from that moment I have been a big trike fan...I would gladly convert mine to a trike if they'd let me (ie; Aus Roads & Traffic Authority and my wife :cry: ).

The ride is pure fun!

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:15 pm
by firstboss
auch meine Frau Heike ist Trikefahrerin,
sie fährt unser Trike wenn wir mit unseren Kinder unterwegs sind,
unser Trike hat kein V8 aber einen getunten Käfer -Boxer mit 2,0 ccm,
das ich selbst gebaut habe,
wenn ihr wollt kann ich noch mehr Bilder einstellen .

Gruß Uwe+Heike , BossHoss Heidelberg

also my Mrs. Heike is Trikedriver, it drives our Trike if we with our children on the way is, our Trike has V8 however one GET down beetle -Boxer with 2,0 ccm, which I built, if want you can I still more pictures adjust. Greeting Uwe+Heike, BossHoss Heidelberg

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:50 pm
by firstboss
OK Mike - more Pictures !

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:54 pm
by firstboss
mit Trike zum Skilaufen in den Schweizer Alpen

with Trike for ski running into Swiss alps

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:01 pm
by firstboss
Heike mit unseren Kids im Urlaub + Camping

Heike with our Kids in the vacation + camping

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:29 am
by AR
Uwe/Heike, that is awesome!

If I could have planned my life before I had it so far, I wouldnt change a thing. But, if my wife would ride the trike I built beside me as we rode through the Alps of Euro with the kids in the back wearing sunnies...well that might just make the maybe list.

I bet the German translation of the above is very confusing...but thems the breaks here at rebels.

Uwe/Heike, das ist ehrfürchtig! Wenn ich mein Leben geplant haben könnte, bevor ich es bis jetzt hatte, I wouldnt Änderung eine Sache. Aber, wenn meine Frau das trike reiten würde, errichtete ich neben mir, während wir durch die Alpen des Euro mit den Zicklein in den rückseitigen tragenden wohlen sunnies... ritten, die die Liste gerade möglicherweise bilden konnten. Ich wettete, daß die deutsche Übersetzung vom oben genannten... aber thems die Brüche hier an den Aufrührern sehr verwirrend ist.


Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:36 am
by AR
Westerners...can you believe this guy? 8-)

edited, can you believe this couple??

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:53 am
by AR

Double click the little movies. One of an LS2 Trike purring away with some nice rocker covers!

If there was some way to connect them Japs here it would be cool.

Re: No post in trike topics?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 7:56 pm
by sled350
First Boss
Good to see the girls riding the trikes. They always get a second look when they are riding their toys.

Our son was in Heidelburg last year for college spring break he loved it.

UWE AND HEIKE keep the shiney side UP.

Howie and Princess