I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

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I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

Post by Butterfly »

My son wrote this letter and by the looks of things he is sick and tried of his Military Life being run by Dumb Asses!!!!! We as Americans wonder why the men and women are leaving the Military Services. This is just one small piece of a a larger pie!
This letter was written by the young SGT Frankie Lee Davis Jr. to a Congressman in Washington DC. Seems like he has his mothers balls. Good on him!

Date: Sun, 4 May 2008 20:05:12 -0700
From: fd6800_6800@yahoo.com
To: robsons@estripes.osd.mil; yourcomments@foxnews.com
CC: flyaltenes@hotmail.com; Robert.Carnahan@tx.ngb.army.mil; uwohili@earthlink.net; fd6800@hotmail.com; herringca@hotmail.com

Enclosed is a letter I sent to Congressman Broun
concerning his push for change to the Military Honor
and Decency Act.

Dear Congressman Broun,

I am writing about your proposal to change the
Military Honor and Decency Act.

I would like to address your claim that the
magazines sold in military exchanges are partly
responsible for a rise in sexual assaults in the
military and other problems. I ask you Mr.
Congressman, have you deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan
recently. If you had, you would find that the
magazines you seek to ban are already banned
downrange. As a matter of fact, all pornographic
images are banned from military downrange; to include
photos of loved ones (wives, girlfriends, ect...). Let
me break that down for you Sir, I could lose my rank
for having a picture of my wife that might be
pornographic in nature, pornographic defined as
anything that is sexually arousing. Let's us not
forget, married couples deployed together get to share
a room and do what ever in their room. But, you are
saying these magazines are causing a rise in sexual
assaults? I hope you are not
counting the assaults downrange. I would attribute
those assaults to putting young men and women in a
combat zone with no outlets, (porn, alcohol, so on and
so forth), for up to 15 months at a time. I am in no
way saying these are the best outlets, but these are
grown men and women, and they make their decisions
without someone acting like their parent. I ask you
Sir, call my wife and ask her if she is sexually
frustrated right now. We can not even legally trade
photos with each other, but you seek to ban magazines
in garrison environments to ease sexual problems. I
also notice, after reviewing the statistics, that
there was increases in assaults after OIF and OEF
began, and 2007 showed about a 9% decrease. What does
this tell me, the young SGT that has been deployed
more than once, that being isolated in a war zone and
the stresses of combat can push some people to do
things they normally would not do in garrison. We have
seen in other cases to. For instance, soldiers
stabbing their battle buddy because he got them kicked
out of a club, soldiers violating the Law of Land
Warfare, soldiers returning and abusing
their spouse or kids, soldiers committing suicide,
wives leaving their husbands or cheating on them wile
they are deployed (and before you comment on the fact
that divorce rates have declined in the military over
the past year or two, it's because most
military have deployed before and the wives that are
with them have dealt with subsequent deployments and
will stick around through the rest). And the list
could go on.

If you are going to fight to stop the sale of
magazines on our bases that are not in a combat zone,
why not fight to stop the sale of many of other things
on base. Here is my proposal:

Alcohol- Partly responsible for drunk driving.

Cars- Partly responsible for drunk driving and
soldiers killed in vehicle accidents.

Any self defense weapon, ie...knives, batons, ect...-
partly responsible for murders and spousal abuse.

Unedited music Cd's- Partly responsible for the way
military use foul language.

Rated R DVDs- Partly responsible for sexual assaults,
speeding, and violence.

Video Games consoles and Games- Partly responsible for
violence, murder, drunk driving, sexual assaults, and

Non pornographic magazines, ie... Cosmo, Men's Health,
Redbook, Men's Fitness- Partly responsible for sexual
assault (ever read the sex tips, they will get you
fired up for a sexual assault).

You are fighting to take away a freedom from these
men and women, well, fight for these magazines to not
be sold off base also. Because they are sold off base
and I don't hear anyone fighting to stop it. On base,
military personnel should be shopping there, and they
are the ones that fight for this country and should be
entitled to read whatever they want and watch what
they want. Otherwise, we as a society should outlaw
any and all publications that are partly responsible
for anything bad, and in that case, what are we
fighting for? Go to Walter Reed and ask a wounded
Veteran what they think of your proposal.

Maybe you should fight for more important things the
military and America has issues with, like health care,
housing, jobs, emergency response, and our enormous
debt. Instead of worrying about steroids in sports,
how about Congress worries about money for schools?
How about Congress takes a small pay cut and helps a
wounded soldier, or a homeless person, or a school.
How about you fight to stop giving money to countries
that support terrorists and put it back in our
economy. How about you fight to pull troops out of
countries that don't want us there and put them on our
borders. How about you do something to help the
military morale rather than peck at the small things
that they have (at least when not deployed).

Tonight Sir, you go home, kiss your wife, call your
kids and talk to them for more than 15 minutes on a
phone with no delay, think about the young men and
women fighting in a foreign country for the freedoms
of America and supporting the government and country
for which they stand, and then, wake up the next day
beside your wife, eat breakfast, read a newspaper, and
hopefully you will stop the campaign to mess with our
freedoms or you will fight to abolish those freedoms
for all Americans.

I doubt you'll answer. You'll probably blow this
off, or spin it to look good for you. That's fine; I'm
sending a copy to news agencies and emails. How about
next time, you let the military vote on an issue
before trying to act on it.

Frankie L Davis
D Co 2-159 ARB
APO, AE 09391
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Re: I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

Post by KISS »

WOW!Next rebel generation rules! 8-)
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Re: I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

Post by okie »

Just goes to show you ,don't come between a man and his porno !!
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Re: I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

Post by EAGLE »

okie wrote:Just goes to show you ,don't come between a man and his porno !!
I'll salute THAT flag Bro'! The young man has grown up alot since he has become a Soldier. I'm very proud of both our boys!
Sleep In Peace Tonight!
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Re: I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

Post by okie »

I would be too !! I'm sure they are fine young men!!
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Re: I Think my Son is Pissed Off!!!!

Post by EAGLE »

Update! The oldest Brother Lee is home from his second tour and will be leaving the Army. Seems he's had enough. He will be entering law enforcement in South Florida where he can get shot at on a more regular basis :( . The youngest son is leaving for the US Marine Corps Security Forces three days after Lee gets out of the Army. I'll be filing my Military retirement paperwork starting on the first of September to be official on the first of October 08. Then on the first of October 2009 I'll be retired. Hopefully I won't have to deploy before then. The good news is that BFly has informed me that I get to continue to work in my retirement. Ain't she sweet? :? :P :mrgreen: Hey G'! Did Lee ever tell you about the responce that he recieved? They about always respond to these things, especially from a soldier in a combat zone.
Sleep In Peace Tonight!
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