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Max Motors

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:30 pm
by SRF

Re: Max Motors

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:01 pm
by hogv8
Can I hear a Amen ?


Re: Max Motors

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:06 pm
by V8 Perv
Hey Shane if that guy is your boss I would sure hate to get into
an arguement with him. He sure tore up the smartass chick
interviewing him. I admire someone who is cleaver enough
to come up with a good sales campaign and then holds his ground
when some asshole bitches.

Re: Max Motors

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:51 pm
by SRF
Iowa 57 chevy wrote:Hey Shane if that guy is your boss I would sure hate to get into
an arguement with him. He sure tore up the smartass chick
interviewing him. I admire someone who is cleaver enough
to come up with a good sales campaign and then holds his ground
when some asshole bitches.
Yes, that is my boss. I made the comment after seeing the video that he really seemed prepared for the questions. One of the people I made the comment to said he wasn't prepared it was around 6 am. We had Guns and Gas last year got international attention over it, it wasn't long ago well after it was all over the French news was at the dealership wanting to see some guns. Several news stations were there today should be more videos online soon. I am watching the following links for updates:


Re: Max Motors

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:26 pm
by Tom
Shane... Your boss rocks!!!!

Re: Max Motors

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:37 pm
by carburetormike
Hi Shane, I agree totally with your boss. That sure is a promotion that should be used throughout this country. This is America ! ! ! Our Rites are written in the Constitution of these United States of America. Also, --- Many Good People gave their lives in defense of it's content. It would be a shame if we allow it to all be in vain.

It is total B.S. that the Media is allowed to demonize Fire Arms or what ever else they wish to add to that list. It sickens me to see these types of propaganda campaigns. It is also B.S. that our elected officials are dismantling the Constitution a little at a time, All under the B.S. story it going to keep us safe. ( Go read the "Patriot Act" = This is Bull Shit ! ! !

Those who do not wish to follow the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule and pray on whom ever they wish, Will think twice knowing everyone has a firearm in their home. An AK-47 will keep you plenty safe if you ever needed it.

" If you Outlaw Guns, ONLY OUTLAWS will have Guns. "
" Free people own Firearms, Slaves Don't. "

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "

I don't believe everything I read or watch. But there must be some truth in any presentation. I hope non of this is true. But what should we do if half of it is?

Re: Max Motors

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:41 pm
by SRF
Just watched one of the newer videos, I think it was a day or 2 ago. I thought this one has a good explanation of how the AK 47 is not that much different than any common gun. ... ax-motors/


Re: Max Motors

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:11 pm
Shane,tell your boss that now his advertisement reaches already up to Finland! :o Theck this: ... 0_ul.shtml

Well done!

Re: Max Motors

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 5:09 pm
by SRF
KISS wrote:Shane,tell your boss that now his advertisement reaches already up to Finland! :o Theck this: ... 0_ul.shtml

Well done!
Thanks, I passed the article on to my boss. I couldn't read much of it, but the important words were there.
