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Race War?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 11:47 am
by okie
Do you think if obama gets elected and when he gets assinated it will start a huge race war? There has to be some musslim haten,all American,bible thumper( black hater maybe ) that is planning this.I was thinking about the race wars in the 60's and the Rodney King thing.Helter Skelter.I hope it's a black guy that does it.

Re: Race War?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 6:35 pm
by carburetormike
Hi Okie, That is a question I can not answer. I'm not saying that something like that couldn't happen.

If you have an awareness of the Conspiracy Possibilities.

I think it would go more like this. Obama wins. But everything will be fine. Until he starts stepping on the toes of those who control everything. Re: The Military Industrial Complex, The US Secret Government, The Money Masters = Fed Rev, IRS, The Bilderberg Group, The Counsel on Foreign Relations, The Vatican (Yes the Vatican), And the rest of those people working for the New World Order in order to expand their control over Humanity. Then he will be handled. (((" You don't know, What you don't know ")))

Your scenario sounds like a way to pin it on someone else as a pigeon though.

I guess we will see if he wins.

Carburetor Mike

Always trust a person who says he is looking for the truth, And never trust a person who says that he has found it. - Jorden Maxwell

Re: Race War?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:40 pm
by carburetormike
I know almost everyone in America doesn't even what to think about this stuff. BUT THEY SHOULD ! ! If Earths Humanity doesn't Wake Up soon. It's over for our descendants. There is no doubt they will be totally enslaved. I know some of you are just beginning to see what I'm seeing. As I watch the view counter slowly go up on the info I present.

Keep looking. At least look hard enough to prove to yourself it's not happening. Please make me look like a fool, and prove it to me, that this is not happening. I really don't think you can.

I'm not going to pretend like I know everything, Because I don't. But what I do know I will present to others.

Remember JFK? the last President to be assassinated. He started stepping on toes and look what happened. 2:38 second into this video, Is the footage shot on that day. You want to know who shot JFK. Look at the Drivers right shoulder just as dear Johns head goes flying back. You may be able to make out the pistol resting on his shoulder. And then quickly being put away.

A man named Billy Copper presented this in a Google video. Bill also predicted 911 in June 2001, he also named the scape goat. 2 and a half months later it happened. Two months after that the unarmed Bill Copper was gunned down on his own door step. These people are ruthless and power hungry, Even the President of the United States isn't safe from the wrath of these evil men. So be very careful, and don't step on their toes.

I can see this crap. It's hear my friends. And it's only going to stop when the majority of Americans WAKES UP ! !

Carburetor Mike

" I don't care what other people think, All that matters is that I think." - Carby Mike